Ultimate Ironman Guide

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UIM Guide

Playing as an Ultimate Ironman is full of unique and interesting challenges, and is very different from a regular account or normal Ironman. In addition to the restrictions given to regular Ironman, Ultimate Ironmen cannot use banks. This guide aims to give general advice, tips, and suggestions for playing as an Ultimate Ironman.

This page has a quick introduction to the Ultimate Ironman mode, as well as some guidance on getting started on a new Ultimate Ironman account. More in-depth skill training methods, quest tips, equipment suggestions, and more can be found on their respective pages. These pages can be navigated to using the icons in the top-right of each page, or by the links further down on this page.

On Tutorial Island, Paul can change a player's account mode to Ultimate Ironman mode. Once off of Tutorial Island, it is impossible to become an Ultimate Ironman. It is possible to "downgrade" an Ultimate Ironman to a normal Ironman or regular account by talking to Adam in Lumbridge.


Before getting started as an Ultimate Ironman, it is important to understand all of the unique restrictions of the game mode. Besides the restrictions given to every Ironman, Ultimate Ironmen are not able to do the following:

Other than these, some storage systems such as the Costume room and STASH units are still useable by Ultimate Ironmen. For more information on the systems that are not restricted in this gamemode, see the UIM item management guide.

Getting started

A player wearing Ultimate ironman armour.
  • Completing the Stronghold of Security rewards 10,000 coins. This is an excellent source of early coins with no requirements.
  • Quest experience rewards can be a great way to jump-start skill training.
  • Some quests like Recruitment Drive have strict inventory restrictions, so it can be easier to complete them early on with fewer items to manage.
  • Training Agility will unlock various useful shortcuts. The increased run energy recharge rate is also helpful for many other training methods, quests, and activities. The skill also gives access to the Agility Pyramid for early money making.
  • Training Prayer to level 43 for protect from melee will make early questing easier and safer. Players can pick up big bones from the Wilderness Bone Yard and offer them at the Chaos Altar. An additional benefit to doing this early comes from the player not yet having anything valuable to potentially lose to a player-killer in the Wilderness.
  • Training Thieving with blackjacking is one of the fastest methods for making money early on.
  • The Ardougne cloak 1 is very useful for early transportation to the area. It also provides fairly fast access to a spirit tree and a fairy ring.

General guides


Combat often requires preparation with very limited inventory space. Because of this, Ultimate Ironmen usually rely on buyable or noted food.

Potions needed for combat are typically made and noted at a decanter beforehand, as preparing them on the go would be needlessly inconvenient and slow. Players can then simply unnote whatever potions they need. For Melee combat, players can buy regular attack and strength potions at the Warriors' Guild if they don't have their own supplies. Alternatively, the dragon battleaxe special attack can be used with attack or super attack potions.

The most important factors for choosing combat equipment are strength, availability, and storability. Non-storable options have a significant opportunity cost, as the looting bag space could be allocated for other very useful items. Because of this, a weaker item that is storable or easily re-obtainable can often be a better choice for general use. Untradeable items cannot be stored into the looting bag, so tradeable alternatives are often preferred.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Equipment.

Skill training

Depending on the skill and the method, training skills on an Ultimate Ironman can be very similar to that of regular accounts, or wildly different. For example, Agility and Thieving training are done much like on any other account. On the other hand, training skills like Construction, Smithing, and Prayer must utilise creative methods to get around inventory limitations.

Because of the limitations, it is sometimes best to stick to training one skill for a long period of time. Some skill training methods require a specific inventory layout, and preparing for a certain type of inventory layout takes time. This makes switching from one skill to another inconvenient, or impossible in some cases. However, skillhopping is still possible with skills that require little to no preparation, such as Fishing and Agility.

Potentially dangerous skill training methods may require being able to fit most of the items into the looting bag. These methods include subduing Wintertodt, training Slayer, killing dragons for Prayer, and chinning Ranged. Having more space is beneficial for these methods, and they can become unviable if players have a lot of extra items in their inventory. Safe methods require much less preparation and planning, because players can simply deathbank their items for extra storage and do not have to worry about potentially losing their items.

For more information about skills and their training methods, the dedicated pages are listed in the table below.

Attack Attack Hitpoints Hitpoints Mining Mining
Strength Strength Agility Agility Smithing Smithing
Defence Defence Herblore Herblore Fishing Fishing
Ranged Ranged Thieving Thieving Cooking Cooking
Prayer Prayer Crafting Crafting Firemaking Firemaking
Magic Magic Fletching Fletching Woodcutting Woodcutting
Runecraft Runecraft Slayer Slayer Farming Farming
Construction Construction Hunter Hunter