Money making guide/Making sacred oil

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Sacred oil is a vial of blessed olive oil that is used to make pyre logs. It is obtained from the Shades of Mort'ton minigame by using vials of olive oil on the fire altar once the temple has been fully repaired and the altar lit. Converting olive oil to sacred oil costs sanctity points, which are gained by repairing the temple walls. Each dose of olive oil costs about 0.9% sanctity to convert; a 4-dose vial of olive oil will cost about 3.6% sanctity to convert into sacred oil. Additionally, players must have at least 10% sanctity in order to convert olive oil into sacred oil.

Approximately 300-400 sacred oil can be produced per hour depending on Crafting level. A higher Crafting level, Flamtaer hammer, and Flamtaer bracelet all increase sanctity gained per minute.

The official world for Shades of Mort'ton is world 377. Bringing a tinderbox is optional when playing on this world since other players usually keep the fire altar lit. Bring the Flamtaer hammer and Flamtaer bag. Wear the Morytania legs 3 and a Flamtaer bracelet. Building supplies can be purchased at Razmire Builders Merchants then stored in a Flamtaer bag for inventory space. Fill the rest of your inventory with olive oil. Go to the temple and start repairing the walls until you have 95%+ sanctity. Convert all olive oil to sacred oil on the fire altar. Teleport to Burgh de Rott using Morytania legs 3 and bank all sacred oil. Alternatively, run to Burgh de Rott to bank the oil. Grab a new bracelet if needed and refill your inventory with olive oil and run back to the temple.

A combat level of at least 81 is strongly recommended to avoid being targeted by the loar shades whilst building the temple.

Sacred oil is a relatively low volume trade item. It might take some time to sell sacred oil at the shown trading prices. Alternatively, players can use their sacred oil to make redwood pyre logs.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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