Hunter training

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This guide describes the most effective methods to train the Hunter skill.

General information and tips

Levelling up Hunter allows players to lay more traps at once. Training Hunter within the Wilderness allows players to deploy an extra trap.

Hunter Level Concurrent traps Wilderness
1 1 2
20 2 3
40 3 4
60 4 5
80 5 6

Recommended quests and diaries

Recommended training methods

Levels 1–9: Natural History Quiz

Completing the Natural History Quiz in Varrock Museum grants the player 1,000 experience, which will get the player from level 1 to 9. To start the quiz, speak to Orlando Smith, located in the basement of the museum.

Levels 9–44/80/99: Bird house trapping

<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Bird house trapping locations." plane="0" width="320" y="3828" x="3722" height="320" zoom="1" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3677,3882


X/Y: 3678,3815


X/Y: 3763,3755


X/Y: 3768,3761


</mapframe> Bird house trapping is a recurring Hunter training method, much like Farming. To do a bird house run, set up bird house traps on Fossil Island and fill them with suitable seeds. After 50 minutes, dismantle the traps for Hunter experience and loot, and set them up again for the next run. There are four spots in which the player can place bird house traps, indicated by the icon.

For this method, players must have completed Bone Voyage to access Fossil Island. It is strongly recommended to have a lot of digsite pendants for the fastest transportation to the island. Digsite pendants can be made by enchanting ruby necklaces using the Lvl-3 Enchant spell or the respective magic tablet. Being able to enchant ruby necklaces requires finding a clean necklace and showing it to one of the archaeologists in the Varrock Museum.

Building a bird house requires a clockwork, a log of the corresponding kind, a hammer, and a chisel. Having the Crafting level to build the bird houses is recommended, as the assembled traps are uncommonly traded in the Grand Exchange. When collecting a filled bird house, the clockwork will be returned, along with bird nests and feathers. Use cheap low-level seeds to fill the bird houses, such as potato or onion seeds.

This method offers the fastest Hunter experience effectively up to level 80. It is viable even up to level 99, as long as obtaining levels fast is not required. However, players may want to switch to drift net fishing at level 44 Hunter, as it is more efficient overall if the player also needs to train Fishing. For Hunter alone, this method is a lot better than the active training methods at lower levels. Players who seek for the fastest Hunter experience in real time likely find it best to do bird house runs for the majority of the experience at lower levels.

The table below lists the experience for a single (full) birdhouse. Multiply this by 4 to get the total experience for a full run. One run takes around 73–90 seconds, which equates to 40–49 runs per actively spent hour.

Crafting Crafting Hunter Hunter XP per 4 houses[a]
Item Level[b] XP Scenery Level[c] XP Crafting Crafting Hunter Hunter
5 15 Regular 5 280 60 1,120
15 20 Oak 14 420 80 1,680
25 25 Willow 24 560 100 2,240
35 30 Teak 34 700 120 2,800
45 35 Maple 44 820 140 3,280
50 40 Mahogany 49 960 160 3,840
60 45 Yew 59 1,020 180 4,080
75 50 Magic 74 1,140 200 4,560
90 55 Redwood 89 1,200 220 4,800
  1. ^ Total experience from four bird houses, equivalent to one run.
  2. ^ The Crafting level required to craft bird houses.
  3. ^ The Hunter level required to place bird houses. This level can be boosted.

