Treasure Trails/Full guide/Beginner

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For the main article, see Treasure Trails.


Beginner clue scrolls can be between one and three steps long with few or no quest requirements. In order to complete steps from Charlie the Tramp, beginner clues also require Iron ore, Iron dagger, Raw herring, Raw trout, Trout, Pike, Leather body or Leather chaps.

Item Description
Must be in the inventory in order to receive the next step or reward.
Spade or Eastfloor spade Digging in certain locations is required for some clues.
File:Skull sceptre (i).png Teleportation runes and items Use these to travel over large distances.
File:Energy potion.png File:Super energy.png File:Stamina potion.png Energy potions (super) or stamina potions Use these to restore energy.
Money Use this to buy items needed for emote clues and travel costs.
Dramen or lunar staff Use this to access the Fairy ring network shortly into Fairytale II - Cure a Queen (especially useful for medium clues).


These requirements are not strictly required as they can all be obtained from other sources or from other players. Certain clues will require items that need a certain skill requirement in order to wear or wield. The table below shows the highest skill requirement, in order to complete every beginner clue without purchasing from a store, getting a monster drop, or trading with other players.

Highest requirement Details
Cooking 20 (boostable) Required to cook a pike.
Crafting 18 (boostable) Required to craft leather chaps.
Fishing 25 (boostable) Required to catch a raw pike.
Mining 15 (boostable) Required to mine an iron ore.
Smithing 15 (boostable) Required to smith an iron dagger.

Anagram clues

Cryptic clues are common riddle clues that can be found in all tiers of Treasure Trails. These clues demand a fairly wide variety of tasks. The tasks range from speaking to an NPC, searching a designated crate, or directing the player to dig in some fairly obscure location. For higher difficulty Treasure Trails, players may have to complete additional side tasks in order to complete the clue. These side task challenges may include finding a key or completing a puzzle box.

When doing medium Treasure Trails, clues will occasionally lead to a locked chest or drawer, which requires a key to open. Attempting to open the chest or drawer will provide a clue to which specific, usually local, monster to kill. Monsters that drop treasure trail keys drop them only when the player is in possession of that clue. It is worth noting that for clue steps involving keys, it is possible to obtain the key before reading the hint, which could save the player some time.

During hard clue scrolls, players may get shown a fairy ring code followed by some numbers. To solve these, the player must travel to the corresponding fairy ring and then take the number of steps shown by the numbers, in order of the compass direction (North, East, South, West), and then dig at that spot.

During hard or master clues, players may receive a puzzle box challenge from an NPC. Players must unscramble the image in order to receive the next clue or the reward.

During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues in one step. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot, or talk to the correct NPC, to obtain a torn part of the next step. When all three are obtained, they can be combined into either a new clue step, or the reward casket.

Anagram Solution Location
AN EARL Ranael Al Kharid skirt shop
CHAR GAME DISORDER Archmage Sedridor Wizards' Tower basement
CARPET AHOY Apothecary South-west Varrock
I CORD Doric North of Falador
IN BAR Brian Port Sarim battleaxe shop
RAIN COVE Veronica Outside Draynor Manor
RUG DETER Gertrude West of Varrock, south of the Cooks' Guild
SIR SHARE RED Hairdresser Western Falador
TAUNT ROOF Fortunato Draynor Village Market

Cryptic clues

Cryptic clues are common riddle clues that can be found in all tiers of Treasure Trails. These clues demand a fairly wide variety of tasks. The tasks range from speaking to an NPC, searching a designated crate, or directing the player to dig in some fairly obscure location. For higher difficulty Treasure Trails, players may have to complete additional side tasks in order to complete the clue. These side task challenges may include finding a key or completing a puzzle box.

When doing medium Treasure Trails, clues will occasionally lead to a locked chest or drawer, which requires a key to open. Attempting to open the chest or drawer will provide a clue to which specific, usually local, monster to kill. Monsters that drop treasure trail keys drop them only when the player is in possession of that clue. It is worth noting that for clue steps involving keys, it is possible to obtain the key before reading the hint, which could save the player some time.

During hard clue scrolls, players may get shown a fairy ring code followed by some numbers. To solve these, the player must travel to the corresponding fairy ring and then take the number of steps shown by the numbers, in order of the compass direction (North, East, South, West), and then dig at that spot.

During hard or master clues, players may receive a puzzle box challenge from an NPC. Players must unscramble the image in order to receive the next clue or the reward.

During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues in one step. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot, or talk to the correct NPC, to obtain a torn part of the next step. When all three are obtained, they can be combined into either a new clue step, or the reward casket.

Clue Notes Task Image
Always walking around the castle grounds and somehow knows everyone's age. Talk to Hans walking around Lumbridge Castle.
Buried beneath the ground, who knows where it's found. Lucky for you, A man called Reldo may have a clue. Speak to Reldo to receive a strange device used by Hot and Cold clues to locate the location of the next clue.

Players can immediately start the search without speaking to Reldo if they already own a strange device.

In the place Duke Horacio calls home, talk to a man with a hat dropped by goblins. Talk to the Cook in Lumbridge Castle.
In a village of barbarians, I am the one who guards the village from up high. Talk to Hunding atop the tower on the east side of Barbarian Village.
Talk to Charlie the Tramp in Varrock. Talk to Charlie the Tramp by the southern entrance to Varrock. He will give you a task.
Near the open desert I reside, to get past me you must abide. Go forward if you dare, for when you pass me, you'll be sweating by your hair. Talk to Shantay at the Shantay Pass south of Al Kharid.

