Blood ancient sceptre (beta)

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Blood ancient sceptre
Released12 April 2023 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWield, Drop
ExamineA very old and powerful stick, enhanced with the power of blood magic.
Value211,000 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight2.267 kg
Advanced data
Item IDbeta25489

The blood ancient sceptre is a sceptre requiring 75 Magic, 60 Strength, and 50 Attack to wear. Like its predecessor, the ancient sceptre, it will increase the effects of Ancient Magicks by 10%, with the added effect of being able to overheal up to 10% over the user's base Hitpoints.

It is available to use on a beta world as part of the DT2 Rewards Beta after having passed the relevant consultation poll, where players can playtest it in various content before a second poll is brought forward to ask players whether they'd like it to be implemented in the live game as a reward from completing the quest Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerWeapon slot table
Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleAttack speedRangeExperienceLevel boost
BashCrushAccurate4 ticks (2.4s)1 tileAttack Hitpoints+3 Attack
PoundCrushAggressiveStrength Hitpoints+3 Strength
FocusCrushDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence
SpellMagicDefensive Autocast5 ticks (3.0s)10 tilesMagic Hitpoints DefenceNone
SpellMagicAutocastMagic HitpointsNone
Autocasting options


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:14 June 2023| |0}} {{#explode:14 June 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 June 2023| |2}}]]

The 35% blood spell effect buff has been replaced with the current effect.