Auguste is a Saradominist monk living on Entrana. He is tired of living on the island but his desire for a more exciting life has finally convinced him to seek something more. He can be found on the western coast of the southern half of the island.
Auguste is the inventor of the first hot-air balloon, and convinces players to help him fly around Gielinor in the quest Enlightened Journey. Once the quest is completed, players have the ability - with the required Firemaking levels and appropriate type of logs - to use the Balloon transport system to fly to various towns and places.
This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page. Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.Expression error: Unrecognised word "span".
His name and occupation are a reference to Auguste Piccard, who was a Swiss balloonist.
His appearance and character are also a reference to Jean-Luc Picard, a Star Trek character who, in turn, was based on Auguste Piccard. On his collar Auguste has only three gold studs, unlike Jean-Luc Picard, who has four gold studs marking his captain rank.
When asked about Auguste's unusual chathead (in comparison to other human chatheads), Mod Goblin jokingly answered that he is being punished by Saradomin for his "not totally Monkly travel ambitions", referring to his unorthodox means of transportation via hot air balloon.[1]