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Released28 June 2023 (Update)
Type? (edit)
League regionN/A
Reward currencyAnima-infused bark
Players participating in a Forestry event.

Forestry: The Way of the Forester[1] is a social-focused expansion to core Woodcutting, announced during the Winter Summit 2022. It aims to make Woodcutting a more social experience by "removing resource competition, introducing new events, and expanding the skill's economic offerings". All of these features can be found within Gielinor, wherever trees are, excluding the Woodcutting Guild.

The expansion was polled with 90.7% of the votes in favour of its addition. The first phase was released on 28 June 2023, and the second phase was released on 25 October 2023.

Official worlds

Forestry events can be encountered on any world, but dedicated worlds are more likely to have a larger amount of players at popular tree-cutting areas. Additionally, there is a Forestry grouping chat that follows conventions for calling out Forestry events.

Core Woodcutting changes

Forestry introduces several changes to core Woodcutting gameplay, affecting most trees in both members and free-to-play worlds. These changes include:

  • Players chopping the same tree will be given an invisible Woodcutting bonus. Each player will receive a +1 boost to Woodcutting for each player at the tree, up to a maximum of +10 with ten players. This bonus does not get applied whilst chopping a normal tree, whilst in the Woodcutting Guild, or any tree grown through Farming[2].
  • Rather than trees having a chance to deplete any time a resource is gathered from one, trees will now deplete on a timer that activates after the first cut. The timer regenerates if players stop cutting the tree before it's fully chopped. Trees grown through Farming are not affected by Forestry timers. The timer's length is based on the average time each different type of tree currently lasts:
Tree Despawn time Respawn time
Oak tree 27 seconds 8.4 seconds
Willow tree 30 seconds 8.4 seconds
Teak tree 30 seconds 9 seconds
Maple tree 1 minute 35.4 seconds
Hollow tree 36 seconds 25.8 seconds
Mahogany tree 1 minute 8.4 seconds
Arctic pine tree 1 minute, 24 seconds 8.4 seconds
Yew tree 1 minute, 54 seconds 59.4 seconds
Magic tree 3 minutes, 54 seconds 1 minute, 59.4 seconds
Redwood tree 4 minutes, 24 seconds 1 minute, 59.4 seconds

Forestry kit

The Forestry kit interface showing all the tools, resources, and pieces of gear a player has stored inside.

Players can start their Forestry journey by obtaining a Forestry kit from the Friendly Forester's Forestry Shop for free. This is an equipable item for members and free-to-play players alike. It can store all tools, resources, and gear needed for Forestry, but these are only available to members (except for the reward currency which can be collected by free-to-play players but can only be used to purchase Felling axe handles).

Once members have the kit, they can store certain items in it, most of which are tradeable:

  • Anima-infused bark - The reward currency obtained by completing Forestry events, which can be used by members, alongside various logs, to purchase rewards from the Forestry Shop.
  • Forester's ration - Enables the passive effect of felling axes; players can receive extra logs and/or extra experience without receiving a log.
  • Secateurs attachment - Roughly doubles the amount of leaves players receive from chopping trees.
  • Nature offerings - Gives a 60–80% chance to receive an additional log.
  • Tree leaves - Combined with cooked meat or fish to create forester's rations. If the Forestry kit is equipped or in the inventory, leaves gathered from Woodcutting will automatically be stored there.
  • Lumberjack/Forestry outfit - Outfits can be stored inside the kit to receive their benefits without needing to wear it if the clothes pouch is used on the kit.
  • Woodcutting cape - The skill cape can be stored inside to receive its benefit without needing to wear it if the cape pouch is used on the kit.

Mechanics and Eligibility

Spawn Mechanics

Forestry events can occur whilst gathering logs in the overworld, excluding certain tree types such as regular trees, burnt trees, hollow trees, player-grown trees, the blisterwood tree, and trees within the Woodcutting Guild. Events can spawn anywhere that there are eligible tree types, even in impractical locations such as the Wilderness or Entrana. All players can interact with these events, regardless of whether they are chopping the same tree. However, reward eligibility may vary (see below). The experience and difficulty of events scale based on the number of players present, and at least one player with a Forestry kit is required for events to spawn.

When a player with a Forestry kit begins cutting a tree, an event is randomly selected from a table of equally weighted options. The event may be scheduled to spawn during the tree's lifetime, with a random moment chosen along its despawn timer, or after the tree has been felled. A final roll at the designated time determines whether the event spawns, with odds based on the type of tree and the number of participants. The likelihood of spawning doubles for groups of ten or more players compared to a solo chopper, though it is unclear if each participant must possess a Forestry kit. Events cannot spawn within a 41x41 tile area (a 20-tile radius) if another Forestry event is already in progress.

