Pay-to-play Firemaking training

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This article gives tips about training the Firemaking skill.

Levels 1–99: Burning logs


Burning logs is one of the fastest ways to train Firemaking. The best place to do this is at the eastern part of the Grand Exchange. The area has a lot of empty space and the bank is only one tile away from an area a log can be burned. When correctly timed, the player can move to another square in between lighting the logs, which allows the player to burn the logs in any formation. With fast enough banking and accurate clicks, it is possible to keep lighting the logs tick-perfectly every 4 ticks. Having noted logs in the inventory and unnoting them at the banker is recommended over using the bank interface.

An easier but a slower method is to simply burn logs in a row from east to west. The best place to do this is at Varrock: use Varrock Teleport, light the logs from the fountain and bank at the Varrock west bank. Alternatively, players can use Camelot Teleport and bank at Seers' Village.

The table below assumes 1,485 logs are burned per hour. Colored logs offer the fastest experience up to level 35 as there is a high chance of failing to light the other logs at these levels.

Levels Log type Experience XP/h Logs needed Log price Money spent GP/XP
1–35 [[File:{{#explode:Red firelighter| |0}} logs.png|link={{#explode:Red firelighter| |0}} logs]][[{{#explode:Red firelighter| |0}} logs|{{#explode:Red firelighter| |0}} logs]] 50 74,250[1] 449 155 −53,848 -3.10
35–42 Teak 105 138,000[2] 221 311 −68,731 -2.96
42–45 Arctic pine 125 185,625 128 448 −57,344 -3.58
45–50 Maple 135 200,475 295 18 −5,310 -0.13
50–60 Mahogany 157.5 233,887 1,095 527 −577,065 -3.35
60–75 Yew 202.5 300,712 4,626 260 −1,202,760 -1.28
75–90 Magic 303.8 451,143 13,614 1,046 −14,240,244 -3.44
90–99 Redwood 350 519,750 21,966 513 −11,268,558 -1.47
  1. ^ Logs burnt with a firelighter applied to them light successfully at the first attempt, and provide an additional 10 experience per log. The cheapest firelighter is currently the Red firelighter.
  2. ^ Includes some time lost to failed attempts when lighting the logs.

Money spent in total, when not using coloured logs: −27,452,740

Other methods

Levels 1–99: Burning logs on a campfire

Burning logs on a forester's campfire is a low-effort alternative to the faster methods. Choose a location where a campfire can be lit right next to a bank, such as the Grand Exchange, Rogues' Den, or the Crafting Guild. Players gain one-third of the experience compared to burning logs normally. As such, this method can be fairly expensive. Burning an inventory of logs takes around 60–80 seconds depending on the log type.

Experience rates and costs are shown in the table below. The experience rates assume 1,400 logs burned per hour.

Log type Levels XP ea XP/h Logs needed Log price GP/XP Money spent
1–15 13.3 19,000 182 −87 -6.54 −15,834
15–30 20.0 28,000 548 −109 -5.45 −59,732
30–35 30.0 42,000 302 −74 -2.47 −22,348
35–42 35.0 49,000 661 −311 -8.89 −205,571
42–45 41.6 58,000 385 −448 -10.77 −172,480
45–50 45.0 63,000 885 −18 -0.40 −15,930
50–60 52.5 73,000 3,284 −527 -10.04 −1,730,668
60–75 67.5 94,000 13,877 −260 -3.85 −3,608,020
75–90 101.3 142,000 40,829 −1,046 -10.33 −42,707,134
90–99 116.6 163,000 65,936 −513 -4.40 −33,825,168

Total money spent with this method: −82,362,885

Below is the moderate cost AFK method:

Logs Levels Exp Xp/Hour Logs needed Log price GP/XP Money spent
1-15 13.3 19,000 182 −87 -6.54 −15,834
15-30 20.0 28,000 548 −109 -5.45 −59,732
30-45 30.0 42,000 1,605 −74 -2.47 −118,770
45-60 45.0 63,000 4,717 −18 -0.40 −84,906
60-90 67.5 94,000 75,150 −260 -3.85 −19,539,000
90-99 116.6 163,000 65,936 −513 -4.40 −33,825,168

Total money spent with this method: −53,643,410

Levels 1–50: Creating pyre logs

Creating pyre logs is a relatively fast but click-intensive alternative to burning logs at lower levels. This is done by using sacred oil on logs, which requires completion of the Shades of Mort'ton quest. Pyre logs can be created at level 1, even if the logs would require a higher level to burn. Using sacred oil on logs does not have any in-game delay, and thus the creating speed is tied to the click speed.

