Money making guide/Smelting steel bars
Lua error in ...ribunto/includes/Engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mwInit.lua at line 23: bad argument #1 to 'old_ipairs' (table expected, got nil). Steel bars (521) are frequently traded due to its use in smithing steel equipment. The best furnace for F2P players to smelt steel is at the furnace in Edgeville as it is the closest furnace to a bank in F2P. Players can smelt and bank up to 775 or more steel bars per hour.
Players that have completed Dwarf Cannon may consider carrying an Ammo mould (taking 9 iron and 18 coal) to then smith 36 Cannonballs (36x213) with the 9 Steel bars (9x521) they've just made for an increase in XP and profit per hour when prices are advantageous. <mapframe align="center" text="Map of Edgeville." plane="0" width="300" y="3487" x="3095" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> [] </mapframe>
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