Skippy and the Mogres

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Skippy and the Mogres
Released 24 October 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series None
Developer(s) Anthony W

Skippy and the Mogres is a miniquest in which players are taught how to fight mogres.


Start pointSpeak to Skippy located south-east of the town of Rimmington. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3197" x="2977" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2977.5,3195.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2977,3195

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyNovice
Official lengthVery Short
DescriptionHelp a drunken man haunted by the curse of the Mogres.
  • Cooking 20 Cooking (boostable) (not required to start)
Items required
Enemies to defeat None
League notesAsgarnia Asgarnia - location requirement


South-east of Rimmington, near the shores, wanders a drunken man named Skippy. He appears to be shouting at the sea, and rambles on mindlessly when you attempt to talk with him. Since any man usually makes more sense sober, you will have to pour a bucket of water over his head; a well-known cure to drunkenness.

Nettle tea

Skippy will sober up, but becomes annoyed by the fact he is now wet. He will ask for a nettle tea to warm himself up. You'll need to put nettles in a bowl of water to create nettle-water, then boil it on a range or fire to obtain nettle tea. Nettles can be found nearby, south of the Draynor Village jail, or in Edgeville, near the yew trees, and have to be gathered with gloves. Conveniently, a pair of leather gloves spawn next to the nettles in Edgeville. You might overboil the water however, therefore it is recommended to pick multiple nettles. You can barge into the house next to Skippy to use the range there.

Head back and use the nettle tea on Skippy. He will now be sober enough to realise that he has a hangover and requires a hangover cure. This cure can be made by grinding chocolate into chocolate dust with a knife or pestle and mortar, adding the chocolate dust to a bucket of milk, and then using snape grass on the chocolatey milk. Snape grass can be found nearby in the Hobgoblin peninsula, west of the Crafting Guild. A dairy cow is also present near the guild. Chocolate and a knife can be bought in Port Sarim.

Return to Skippy and use the cure on him. This will cure him. He will then explain that he had been attacked by mogres, and shows you a trick to gently chase them out of the water with fishing explosives.

Congratulations! You've completed this miniquest!



This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Required for completing

Completion of Skippy and the Mogres is required for the following:


  • Skippy's phrase "The horror! The horror!" that he sometimes shouts while throwing things into the water is a reference to the famous line in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
  • When throwing bottles in the water, Skippy will sometimes say ''They're coming out of the walls!'', this is a reference to the movie Aliens.
  • If you already have ingredients for the hangover cure, you will get slightly different dialogue.
  • According to his dialogue, Skippy had been drinking "Captain Braindeath's Extra Strength Rum/Drain Cleaner. Now 50% more debilitating" for a week. In addition to known ingredients, it also contains sheep tranquilizers.