Resourceful Raider

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Resourceful Raider (#426)
Released 30 November 2022 (Update)
Members Yes
Description Complete the Tombs of Amascut with the "On a diet" and "Dehydration" invocations activated and without anyone dying.
Tier Master
Monster Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode
Type Restriction
League region Desert Desert

Resourceful Raider is a master combat achievement which requires the player to complete the Tombs of Amascut raid while having the "Dehydration" and "On a Diet" invocation on and no players dying, at level 300 or above.


To complete this task, it is highly recommended that the player has an amulet of blood fury and Keris partisan of the sun. A Sanguinesti staff is helpful, but not absolutely required if the player possesses Tumeken's shadow.

On a Diet prevents players from using solids (e.g sharks) and also prevents the Helpful Spirit from giving Silk dressings. Dehydration prevents players from using potions to heal (e.g Saradomin brews), which also means that players cannot use nectar or ambrosia either.

The only bosses where players may take significant damage would be Wardens and Akkha, as both Zebak, Kephri and Ba-Ba (when using the red-X method) should not deal any significant damage at all due to their attacks being easily avoidable and/or blocked. The player's main source of healing will be from the sun keris, as its passive restores 12 health and overheals to 20% of their base Hitpoints level at the cost of 5 prayer points. This effect is particularly useful at the Wardens' phase 3 to heal off the skulls during the interludes. In addition, it has a special attack that fully restores health and overheals 20% of their Hitpoints level at the cost of 50 prayer points, which can be very useful in a pinch.

The Saradomin Godsword and toxic blowpipe are also a viable option for providing healing power through the Wardens fight. Since "Dehydration" and "On a Diet" are active, the player should only select the "Power" option from the Helpful Spirit, which provides both a smelling salt and liquid adrenaline. The "Chaos" option is only useful if the pack contains adrenaline and Tears of elidinis, although this scenario is usually unlikely and thus players can simply choose another power option instead.

Due to the extra adrenaline, players can dump special attacks on whoever is the last boss to slightly speed up the kill time.

Other tasks

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode.