Initial bird house run

Items required for the initial bird house run and unlocking three Mushtrees, which assist with transport around the island later:

  1. Teleport to the Digsite using the Digsite pendant. Use the Quick-Travel option on the barge guard to travel to Fossil Island.
  2. Run west to the swamp entrance. While running, use the clockworks on the logs to craft 4 bird houses.
  3. Place a bird house at the space near the swamp entrance (at the more north-western entrance, by the birdhouse symbol.)
  4. Use the seeds on the bird house (Needs to be done manually for all bird houses)
  5. Run north-east to the hill, and follow the path to the House on the Hill. Climb the stairs until you reach an area with a Mushtree and some machines.
  6. Use the Digsite pendant on the southern machine to unlock the teleport option on the Digsite pendant to Fossil Island.
  7. Click on the Mushtree north to unlock the Mushtree teleport option to the House on the Hill.
  8. Teleport to the Digsite and travel back to Fossil Island (or just walk back). From here, run north-west to the icon at the north-west of the Mushroom forest.
  9. Click on the Mushtree nearby to unlock the Mushtree teleport option to Mushroom Meadow.
  10. Place a bird house to the spot north of the Mushtree.
  11. Teleport to the Digsite and travel back to Fossil Island. From here, follow the coastline south until you see an opening in the north-east. Head a bit north-east and run inside the valley with two icons.
  12. Place the final two bird houses on the spots in the valley, and click on the Mushtree to unlock the Mushtree teleport option to Verdant Valley.

Doing a bird house run

After the initial run, the items required for a bird house run are as follows:

  • A Digsite pendant with at least 1 charge
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • 4 logs or 4 bird houses
  • 40 seeds of any kind (20 if using wildblood seeds or herb seeds Ranarr and above)
  • 1 clockwork (optional but recommended)

Bringing the extra clockwork allows the player to craft the bird houses while running to the next one. This will save a few seconds compared to crafting bird houses after harvesting them. Alternatively, craft the bird houses while storing them in the bank. While collecting your birdhouses you only need a replacement birdhouse and seeds. With this method you will not need to use the hammer or chisel. This method shaves off a few seconds as there is no animation for crafting houses.

Doing a bird house run goes as follows:

  1. Teleport to Fossil Island using the Fossil Island option on the digsite pendant, and use the Mushtree to go to Verdant Valley. While running, use a log on the clockwork to craft a bird house.
  2. Check and place the eastern bird house, followed by the western one.
  3. Use the Mushtree to Mushroom Meadow, and check and place the bird house north of the Mushtree.
  4. Run south to the Sticky Swamp entrance, and check and place the final bird house.

Levels 44–99: Drift net fishing

Drift net fishing is the most efficient way to train both Hunter and Fishing at the same time. However, it is not the fastest way to train Hunter on its own due to the split rates. Once Fishing no longer needs to be trained, switch to a method that offers faster Hunter experience.

Drift net fishing requires level 44 Hunter and level 47 Fishing (both unboostable), and completion of Bone Voyage to access Fossil Island underwater. For optimal rates, players will also need to wear a fishbowl helmet and a diving apparatus obtained from the Pirate Pete subquest of Recipe for Disaster, as well as flippers obtained from mogres. Wearing a merfolk trident, a trident of the seas, a trident of the swamp, or a dragon harpoon will increase the chance of successfully chasing the fish shoal into the nets. In addition, stamina potions (or some other form of run energy restoration) are needed for the fastest rates.

To do this method, speak to Ceto to enter the fishing area located in the northern part of the Fossil Island underwater. This costs 200 numulites per day, or 20,000 numulites for permanent access. Set up drift nets on the drift net anchors and click the fish shoals once to chase them into the nets. Prioritise fish shoals nearer to the drift nets. The nets will become full after 10 fish shoals caught, after which the player will need to set the drift nets up again. Players can store up to 2,000 drift nets at Annette by bringing her the nets in banknotes.

Players can optionally bank the fish caught for 5 numulites per full net. This will lower experience rates slightly, but will also offset the money spent on drift nets. The quality of fish obtained scales with the Fishing level, with raw lobsters starting to be caught at level 50.

The experience rates in the table below assume 1,150 fish shoal caught per hour. Expect slightly lower rates if banking the fish. The experience per fish shoal scales until level 70 Hunter and Fishing. With good practice, it is possible to catch up to 1,200–1,250 fish shoal per hour. Buying the drift nets on the Grand Exchange would cost 302,680 coins per hour.