Event and Reward Eligibility

The chance (or more notably the skilling roll) of receiving a single log from any tree is 4 ticks (or 2.4 seconds). With this, eligibility for full rewards (including anima bark, full experience, and unique Forestry items) is determined by the last two trees (which include player-grown and regular trees) on which the player performed a skilling roll, with both successful and failed attempts (not receiving a log) counting toward activity. Upon stopping, an invisible three-minute timer begins for each tree, maintaining eligibility for the last two trees chopped. Chopping a third tree will replace the first tree’s eligibility.

If an event spawns within 20 tiles of a tree where the player still has one of their two timers active, full rewards will be granted. Multispotting maintaining eligibility for multiple trees is recommended to increase chances for unique items and anima bark per hour. When an event eligible player participates in an event, that player will gain Woodcutting experience (amount varies based on the event) scaling with their Woodcutting level. This scaling holds for visible Woodcutting boosts past 99, thus it is recommended to use either the dragon axe (or dragon felling axe) special attack when the event spawns to get more experience.

Forestry events

Nine events will spawn whilst chopping mid-level (oak tree) to high-levelled trees (magic trees). Players who are in free-to-play worlds can only spawn the Struggling sapling, Rising roots, and Friendly ent events, but players in member worlds can access all of the events listed below.

Rising Roots

The rising roots event, with the anima-infused roots being chopped.

During this event, choppable tree roots will appear around the tree for a set amount of time. Chopping the roots gives both Woodcutting experience and anima-infused bark.

After a while, an anima-infused root (appearing green-trimmed) will emerge, providing more Woodcutting experience as well as a higher amount of anima-infused bark, scaling with the player's Woodcutting level. It is always beneficial to find and chop the anima-infused root as it moves around. The roots can also be cut via the 2-tick Woodcutting method, but players cannot double-roll them.

Struggling Sapling

A struggling sapling appears in place of a felled tree. Several resource piles will appear (droppings, green leaves, rotting leaves, splintered bark, and wild mushrooms) that can be used to create mulch that helps the sapling grow. To create mulch, players must collect from any of the resource piles three times. The order in which they are collected determines the nutritional value of the mulch and players can also make mulch from the same resource pile multiple times.

The struggling sapling event, with resource piles scattered about.

When adding mulch to the sapling, if the correct pile is in the correct slot order, a message will appear saying that the sapling loves it (e.g., "The sapling seems to love [resource] as the [first/second/third] ingredient". By default, mulch has 10% nutritional value, and gains an additional 30% for each correct resource. Feeding the sapling mulch gives Woodcutting and Farming experience as well as anima-infused bark based on the nutritional value of the mulch.

The event will end once the sapling has either reached full health or its blue timer runs out. Successfully growing the sapling to a thriving sapling results in bonus experience, anima-infused bark and 20 leaves of a random tier. If a player was not present in the area when the event spawns, they will not receive the bonus at the end of the event. Such players can still receive rewards for feeding mulch to the struggling sapling. However, failing to feed the struggling sapling will result in no bonus and a message that says, The sapling withers due to a lack of nutrients.

Flowering Tree

Flowering bushes appear around the area.

Flowering bushes and several swarms of friendly bees appear. The bushes come in eight colours: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, white, and lilac.

Out of the eight bushes, only one pair will be able to exchange strange pollen. Once players find a bush that gives one, it can be used to pollinate the other bush. Each time players tend-to the bushes, they will receive one to two anima bark and Woodcutting experience scaled to their Woodcutting level. After about 40 seconds, the current pair becomes strange bushes and disappear, and another pair of bushes will be able to exchange pollen for a total of 5 pairs per event. Only one pair out of the five bush pairs that spawn will need tending-to for receiving bonus bark, strange fruit/seeds, and Woodcutting experience awarded at the end.

Woodcutting Leprechaun

A Woodcutting Leprechaun appears, with the player basking in the End of Rainbow.

A Woodcutting Leprechaun appears, though the event does not directly reward the player with any experience. The Leprechaun will act as a bank deposit box, banking the player's logs for free from either the inventory, a log basket, or Forestry basket.

There are six End of Rainbows that periodically appear around the area. Standing on them will temporarily increase the amount of anima bark and Woodcutting experience, scaling to the player’s Woodcutting level and depending on the type of tree chopped that spawned the event.

After 50-70 seconds have passed, the leprechaun will despawn.[3] Players currently talking to the leprechaun won't be able to make a deposit after he disappears. Before leaving, he will exclaim I'll have to go shortly... giving players 38 ticks (22.8s) to use his services before he moves on.


