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For all items and their stats worn in this slot, see this table

Vambraces are Ranged armour worn in the gloves slot. They offer a small range and defence bonus. Dragonhide and leather vambraces can be spiked with kebbit claws which increases the Strength bonus.

Dragonhide vambraces only require a certain Ranged level, depending on the type of dragonhide. This means combat pure players can take advantage of their bonuses.

Item Notes Equip level Members
Ranged Defence
Created by using the Crafting skill from soft leather. 1 1 0
Created by adding kebbit claws to leather vambraces. 1 1 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from snakeskin. 30 30 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from green dragonleather or purchased at the Champions' Guild. 40 1 0
Created by adding kebbit claws to Green dragonhide vambraces. 40 1 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from blue dragonleather. 50 1 1
Created by adding kebbit claws to Blue dragonhide vambraces. 50 1 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from red dragonleather. 60 1 1
Created by adding kebbit claws to Red dragonhide vambraces. 60 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 65 45 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from black dragonleather. 70 1 1
Created by adding kebbit claws to Black dragonhide vambraces. 70 1 1
Guthix bracers Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Possible reward from a hard Treasure Trail. 70 1 1
Created by using the Crafting skill from hueycoatl hide. 70 1 1
Obtained as a drop from Nex. 80 45 1