From level 44 to 99 Hunter, the player will gain 9,842,153 Fishing experience if starting at level 47 Fishing. This would require 12,944 drift nets, which would cost −34,068,608.

Level XP/shoal XP/h GP/XP
Hunter Fishing Hunter Fishing Hunter Fishing Skills Total Hunter Fishing Skills Total
44 47 52.3 46.2 60,145 53,130 113,275 -5.03 -5.70 -2.67
50 50 62.5 50.0 71,875 57,500 129,375 -4.21 -5.26 -2.34
55 55 71.5 56.3 82,225 64,745 146,970 -3.68 -4.67 -2.06
60 60 81.0 63.0 93,150 72,450 165,600 -3.25 -4.18 -1.83
65 65 91.0 69.8 104,650 80,270 184,920 -2.89 -3.77 -1.64
70 70 101.5 77.0 116,725 88,550 205,275 -2.59 -3.42 -1.47

Fastest active training methods

Use Hunter potions to boost the Hunter level to be able to catch creatures earlier than they become available. In addition, boosting the Hunter level before level 20, 40, 60 and 80 allows the player to set an extra trap for faster experience rates.

Bring the following items:

Levels 9–29: Feldip weasels

Location of the feldip weasels.

From level 9 to 29, catch feldip weasels in the Feldip Hunter area. To quickly get there, use a Feldip Hills teleport scroll and run south near to the dungeon icon. Equip a noose wand and a ring of pursuit, and inspect one of the burrows to start tracking a kebbit. Follow the end of the trail, attack the bush to catch the kebbit, and inspect a burrow again. Equipping a ring of pursuit will reveal the entire track at once.

Players can gain around 13,000 experience per hour. More information about catching feldip weasels can be found here.

Levels 29–43: Swamp lizards

From level 29 to 43, catch swamp lizards north-west of Slepe. Trapping lizards requires a rope and small fishing net for each trap. Two traps can be set at levels 29–39, and three traps can be set beginning at level 40. Drop the swamp lizards as soon as possible to reduce run energy consumption, and drink stamina potions if needed. Wearing weight-reducing clothing is recommended for maintaining run energy.

Players can gain around 20,000–28,000 experience per hour at levels 29–37. With three traps, the experience rates are increased to around 40,000–45,000 experience per hour. Upon reaching level 37, it is strongly recommended to bring four hunter potions to boost the Hunter level to be able to set three traps.

Levels 43–49/60: Falconry

Ideal spotted kebbit training area with three spawn points in the south-eastern corner.
Ideal spotted kebbit training area with three spawn points in the south-eastern corner.

From level 43 to 60, catch spotted kebbits (and dark kebbits at level 57) using the falconry technique. To do this, enter the Piscatoris falconry area east of the fairy ring AKQ and rent a gyr falcon for 500 coins. The weapon, shield, and hands slots must be empty for this. Head to the south-eastern area and click on the kebbits to send the falcon towards the kebbit. When the falcon catches the kebbit, retrieve the falcon and the loot, and drop the loot afterwards. To minimise downtime, stand close to the kebbit or the spawn tile before using the falcon.

Wear weight-reducing clothing to reduce run energy drain, and bring a stamina potion to restore run energy. The bonecrusher will automatically bury the bones from the kebbits, which reduces dropping.

The following rates can be expected while training here:

  • Spotted kebbits (43-57) give 60,000 up to 70,000. You can reduce the amount of run energy used to catch spotted kebbits by focusing on their three spawn points located at the south-eastern corner of the falconry area. Spotted kebbits will respawn 4 seconds after being retrieved by the player.
  • Dark kebbits (57-60+) give 75,000 up to 80,000. Spawn points for dark kebbits are spread throughout the edges of the falconry area. The two spawn points closest to each other are on the west edge of the area. Dark kebbits will respawn 4 seconds after being retrieved by the player.
  • Dashing kebbits (69+) give 85,000 up to 95,000. Since dashing kebbits do not become available until level 69, training with them is not popular since salamaders offer better experience rates from level 60 onwards.

