Mahogany Homes

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Mahogany Homes
Released26 August 2020 (Update)
LocationFalador, Varrock, East Ardougne, Hosidius
League regionAsgarniaMisthalinKandarinKourend
Reward currencyCarpenter points

Mahogany Homes is a Construction minigame in which players complete contracts for various NPCs throughout Falador, Varrock, East Ardougne, and Hosidius. The player is assigned a contract by contractors working for the Mahogany Homes company, with the location of the contract chosen at random. Completing the contract involves travelling to the home of the NPC and repairing/replacing items within the home. This requires the use of a differing number of planks per contract, and occasionally one steel bar. The type of plank required depends on the type of contract taken. Four types of contract are available: Beginner (level 1), Novice (level 20), Adept (level 50) and Expert (level 70). The player may choose any type of contract they have the level requirement for, with the type chosen determining the materials that must be used. Higher tier contracts offer higher experience rates for higher cost.

Once done, the player may speak to the homeowner to complete the contract. They may then return to a contractor to receive another contract.

Completing contracts rewards the player with additional Construction experience and carpenter points which may be used at the Mahogany Homes Reward Shop. The minigame offers modest experience rates at a cheaper cost than traditional Construction training methods.

Getting started

Speak to the head of the company, Amy, who is located in Falador just south of the park at the Minigames minigame icon. She offers to send the player on jobs to complete contracts for the company. Completing a contract requires a hammer, a saw, a few steel bars, and some regular, oak, teak, or mahogany planks, depending on the contract's tier. Nails are not required.

Higher tiers contracts are unlocked with higher Construction levels. Beginner contracts can be started at level 1, Novice at level 20, Adept at level 50 and Expert at level 70. Amy will provide the player with a contract for one of several possible houses in one of four locations: south-east Falador, north-east or southern Varrock, southern or central Hosidius, or throughout East Ardougne. At the contract location, the client will list what items needs to be repaired or fixed, which is randomised between the furniture they have. Talking to the client is not required before starting the contract, however, they must be spoken to in order to complete the contract once all items in the house have been completed. The reward is additional Construction experience, carpenter points, and the client will offer a cup of tea, which when accepted, restores run energy to 100%.

Amy must be spoken to for only the first contract, afterwards, other contractors will also give out contracts: Marlo in Varrock, Ellie in East Ardougne, and Angelo in Hosidius. New contracts can be in any of the cities a contractor is in, including Falador. Each Mahogany Homes office is located in or near an estate agent office in each city. Any tier of contract can be selected as long as the Construction level requirement is met. For example, many players do Adept level contracts past level 70 due to the high cost of mahogany planks.

While contract level requirements are boostable, invisible boosts such as the crystal saw will not work. Building new furniture level requirements are also boostable, including the boost from the crystal saw. Repairing items, such as broken mirrors, has no level requirement. Contracts cannot be cancelled, so boosts should be used with caution.

Recommended setup


Teleports to Varrock, East Ardougne and Falador, and a charged Xeric's talisman or POH set in Hosidius are strongly recommended, along with the graceful outfit. Using the Lunar spellbook's NPC Contact spell is the preferred way to contact Amy for quicker contracts instead of running to one of the contractors.

An example inventory for contract runs is shown to the right: teleport tablets for Varrock, Ardougne, and Falador, a plank sack, a rune pouch containing air, astral, and cosmic runes for NPC Contact, a hammer, a saw, steel bars, and planks relative to the player's current contract and Construction level. Wearing Amy's saw or the Imcando hammer in the off-hand is recommended to allow the player to carry an additional plank. Players without the requisite Magic level to cast NPC Contact or players without the ability to obtain and use tablets may instead sacrifice inventory space for teleportation runes, but banking will need to be done more often to restock on steel bars and planks.

Moving a player-owned house to Hosidius may be helpful to easily reach Barbara's house in southern Hosidius, but the teleport to Xeric's Glade from a Xeric's talisman is still closer to Leela's and Mariah's houses.

A charged ring of wealth can replace Falador teleport tablets to serve as a teleport to Falador Park, directly north of Amy. The ring of wealth teleport is about 6 seconds closer to contracts and the east bank compared to the Falador teleport spell or tablet. A skills necklace is another alternative, as the teleport to the Mining Guild is just as close as Falador Park, albeit with a staircase and a closed door along the route to the contract locations.

It is recommended to use a staff of air or equivalent to save on air runes, though this may be substituted for Amy's saw or the Imcando hammer if additional inventory space is preferred. With a high enough Magic level and teleports in the player-owned house, Spellbook Swap along with an air staff and law runes inside the rune pouch provide an additional 4 inventory spaces.