Experience rates vary depending on click speed and accuracy. Players can gain around 55,000 experience per hour with typical click speeds, including banking and given that one pyre log is made per tick (0.6 seconds). It is possible to get much higher rates, but they realistically cap at around 80,000 experience per hour for fastest sustainable click speeds.

Note: Prices may vary, and re-selling the pyre logs might prove difficult if demand is low. Check trade volume and actual prices in the Grand Exchange before using this method for profit.

Input Output logs Profit Firemaking XP GP/XP
Logs Oil doses
87 (2) 1,401 2,165 677 10 67.70
109 (2) 1,401 2,099 589 10 58.90
74 (3) 2,538 3,143 531 15 35.40
311 (3) 2,538 3,325 476 15 31.73
448 (2) 1,401 2,456 607 15 40.47
18 (3) 2,538 2,911 355 15 23.67
527 (3) 2,538 2,992 −73 15 -4.87
260 File:Sacred oil(4).png(4) 2,476 3,391 655 20 32.75
1,046 File:Sacred oil(4).png(4) 2,476 3,853 331 20 16.55
513 File:Sacred oil(4).png(4) 2,476 3,622 633 20 31.65

Levels 50–99: Wintertodt

Subduing Wintertodt from level 50 Firemaking onwards is a slower, but profitable and low-effort alternative to burning logs. It also grants passive Woodcutting experience from chopping the bruma roots, and the Pyromancer outfit, which increases Firemaking experience by 2.5%. The fastest way to gain Firemaking experience from Wintertodt is to be on an official World (307, 309, 311, 389), which have fast games that usually last around 4 minutes. Light a brazier as soon as the round starts, chop bruma roots until you have a full inventory and burn them in the brazier. Fix and relight the brazier if needed. Fletching the bruma roots into kindlings is only recommended when the player would not meet the 500-point mark for the extra experience gained at the end of the round. Otherwise, bruma roots should not be fletched into kindlings as this significantly hampers experience rates.

It is also very helpful to have the Hitpoints cape along with a regen bracelet to mitigate the damage dealt by the cold; with all these and using the Redemption prayer, at high Firemaking levels it is very likely that the players will not need any food to heal themselves.

Players can gain extra experience in between rounds by doing other activities during the downtime, such as burning logs, fletching darts or making jugs of wine.

Experience rates scale depending on the player's level. It takes around 600 rounds and 50 hours (assuming an average kill length of 4 minutes and a 60 second pause) to get from level 50 to level 99 Firemaking if you fletch every log, and about 500 rounds and 40 hours if you do not.

Firemaking level Firemaking experience per hour Woodcutting level Woodcutting experience per hour
50 161,000 50 10,000
60 193,000 60 12,000
70 226,000 70 15,000
80 258,000 80 17,000
90 290,000 90 19,000
99 320,000 99 21,000

Quests for Firemaking experience

Quest Experience
Other requirements Enemy to defeat
The Giant Dwarf 1,500 Firemaking 16 Crafting 12 , Magic 33 , Thieving 14 None
Heroes' Quest 1,575 - Quest points 55 , Cooking 53 , Fishing 53 , Herblore 25 , Mining 50 Multiple high level NPCs
Enlightened Journey 4,000 Firemaking 20 Quest points 20 , Farming 30 , Crafting 36 None
Enakhra's Lament 7,000 Firemaking 45 Crafting 50 , Prayer 43 , Magic 39 , Mining 45 None
Making Friends with My Arm 40,000 Firemaking 66 Construction 35 , Mining 72 , Agility 68 Multiple high level NPCs
Total 54,075