Levels 49-67/73 Razor-backed kebbits

From the level 49 onwards players can capture Razor-backed kebbits with Ring of pursuit revealing their tracks at once. Searching a burrow and attacking the bush grants 348.5 experience and with no banking and decent luck players can expect rates up to 130,000. Should the player include banking for new rings and stamina potions in the calculations rates drop by around 15,000 xp. From level 67 onwards, black salamanders provide similar experience rates, but this comes at the expense of being in the wilderness.

Without access to rings of pursuit or stamina potions players will experience significally lower rates and they are suggested to do other methods instead.

Levels 60–67: Red salamanders

From level 60 to 67, catch red salamanders south of the entrance to the Ourania Cave. Bring 5 ropes, 5 small fishing nets, and some stamina potions. Set up four net traps onto the young trees in the southern area, and drop the caught salamanders as soon as possible. With 5 ropes and nets, traps can be reset before picking up the collapsed ones. Wearing weight-reducing clothing and drinking stamina potions is recommended for maintaining run energy.

Even though red salamanders become available at level 59, catching kebbits in the Piscatoris falconry area offers slightly faster experience than catching red salamanders with only 3 traps.

Players can gain up to around 80,000–85,000 experience per hour at level 60, increasing to around 100,000–105,000 experience per hour at level 67. Before level 60, players can only expect to gain around 55,000–60,000 experience per hour with 3 traps. If the player is using hunter potions to boost the Hunter level to be able to place 4 traps at a time, they will need approximately 10 hunter potions from level 57 to 60, or 2 hunter potions from level 59 to 60 (1 with Preserve prayer).

Players can break the set-trap animation by selecting another action as soon as the net and rope items are removed from their inventory. Accurately timing picking up your rope or setting a new trap mid-action to break the animation can help achieve higher experience rates. For those using the desktop RuneLite or HDOS clients, the default left-click action for the net portion of newly-set traps can be modified (using shift-right click) from "Dismantle" to "Walk here", which both prevents accidental dismantling of reset traps, and allows one to spam-click under their player (picking up rope/net) in order to cancel the animation.

Levels 67–73: Black salamanders

From level 67 to 73, catch black salamanders in the Boneyard Hunter area in the Wilderness. To get there, use a burning amulet teleport to the Chaos Temple and run north-east, or a games necklace teleport to the Corporeal Beast lair and run east. Bring 6 ropes and 6 small fishing nets. Set up five net traps onto the young trees, and drop the caught salamanders as soon as possible. With 6 ropes and nets, traps can be reset before picking up the collapsed ones.

While black salamanders are located in the Wilderness, the hunting area is not popular among player killers. If attacked, players can teleport away. Hunting in the Wilderness allows the player to use an additional trap than the usual limit (4 at level 60).

Players can gain up to around 105,000–115,000 experience per hour at level 67, increasing to around 115,000–125,000 experience per hour at level 73. At level 79, it is possible to gain up to around 140,000 experience per hour with good concentration, and rising as high as 150,000 with level 80 Hunter when utilising 6 net traps.

Levels 73–99: Black chinchompas

Requires completion of the Eagles' Peak quest to be able to set box traps.

Hunting black chinchompas offers the fastest Hunter experience from level 73 onwards, and it is also very profitable. They can only be found in the hunting area in level 32–36 Wilderness, however, this is a popular player killing hot spot. The fastest way to get there is to use a Wilderness Obelisk from the player-owned house or east of Corporeal Beast's Lair to level 35 Wilderness, then running a bit south-east (completion of hard tasks in the Wilderness Diary is strongly recommended). Alternatively, players can use a revenant cave teleport and run south. Another option is to use a waka canoe from Edgeville to the Wilderness pond (requires 57 Woodcutting). Players with 99 Hunter can also use the Hunter cape teleport to black chinchompas.