Players who have upgraded their pouch to a divine rune pouch can bring dust runes and Law runes (in addition to astral and cosmic runes) to cast Spellbook Swap as well as Home Teleport. Additionally, using a steam battlestaff will enable the player to teleport to Varrock, Ardougne, Falador and POH without the need for teleport tablets - given they're on the Standard spellbook, or can swap to it with Spellbook Swap. This can open up more room for additional planks and more houses without restocking, as well as being slightly cheaper.

Note: All of the locations for each homeowner are in relative distance to the Contractors except for Barbara, Sarah, and to a lesser extent, Tau. This means that, because they allow you to refill your run energy after every repair session, you don't necessarily need to use runes to communicate with Amy in particular. As an alternative setup, the rune pouch and spare item slots in place of the tablets can be replaced by teleport runes for Falador and Varrock, and more planks. A book of the dead and any of the Ardougne cloaks (rewarded from the Ardougne Diary) allow you to get to the Hosidius and Ardougne homeowner locations respectively.

Note: For players with an achievement diary cape, three of the locations (Varrock, Ardougne and Falador) are easily accessible using the cape's teleports (teleport options D, 1, and 3, respectively), with the teleports in some cases being closer and in some cases further than the default normal teleport. The remaining locations in Hosidius can be accessed by a worn, charged Xeric's talisman; as these items can be worn, this completely eliminates the need to carry teleport tabs or perform spellbook swap, and thereby saving 3-4 inventory slots for construction materials. Additionally, the Jarr teleport (teleport option 2) is one of the closest to a bank, allowing quick resupply as needed, and if the player's house is located in Rellekka, teleport option 4 will take them just outside the POH Portal there.

Contract locations

Each homeowner has a set of fixed furniture layouts that you may be assigned when receiving a contract for them. Higher difficulty contracts will generally require you to repair more furniture at each location. The %-chance next to steel bars indicates the chance that you will need a steel bar to complete the contract.

For a complete list of possible contract layouts, see Mahogany Homes/Mechanics.

East Ardougne

The player may be assigned to visit one of the following clients in East Ardougne.

Jess (Upstairs) Noella Ross
<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3293" x="2622" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[2620,3291],[2620,3295],[2624,3295],[2624,3291]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2622,3293



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3321" x="2659" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[2653,3323],[2653,3320],[2654,3319],[2657,3319],[2658,3320],[2658,3321],[2661,3321],[2661,3320],[2662,3319],[2663,3319],[2664,3320],[2666,3320],[2666,3324],[2661,3324],[2661,3323],[2653,3323]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2653,3323



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3317" x="2614" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[2611,3315],[2611,3319],[2618,3319],[2618,3315]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2614,3317



Furniture Resources Furniture Resources Furniture Resources
Cabinet (1) 2 planks Cupboard 2 planks Bed 2 planks
Cabinet (2) 2 planks Dresser 2 planks Double Bed 3 planks
Drawers (1) 2 planks Drawers 2 planks Drawers (1) 2 planks
Drawers (2) 2 planks Hat Stand 1 plank Drawers (2) 2 planks
Bed 3 planks Table (1) 3 planks Hat Stand 1 plank
Bathtub 1 steel bar Table (2) 3 planks Mirror 1 plank
Grandfather Clock 1 plank Grandfather clock 1 plank Range 1 steel bar
Table 3 planks Mirror 1 plank
Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Estimated Cost
Beginner 9-11  planks 0-1  bars (33%) Beginner 11-12  planks Beginner 8-11  planks 0-1  bars (33%)
Novice 9-11  planks 0-1  bars (33%) Novice 11-12  planks Novice 8-11  planks 0-1  bars (33%)
Adept 12-15  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Adept 11-15  planks Adept 8-11  planks 1  bar (100%)
Expert 14-15  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Expert 12-15  planks Expert 10-11  planks 0-1  bars (67%)


The player may be assigned to visit one of the following clients in Falador.