Emote clues

Emote clues involve equipping certain items in a particular location and performing an emote. These types of clues are featured in all levels of Treasure Trails. Once the emote has been performed, Uri will appear and give the player the next clue (or the reward, if the emote clue was the final step of the Treasure Trail). If the player has been requested to do another emote before talking to Uri, and they forgot to do it, he will say, I don't believe we have any business... but will not leave. The player can still perform the second emote and then talk to Uri to finish the clue. Easy clues require performing one emote, medium clues require performing two, and hard and above clues require performing one emote, then fighting an enemy such as the Double Agent. Elite clues do not involve fighting the Double Agent.

Note that wearing any version of a required item different than the standard one will not work (for example, a Rune platebody (t) will not work in place of a Rune platebody).

For players who do Treasure Trails frequently, it is not recommended to keep items for all emote clues banked, as hundreds of different items are used across the Treasure Trail levels which take up significant bank space. Players with the appropriate construction level can build STASH units to store emote clue items near where the emote clue is located, saving bank space.

A list of items used in each level of Treasure Trail can be found here.

Clue Items Notes Map
Blow a raspberry at Aris in her tent.

Equip a gold ring and a gold necklace.

Aris can be found in her tent at Varrock Square.
Bow to Brugsen Bursen at the Grand Exchange. Brugsen Bursen is found inside the Grand Exchange.
Cheer at Iffie Nitter.

Equip a chef's hat and a red cape.

Iffie can be found in Thessalia's Fine Clothes store in Varrock.
Clap at Bob's Brilliant Axes.

Equip a bronze axe and leather boots.

Bob's Brilliant Axes is located in south Lumbridge, right outside Lumbridge Castle.
Panic at Al Kharid mine. Al Kharid mine is located just north of Al Kharid. The area is quite large, so the step can also be completed at the southern entrance of the mine or standing in the north-western corner outside the mine.
Spin at Flynn's Mace Shop. Flynn's Mace Market is located near the north entrance of Falador.

Hot Cold

Hot Cold clues are clues in which a strange device will tell the player in the chatbox whether the player is Hot (close to) or Cold (far away from) the intended location to dig. This is based on an older children's game.

To find your location, click on the strange device and it will tell you how close you are to the treasure. Its temperature is based on the distance of the treasure from the player, measured in the number of steps it would take to reach the treasure, ignoring any obstacles (this is the Chebyshev distance between the player and treasure). Then, teleport or walk to another location, and check to see if the strange device has gotten warmer. Repeat to pinpoint a location. You can also use the list or map to help you find your location.

A chart to easily determine the Hot Cold locations
Location Image Map
Inside the wheat field next to Draynor Village
Atop Ice Mountain
Cow field north of Lumbridge
Patch of mushrooms just north-west of Draynor Manor
North-east of Al Kharid Mine

Chronicle Trick[1]

The Chronicle Trick is an easy way to determine which of the possible locations your clue is at, and is performed as follows:

1. Teleport to the Champion's Guild using the Chronicle, and check the orb

2. If it is Cold, the clue is on Ice Mountain.

3. If it is Hot, the clue is in the Draynor wheat field

4. If it is Very Hot or Incredibly Hot, the clue is in the cow field furthest north of Lumbridge Castle.

5. If Warm, the clue is either north of the Al Kharid mine, or it is behind Draynor Manor. Take a step Eastward and check the orb again. If it is warmer, the clue is in Al Kharid, otherwise, it is behind the Draynor Manor.


Map clues are an image of a location the player needs to search to advance along their trail. Maps are found across all clue scroll difficulties. They are rough pictures of a very local area. If the map leads to an X, the player needs to take a spade to the place indicated on the map with the X and dig there. If the map leads to a crate, it must simply be searched. Sometimes, players may find a small pile of crates, or a multitude of them. Search all of them until the next clue or the reward is found. Maps can include landmarks such as buildings, fish to indicate fishing spots, roads, rivers, bridges, and so on.

Digging in the location pointed to by a map clue will never spawn any monsters.

Maps are sorted by boxes and then by X, and then from left to right based on the location of the mark.

Map Location Image
Locate the single tree that is west of the Champions' Guild, outside Varrock. Dig two squares to the east of it.
Due east of Falador's north gate. Look for the (grapple) agility shortcut icon.
South of Draynor Village bank, by the fishing spot.
South-east Varrock mine. Dig one square west of the small fern.
Directly behind the Wizards' Tower, there's a fern you can use as a reference; the dig spot is one tile directly north of the fern. Fairy ring code DIS is very close.

Charlie the Tramp

When first received, Charlie the Tramp clues will say "Talk to Charlie the Tramp in Varrock." Charlie will request an item, similar to Falo the Bard, albeit Charlie will keep the item instead.

Item GE Price
Iron ore 209
Iron dagger 101
Raw herring 144
Raw trout 92
Trout 43
Pike 42
Leather body 11
Leather chaps 14

For Ironmen who wish to source the items quickly:

  1. ^ From a comment by @pidgeotroll on the YouTube video "The Ultimate F2P Beginner Clue Scroll Guide (OSRS)" by Vannaka