For the fastest rates, use a ranged weapon to shoot the stray chinchompas that wander far away from the box traps. Shooting a stray chinchompa forces a new one to spawn, and the newly spawned chinchompa usually goes much faster into the trap than a stray one. This will increase experience rates. Shooting is best done on an alternative account (also known as a shooting alt), but it can also be done on the main account which is slightly slower.

Box traps can be placed one tick faster via tick manipulation. Furthermore, when correctly timed, it is possible to lay a trap instantly after picking up another (also known as trap resetting). This is done by moving to the desired spot on the same tick as laying the previous trap, picking up the next, and clicking it up as soon as possible in the inventory. This will increase experience rates, but requires more accurate clicks. For tick manipulation, it is recommended to use a knife on a teak or mahogany log instead of herb and tar, as it only requires 2 inventory spaces instead of 3.

Using a shooting alt is recommended for the fastest experience rates. Using a crystal bow on it is recommended, but a magic shortbow with cheap arrows will suffice if the account does not have the requirement for the crystal bow. The shooting alt can also be used to carry extra supplies, such as box traps (which allows for more inventory space for supplies for the main account), Saradomin brews, super restores and spare logs for tick manipulation (in case of mistakes).

Experience rates are shown in the table below. The rates assume using tick manipulation. Long-term rates can vary depending on the player's performance and the number of player killers. At level 99, the maximum possible experience rate caps at around 280,000–290,000 experience per hour when uninterrupted, using a shooting alt, and using tick manipulation.

Hunter level XP/h (solo) XP/h (alt)
73 145,000 160,000
80 185,000 210,000
90 205,000 230,000
99 220,000 255,000

It will take 38,228 black chinchompas from level 73 or 35,075 black chinchompas from level 80 to level 99. Players will profit about 143,240,316 from black chinchompas at the current average market value of 3,747 as of 31 January 2025.

Combating against player killers

As black chinchompas reside in a hot spot in the Wilderness, the player may get attacked by player killers. It is recommended to have high Defence and Magic levels (90+) and wear good defensive gear to have higher chances of escaping. Having the Augury prayer (requires reading an arcane prayer scroll and 77 Prayer) is also strongly recommended as it increases the player's defences by 25% when activated. If the player can not use Augury, Mystic Might and Steel Skin should be used instead. Players will also need a teleport that works up to level 30 Wilderness, such as a royal seed pod or an amulet of glory.

It is generally best to use equipment that prioritises magic defence while having good defences against melee and ranged attacks. Setups can vary greatly depending on how much money the player has available and how much one is willing to risk in case of a death. When choosing protected items, the fortified Masori body, a tank shield such as the elysian/spectral spirit shield or the dinh's bulwark, the ring of suffering (i), the serpentine helm, and the staff of the dead (if using an off-hand shield) are considered the best options. For low levels, it is recommended to bring the best melee armour possible.

The phoenix necklace restores the wearer's Hitpoints by 30% of maximum if they drop below 20% of the maximum. It is the best item to wear in the neck slot regardless of the setup, because it often saves the player from getting comboed by special attacks.

Players will also need to bring an anti-venom+ to cure venom or wear a serpentine helm in case a player killer is using a venom-inflicting weapon such as a toxic staff of the dead.

Flicking overhead prayers accordingly can reduce the damage taken from player killers' attacks. Set your quick prayers to Protect from Melee, Protect Item and Augury (or Mystic Might and Steel Skin if you do not have Augury unlocked). Protect from Melee makes you less vulnerable to rushers using Armadyl godsword, dragon claws or granite maul special attacks, however if you see the player killer using Tele Block, quickly switch to Protect from Magic to halve the duration of teleblock in case the player killer splashes. If you are frozen, switch between Protect from Missiles and Melee (sometimes Magic) depending on which combat style the player is attacking, and use Protect from Magic when you are unfrozen to reduce the damage from Ice Barrage.