Larry Norman (Upstairs) Tau
<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3365" x="3038" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3034,3365],[3034,3362],[3042,3362],[3042,3368],[3037,3368],[3037,3365],[3034,3365]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3034,3365



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3344" x="3038" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3035,3347],[3035,3344],[3036,3344],[3036,3342],[3041,3342],[3041,3347],[3035,3347]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3035,3347



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3345" x="3048" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3044,3346],[3044,3343],[3046,3343],[3046,3341],[3050,3341],[3050,3347],[3052,3347],[3052,3350],[3048,3350],[3044,3346]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3044,3346



Furniture Resources Furniture Resources Furniture Resources
Drawers (1) 2 planks Bookshelf 2 planks Cupboard 2 planks
Drawers (2) 2 planks Double Bed 3 planks Hat Stand 1 plank
Grandfather Clock 1 plank Drawers 2 planks Shelves (1) 2 planks
Hat stand 1 plank Grandfather Clock 1 plank Shelves (2) 2 planks
Table (1) 3 planks Small Table 2 planks Sink 1 steel bar
Table (2) 3 planks Table 3 planks Table (1) 3 planks
Range 1 steel bar Range 1 steel bar Table (2) 3 planks
Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Estimated Cost
Beginner 8-12  planks 0-1  bars (33%) Beginner 11  planks 0-1  bars (50%) Beginner 8-12  planks 0-1  bars (75%)
Novice 8-12  planks 0-1  bars (33%) Novice 10-11  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Novice 8-12  planks 0-1  bars (67%)
Adept 9-12  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Adept 9-13  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Adept 9-13  planks 0-1  bars (33%)
Expert 12  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Expert 12-13  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Expert 12-13  planks 0-1  bars (67%)


The player may be assigned to visit one of the following clients in Hosidius.

Barbara Leela Mariah
<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3536" x="1751" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[1747,3540],[1747,3532],[1755,3532],[1755,3536],[1750,3536],[1750,3540],[1747,3540]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 1747,3540



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3592" x="1785" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[1783,3595],[1782,3594],[1782,3590],[1789,3590],[1789,3594],[1788,3595],[1783,3595]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 1783,3595



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3621" x="1767" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[1763,3623],[1763,3620],[1764,3619],[1768,3619],[1769,3620],[1769,3621],[1771,3621],[1771,3624],[1764,3624],[1763,3623]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 1763,3623



Furniture Resources Furniture Resources Furniture Resources
Bed 2 planks Cupboard 2 planks Bed 2 planks
Chair (1) 1 plank Small Table (1) 2 planks Cupboard 2 planks
Chair (2) 1 plank Small Table (2) 2 planks Hat Stand 1 plank
Drawers 2 planks Double Bed 3 planks Shelves 2 planks
Table 3 planks Mirror 1 plank Sink 1 steel bar
Range 1 steel bar Table 3 planks Small Table (1) 2 planks
Grandfather Clock 1 plank Sink 1 steel bar Small Table (2) 2 planks
Table 3 planks
Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Estimated Cost
Beginner 3-8  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Beginner 8-9  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Beginner 7-11  planks 0-1  bars (67%)
Novice 3-8  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Novice 8-9  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Novice 7-11  planks 0-1  bars (67%)
Adept 9-10  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Adept 9-10  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Adept 11-14  planks 0-1  bars (67%)
Expert 9-10  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Expert 12-13  planks 0-1  bars (67%) Expert 13-14  planks 0-1  bars (67%)


The player may be assigned to visit one of the following clients in Varrock.

Bob Jeff Sarah
<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3487" x="3238" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3235,3483],[3235,3491],[3242,3491],[3242,3483]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3238,3487



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3450" x="3240" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3237,3455],[3237,3454],[3236,3453],[3236,3452],[3237,3451],[3237,3450],[3236,3449],[3236,3448],[3237,3447],[3237,3446],[3243,3446],[3243,3447],[3244,3448],[3244,3449],[3243,3450],[3243,3451],[3244,3452],[3244,3453],[3243,3454],[3243,3455],[3237,3455]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3237,3455



<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="3384" x="3236" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3233,3382],[3233,3387],[3239,3387],[3239,3382]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3236,3384



Furniture Resources Furniture Resources Furniture Resources
Large table 4 planks Bookcase 2 planks Bed 2 planks
Bookcase (1) 2 planks Chair 1 plank Dresser 2 planks
Bookcase (2) 2 planks Drawers 2 planks Shelves 2 planks
Cabinet (1) 2 planks Dresser 2 planks Small table 2 planks
Cabinet (2) 2 planks Table 3 planks Table 3 planks
Grandfather Clock 1 plank Shelves 2 planks Range 1 steel bar
Wardrobe 2 planks Mirror 1 plank
Drawers 2 planks Bed 3 planks
Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Estimated Cost
Beginner 13-14  planks Beginner 11-13  planks Beginner 11  planks 0-1  bars (50%)
Novice 13-14  planks Novice 11-13  planks Novice 11  planks 0-1  bars (50%)
Adept 13-17  planks Adept 11-16  planks Adept 11  planks 0-1  bars (50%)
Expert 16-17  planks Expert 15-16  planks Expert 11  planks 0-1  bars (50%)

Experience costs

Each plank gives a specific amount of experience depending on whether it is used to build or repair something. They give less than if used in a player-owned house, however the player is awarded a substantial amount of construction experience once they complete the contract. Pieces needing repairs typically include a hat stand, mirror, or range. These pieces only require one plank or bar per repair. Pieces that need to be built typically include tables, beds, dressers, cupboards, etc. Higher tier contracts will typically require more furniture to be repaired or replaced, resulting in more materials being used per contract on average.

