Money making guide/Picking potatoes

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Picking potatoes
ProfitExperience gained
30,500, after tax None
InputsOutputs (30,500, after tax)
500 × Potato (30,500)

Potatoes are the base ingredient for all types of potatoes with toppings, including one of the highest-healing foods in the game. There is a consistent demand for raw potatoes on the Grand Exchange, and someone has to pick them!

Potatoes can be found in potato fields, and the best free-to-play location is north of the Lumbridge cow pen. Starting off at the bank in Al Kharid, walk north until you are outside of the city, and then north past the Al Kharid mine and past the gate. The potato field is directly to the west. Fill your inventory with potatoes, and then return to the Al Kharid bank. Deposit your potatoes and repeat.

Picking potatoes takes approximately 80 seconds for an inventory of 28. It also takes 120 seconds to run back and forth from the potato field to the bank, for a run time of 200 seconds. This means that you can pick about 500 potatoes in an hour (18 trips per hour). The potatoes can be sold on the Grand Exchange, but can be difficult to sell at times. The low profit and lack of experience makes it an inefficient method for high-level players, but its lack of requirements makes it a good method for newer players. Members can use sacks to reduce the amount of time spent banking, and increase profit earned per hour.

Members can also use the Tool Leprechaun opposite the potato patch (by the hops patch) to note raw potatoes.

Check the live price and daily volume of items on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.
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