An escaping tactic is to bring a Zamorak godsword to freeze a player killer in place and log out while standing under them. The player killer will not unfreeze in time to retaliate. When timed correctly, the player can consistently escape with this method because the PJ timer is longer (12 seconds) than the logout delay while in combat (10 seconds). If using this tactic, enable PK Skull Prevention to avoid getting skull-tricked.

This setup aims for the highest tanking potential using the staff of the dead along with expensive equipment with high, but reasonable risk. It is very unlikely to die to a player killer in the best listed setup, as long as the player keeps their Hitpoints high. This allows the player to keep training Hunter without constantly having to bank the chinchompas.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only if the player is not using an alternative account to shoot chinchompas.

The damage reduction effect of the elysian spirit shield makes it the best option for the shield slot. The spectral spirit shield is much more affordable and its +30 Magic defence bonus significantly helps at not getting frozen or teleblocked, but it is also much worse at tanking Melee and Ranged attacks.

The staff of the dead special attack halves the all Melee damage of your opponent(s) (all opponents that hit you in the time of the special attack) for one minute. A staff of light or staff of balance can also used instead as they have the exact same bonuses and special attack.

If not using a shooting alt, bring a magic shortbow or rune crossbow with cheap arrows/bolts to shoot the stray chinchompas.

Serpentine helm is the best option, as it provides immunity to venom when worn, saving an inventory space, has good Melee and Ranged defences and does not penalise Magic defence. However, it usually adds extra risk and should only be worn by players who are confident in their tanking abilities.

The Construction cape is the best option for the cape slot as it can be used to quickly get back in case the player has to teleport out. If the player does not have 99 Construction, any other trimmed skillcape should be used instead, followed by god capes. Wearing a fire cape is also an option if the player does not mind risking it on death, as it has slightly better defensive stats than a skillcape. If the player is not using an alternative account, Ranging cape should be used, followed by Ava's accumulator.

Players can optionally bring a Torag's platelegs switch for tanking Melee and Ranged attacks.

Recommended skills

  • 90+ Defence (75 required)
  • 90+ Magic (75 required)
  • Attack 75
  • Ranged 70
  • Prayer 77 (Augury)


This setup uses the Dinh's bulwark for Melee and Ranged defence and Ranged armour for Magic defence. This is a much more affordable option compared to the high-risk setup and possesses significantly less risk, but also makes the player more vulnerable to player killers. Escaping player killers should be relatively easy with good prayer flicking, however it might be a good idea to bank chinchompas every so often to reduce the risk.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only if the player is not using an alternative account to shoot chinchompas.

Serpentine helm is the best option, as it provides immunity to venom when worn, saving an inventory space, has good Melee and Ranged defences and does not penalise Magic defence.

If not using a shooting alt, bring a magic shortbow with cheap arrows to shoot the stray chinchompas. Simply switch to the Dinh's bulwark if attacked by a player killer.

The Construction cape is the best option for the cape slot as it can be used to quickly get back in case the player has to teleport out. If the player does not have 99 Construction, any other trimmed skillcape should be used instead, followed by god capes. Wearing a fire cape is also an option if the player does not mind risking it on death, as it has slightly better defensive stats than a skillcape. If the player is not using an alternative account, Ranging cape should be used, followed by Ava's accumulator.

Players can optionally bring a Torag's platelegs switch for tanking Melee and Ranged attacks.

Recommended skills

  • 90+ Defence (75 required)
  • 90+ Magic
  • Attack 75
  • Ranged 70
  • Prayer 77 (Augury)


Other methods

Levels 35–99: Aerial Fishing

Aerial Fishing on Molch Island provides split experience between Hunter and Fishing, and also gives some passive Cooking experience as well. The activity becomes available at level 43 Fishing and level 35 Hunter. Due to the split rates it is not the fastest route to train Hunter alone, but if player needs to train both Hunter and Fishing, Aerial Fishing is a viable training method.