The average XP/plank values below were calculated based on crowdsourced data, which details all of the possible hotspot layouts in each difficulty tier. For more information, see Mahogany Homes/Mechanics.

Item XP/Material (Build) XP/Material (Repair) Completion XP Average XP/Plank Average XP/Plank
(with Outfit)
22.5 127.5 500 93.7 96.0
48 160 1,250 200.0 205.0
72 190 2,250 287.9 295.1
112 240 2,750 346.1 354.8
- 120 - - -

Based on the total average experience per plank, these level milestones will take the following amount of planks on average. Expect your results to vary by ±10%. These estimates do not include the Construction outfit bonus.

The average costs and experience per contract are listed below. These values were calculated from crowdsourced data to determine all possible contract layouts. For more information, see Mahogany Homes/Mechanics.

The costs below assume that you will buy all of your planks and steel bars from the Grand Exchange.

Tier Item Average planks
(per contract)
Steel bar
Average cost
(per contract)
Average xp
(per contract)
GP/xp Average xp
(with Outfit)
Beginner 10.06 0.40 −3,739.00 879.3 -4.25 901.3 -4.15
Novice 10.09 0.40 −5,889.00 1894.1 -3.11 1941.5 -3.03
Adept 11.63 0.49 −11,967.00 3260.2 -3.67 3341.7 -3.58
Expert 12.85 0.52 −29,286.00 4378.8 -6.69 4488.3 -6.53

Experience rates

The below only accounts for the cost of materials and does not include the cost of runes or teleports.

Tier Estimated XP/hr Estimated XP/hr

(plank sack)

Planks/hr Planks/hr

(plank sack)

Bars/hr Estimated GP/hr Estimated GP/hr

(plank sack)

Beginner 30,000–35,000 35,000–40,000 350–400 375–425 ~18 −141,003 −149,778
Novice 65,000–75,000 75,000–85,000 375–425 425–475 ~22 −236,662 −264,812
Adept 110,000–130,000 130,000–155,000 400–450 450–500 ~23 −439,958 −490,308
Expert 165,000–190,000 190,000–270,000 425–500 535–760 ~27-38 −1,058,479 −1,735,878

With high focus and efficient use of teleports, as well as the NPC Contact spell from the Lunar spellbook, one can expect up to 20-30% greater experience rates than mentioned above. Experience rates per hour can increase when using a plank sack due to less time spent banking. Its use in conjunction with NPC Contact can also increase the chance of being able to do two consecutive contracts located very close to each other, thus significantly decreasing downtime between contracts. When using the Carpenter's outfit, players may be able to achieve up to 280,000 Construction experience per hour depending on their efficiency.

With sufficient funds, starting at as low as level 67 Construction (with a +5 spicy stew boost to build a Portal Nexus room) players have access to one of the most effective strategies for teleporting to each location for Mahogany Homes contracts. A Portal Nexus with a mounted Xeric's talisman and a marble portal nexus (configured with teleports to Varrock, Falador and Ardougne) allows players to effectively teleport to the vicinity of each Mahogany Homes location with just a house teleport tablet. Combining this with NPC Contact and the Carpenter's outfit should result in close to maximum efficiency. Pieces of the outfit may be substituted with those of the Graceful outfit, although run energy will not be an issue if taking the tea after each contract.

A similar alternative at lower Construction and Magic levels (minimum 51 Magic for Ardougne Teleport, no NPC Contact or Lunar spellbook access), and/or without a mounted Xeric's talisman, one could consider moving their Player-owned house to Hosidius and using a rune pouch filled with law, dust and steam runes (or, alternatively, using elemental runes and/or a relevant combination battlestaff). This effectively allows teleporting to each contract location, as the Hosidius house portal is located south of the contract locations in the Hosidius area. Amy is close to the Falador teleport, and is close to a bank herself, which can be useful for obtaining new contracts and resupplying using this method.


