Money making guide/Crafting diamond bracelets

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Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). Players can craft diamond bracelets at any furnace, though the Edgeville furnace is the best to use as it is the closest to a bank and requires no quests to access. If you have completed Song of the Elves, use the Prifddinas furnace instead. If you have completed the Elite Karamja Diary, you can use the furnace in Shilo village without a cost.

While the furnaces in Shilo Village (after diary) and Prifddinas are recommended, both have a large amount of requirements (examples include completion of the TzHaar Fight Cave, and many skills/quests) to utilize. Note that the distance from bank to furnace in Shilo Village is one tile shorter than that in Prifddinas.

For high efficiency, set your bank withdrawal quantity to 13 (as a custom value) so that 13 each of diamond and gold bar supply is withdrawn by a single click. Then run to the furnace (best done clicking outside of the bank window) to craft the bracelets.

The Graceful outfit is essential, especially when using the Edgeville furnace. The total weight carrying the gold bars, diamonds, and mould is 24 kg, which will cancel out the weight reduction given from the Graceful outfit's set bonus.

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