Levels 47–59: Orange salamanders

Catching orange salamanders is a slower but less click-intensive alternative to falconry. You will need three small fishing nets, three ropes as well as 10 to 14 waterskins (4) and Desert clothing to protect a player from the desert heat's effect. The full Desert clothing set allows 120 seconds between each sip from a waterskin. The more southern spot next to the lizards has 3 trees without obstacles and are closest to each other.

There are two spots you can hunt Orange salamanders which are Uzer hunter area and Necropolis hunter area, the latter requires Beneath Cursed Sands and can be reached by Fairy ring code AKP and 62 Agility.

To get to the Uzer hunter area, pass through the Shantay Pass, and head south-east until you've reached a bridge. Cross it, and the spot is a bit more east. Alternatively, use fairy ring code DLQ and run north to the hunter spot. Another option is using the necklace of passage and teleporting to the Eagle's Eyrie, and running south from there.

If you have access to Lunar Spells, level 68 Magic, and completed the Dream Mentor quest, you can also bring runes to cast Humidify to refill all of your waterskins at once.

Players can gain around 40,000–50,000 experience per hour, depending on speed and Hunter level at the Uzer hunter area. Players can gain around 50,000–63,000 experience per hour at the Necropolis hunter area. This is increased to 90,000 to 100,000 experience per hour at level 60. You will need to catch 772 orange salamanders for level 47–59.

Levels 60–99: Maniacal monkeys


Catching maniacal monkeys is a low-effort alternative that offers decent experience. To catch them, mount a stunted demonic gorilla and set up a deadfall trap on one of the large boulders using a banana as bait. Wait until a monkey catches the bait and set up the trap again. A successful catch gives 1,000 Hunter experience and a damaged monkey tail. There is also a 1/5,000 chance to get a monkey tail which can be sold for profit.

Maniacal monkeys are located in Glough's Laboratory in Kruk's Dungeon, which requires completion of Monkey Madness II and a Kruk monkey greegree to access. To get there, take the gnome glider to Ape Atoll and investigate the jungle grass just south to enter the dungeon. Go north and cross the monkeybars with the Kruk monkey greegree equipped, and continue north through the passage.

Bring baskets of bananas to extend trips. An inventory of baskets lasts for around 50 minutes. While trips can be extended further by picking up bones and using Bones to Bananas tablets, it is recommended to simply bank for more bananas because picking up bones adds a lot of extra effort and the method is primarily considered as a low-effort alternative.

Experience rates are shown in the table below. The rates assume bringing baskets of bananas and banking every 50 minutes, as well as include some idle time. At level 99, it is possible to gain up to 120,000 experience per hour.

Hunter level XP/h
60 51,000
65 59,000
70 66,000
75 74,000
80 82,000
85 89,000
90 96,000
95 104,000
99 110,000

Levels 63/80–99: Carnivorous chinchompas

Requires partial completion of the Eagles' Peak quest to be able to set box traps.

Player using the trap resetting technique.

Hunting carnivorous chinchompas offers good profit and relatively fast Hunter experience for players who do not wish to hunt black chinchompas in the Wilderness. While this method can be started at level 63 (or lower if boosting), the experience rates and profit are a lot lower when hunting with only four traps before level 80. Players may find it worthwhile to train with black salamanders or bird houses to level 80 and start hunting red chinchompas when the player can place five traps at a time.

The best location to hunt carnivorous chinchompas is in the Gwenith Hunter area north of Prifddinas. Players must have completed Song of the Elves to access the area, which requires level 70 Hunter (not boostable). To quickly get there, use a spirit tree to Prifddinas, exit the city north, and run a bit north-east.