Once a contract is complete, players will receive carpenter points dependent on their job tier and Construction experience. When using a plank sack alongside efficient teleports and the NPC Contact spell, players can expect to complete around 50-60 contracts per hour. The cost-per-point can be identified by averaging the cost per contract mentioned above. For instance, using mahogany planks would cost an estimated 11,583,872 coins in materials to obtain the full Carpenter's outfit. For the complete log you need to complete 975 Expert contracts.

Tier Construction Points
(with carpenter's outfit)
Beginner 1 2 500 512.5 1,832.60 4.85  planks
0.25  steel bars
Novice 20 3 1,250 1,281.2 1,933.47 3.28  oak planks
0.17  steel bars
Adept 50 4 2,250 2,306.2 2,960.25 2.88  teak planks
0.13  steel bars
Expert 70 5 2,750 2,818.7 5,791.94 2.54  mahogany planks
0.10  steel bars


Carpenter points can be exchanged for various rewards at the Mahogany Homes Reward Shop:

sold at
Supply crate25Contains Construction materials
Amy's saw500An equipable saw. Can be used for construction.
Plank sack350Holds up to 28 planks.
Hosidius blueprints2000Unlocks the Hosidius Wall Kit.
Carpenter's helmet400A piece of the carpenter's outfit.
Carpenter's shirt800A piece of the carpenter's outfit.
Carpenter's trousers600A piece of the carpenter's outfit.
Carpenter's boots200A piece of the carpenter's outfit.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:4 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:4 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 September 2024| |2}}]]
  • There is now a "Last-tier contract" right-click option for receiving a new contract of the same tier as your previous selection.
  • Players will now automatically drink their cup of tea upon completion of a contract.
[[{{#explode:7 August 2024| |0}} {{#explode:7 August 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 August 2024| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
  • Players are no longer shown the furniture creation menu if they have the materials to build a particular hotspot.
  • The delay when drinking a cup of tea after completing a contract has been removed.
[[{{#explode:19 June 2024| |0}} {{#explode:19 June 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 June 2024| |2}}]]

Carpenters' Clothing now boosts XP when completing Mahogany Homes Construction contracts, with a 2.5% boost when wearing the full set.

[[{{#explode:10 September 2020| |0}} {{#explode:10 September 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 September 2020| |2}}]]
  • Added furniture to Noella's house in Ardougne and cleaned the mirror.
  • Fixed a grammatical error in the Mahogany Homes messages.
  • Mahogany Homes' offices now leave their doors open for easier access.
  • The Mahogany Homes Reward Shop now highlights items players cannot afford in grey instead of red, and display points differently.
[[{{#explode:2 September 2020| |0}} {{#explode:2 September 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 September 2020| |2}}]]

The amount of carpenter points given for completing a contract has been increased by one for each tier. For contracts that were completed prior to this update, players will be given the extra points they would have gained once they log in.


  • Mahogany Homes was based on a content suggestion by a Reddit user named benosthegreat,[1] and was credited for the suggestion in the poll blog.[2]
  • Furniture in need of construction will be "zoned" on their tile, similar to how projects are zoned with ground markings before being started.
  • When using the NPC Contact spell in the Lunar Spellbook to get a new contract while you're in the house/zone that the contract would direct you to, it will not show you the furniture that you need to replace for the contract because you're in the zone already. Changing floors (such as moving up a ladder and back down) or moving away from the house and coming back will fix this.
  • When an Old Bookshelf is replaced with a new one by the player, the bookcase will still be called an Old Bookshelf. Unlike this, when the teak tables in Bob's house are replaced, the name will change to reflect that.
  • It appears that the hotspots in the houses are somehow linked. Removing furniture in the house you're renovating causes a furniture piece in other houses to also become hotspots. This is most obvious in Norman's house in Falador: removing the northern-most dresser on the upper floor causes the table in Larry's house (farther north) on the upper floor to turn into a hotspot as well, and is fully visible when zoomed out all the way.
  • In RuneScape, Construction Contracts were released on 16 November 2020. They are the same premise as Mahogany Homes.
  • If players attempt to interact with some hotspots (such as a range that isn't removable yet) from far away, they will attempt to use it, but nothing will happen. The message I'd better leave this alone right now. will then appear in the chat.


  1. ^ benosthegreat. "Construction Job Contracts- an alternative task-like way to train Constructions Plus a new rewards system for more POH Depth.." 26 February 2020. Reddit Forums.
  2. ^ "Mahogany Homes Poll Blog". RuneScape News. The Old School Team. 5 August 2020. Archived from the original.