Alternatively, players can use the red chinchompa hunting ground in the Feldip Jungle, which is only slightly slower than hunting in the Gwenith Hunter area. The hunting ground requires Western Provinces hard diary to access, which in turn requires level 69 Hunter (boostable). Players can get there by using the fairy code AKS and running south-west. Hunting in the Feldip Jungle (outside the hunting ground) is not recommended as the hunting spots offer much lower experience rates due to fewer chinchompa spawns.

Traps can be placed one tick faster via tick manipulation. When correctly timed, it is also possible to lay a trap instantly after picking up another. This is also known as trap resetting, which is done by moving to the desired spot on the same tick as laying the previous trap, picking up the next, and clicking it up as soon as possible in the inventory. Trap resetting will increase experience rates, but require more effort and accurate clicks. An alternative account can be used to shoot stray chichompas for slightly higher rates.

Experience rates are shown in the table below. The rates assume using the Gwenith Hunter Area north of Prifddinas. Expect around 2–3% lower rates if using the red chinchompa hunting ground. Long-term rates can vary depending on performance. At maximum efficiency, it is possible to gain up to 205,000–215,000 experience per hour at level 99.

Hunter level XP/h
Tick manip. No tick manip.
70 93,000 65,000
80 143,900 103,300
90 171,200 122,900
99 195,000 140,000

The player will profit about 83,252,144 from red chinchompas at the current average market value of 1,784, from level 69 to 99. It will take 46,666 red chinchompas from level 69 (or 41,692 from level 80) to reach level 99.

Levels 80–99: Herbiboar

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Tracking the herbiboar on Fossil Island is a fairly low-effort alternative to catching chinchompas that offers decent experience. To track the herbiboar, inspect one of the starting points in the Mushroom Forest and follow the footsteps until they enter a burrow. Kick the burrow for Hunter experience and to make the stunned herbiboar to appear outside the hole. Players can then optionally harvest the creature for herbs and a small amount of Herblore experience. There is also a 1/6,500 chance to obtain the Herbi pet when a player harvests the creature.

This method requires level 80 Hunter and level 31 Herblore, as well as completion of Bone Voyage to access Fossil Island. Stamina potions (or some other form of run energy restoration) are required for the fastest rates. If harvesting the herbiboar, it is strongly recommended to have the magic secateurs (equipped or in the inventory) for an extra herb per harvest and the herb sack for longer trips. The 'Herbiboar Helper' on the New Official Client highlights the correct object to search, which will make maintaining high rates a lot easier.

Experience per herbiboar caught scales depending on the level. The rates in the table below assume 66 herbiboars caught per hour. Harvesting the herbiboar (with the magic secateurs) will also give 3,300 passive Herblore experience per hour.

Hunter level XP/h
80 137,000
85 147,000
90 157,000
95 166,000
99 171,000

Levels 46/57/72/91–99: Hunters' Rumours

Players can choose to complete Hunters' Rumours assigned by Guild Hunters in the Hunter Guild. Guild Hunters will tell the player to investigate about a specific hunter creature, which the player needs to hunt until a rare creature part is dropped. Each Guild hunter has a specific unboostable Hunter level requirement, with Novice, Adept, Expert and Master rumours being unlocked at level 46, 57, 72 and 91, respectively.

The player can freely switch between rumours from different Guild Hunters. Because two different Guild Hunters can never assign the same hunter creature, it is possible to block a specific task by having it assigned by a Guild Hunter and then completing tasks from other Guild Hunters. The player may also talk to Guild Scribe Verity to toggle "back-to-back" rumours at any time, which can increase experience rates.

Upon completing a rumour, the player will gain Hunter experience calculated with the formula , where:

  • is the player's Hunter level after completing a rumour
  • The value of is dependent on the tier of rumour completed:
    • 50 when turning in a Novice or Adept rumour
    • 55 when turning in an Expert rumour
    • 60 when turning in a Master rumour

Players can expect up to 235,000 xp/h depending on their current level and their hunter creature block list.