Building bee hives for the rehomed bees.

A bee keeper and wild beehive will appear nearby, alongside unfinished beehives. Players must finish building the bee hive by using the logs they've gathered. Once the beehive is built, it will disappear and another unfinished one will appear shortly.

To be eligible for obtaining sturdy beehive parts, players only need to contribute at least one log per unfinished bee hive.

A small amount of Construction experience and anima-infused bark is given when a bee hive is built. Players then receive a larger bonus of Woodcutting experience, anima bark at the end, and a 2/3 chance to obtain sturdy beehive parts that can be used to build a beehive in a player-owned house (after collecting 10 beehive parts).

Friendly Ent

A group of five entlings will appear, asking for help in stylishly pruning their leaves. Each will exclaim how they'd like their leaves pruned (ex. Breezy at the back!), which indicates the option players must pick when right-clicking them ("Prune-top", "Prune-back", and "Prune-sides").

Entlings appear around the area, demanding haircuts.

Players must prune an entling several times until they exclaim that they're satisfied. If players select the wrong pruning option or attempt to prune a pruned entling, they will stun the player for several seconds.

Request Prune
Breezy at the back! Back
A leafy mullet! Top and sides
Short back and sides! Back and sides
Short on top! Top

Using the RuneLite client, it is recommended to set the left-click action to the "prune top" option and set shift left-click action to the "prune back" option (or vice-versa), and one of those options will always be able to successfully prune an entling faster than right-clicking and choosing a prune option. It is also recommended to set both the left-click and shift-left click options on pruned entlings to the "walk here" option for easier pruning, in cases where the entlings stand on top of one another. The Forestry grouping chat created a standard operating procedure where a single entling would be prioritised and be fully pruned before moving on to the next highest request. This ensures at least one entling is fully pruned, granting a 20% chance of spawning an egg nest per each fully pruned entling. The priority that the Forestry grouping chat is as follows:

Request/Prune Action Priority (1 - Highest, 4 - Lowest)
Short on top! (Prune top) 1
A leafy mullet! (Prune top) 2
Short back and sides! (Prune back) 3
Breezy at the back! (Prune back) 4

In cases where multiple entlings have a Short on top! or any other request listed above, prune the entling that most players are interacting with. This will ensure the priority is kept the same throughout the event.

NPC Highlights also found using the RuneLite client can also be used to set different colour highlighting on the unfinished and finished entlings for easier visual differentiation.

Every pruned entling will grant some Woodcutting experience and anima-infused bark, along with both bonus Woodcutting experience and anima bark at the end of the event based on the player's activity. Members will additionally receive a random assortment of tree leaves and some Fletching experience (scaled to their current level). If all 5 entlings are satisfied, there is a 100% chance of spawning an individual egg nest on the ground (rather than in the player's inventory), as long as eligible members prune an entling at least once. Players will still receive an egg nest if they incorrectly pruned an entling.


Poachers appear around the area, hunting a frightened fox.

Three poachers and a Frightened Fox appear. The poachers will attempt to trap the fox with 14 fox traps and players must disarm them whenever the poachers lay them.

Every fox trap that the player disarms will grant some hunter experience and anima-infused bark. Players near the event-spawning tree must work together and disarm the fox traps, otherwise, the fox will die if caught in a trap too many times. This will result in no bonus Woodcutting experience along with no bonus anima bark. In addition, players will receive the chat message stating, Unfortunately you weren't able to save the fox from the poachers...

Upon saving the fox from the poachers' 14 traps, players who participated and disarmed at least one trap will be awarded bonus Woodcutting experience and anima bark at the end of the event. Additionally, there is a chance to receive a fox whistle (scaling between 1/90 to 1/45 from level 1 to 99 Woodcutting), which can be used to transform a beaver pet into a fox pet.

Enchantment Ritual

A Dryad appears for a ritual. The correct ritual circle to stand on would be the yellow one in the top middle.

A Dryad and a five ritual circles will appear. The Dryad will need help completing a magical ritual and will periodically summon ritual circles with colours (red, green, blue, yellow) and shapes (square, star, triangle, hexagon).

Among the group of five ritual circles that spawn, players must stand on the ritual circle that has a unique shape and colour within 15 seconds. The Dryad will spawn eight groups of these circles before completing the ritual. There is no pass or fail mechanics during this event; this is merely how many unique circles the player can spot during the two minutes of the event. Every ritual circle the player stands on grants Woodcutting experience and anima-infused bark according to the player's Woodcutting level.

At the end of the event, players who stood on at least one circle will receive bonus Woodcutting experience and anima bark. Rewards are scaled on how many circles the player correctly stood on as well as their Woodcutting level. Additionally, there is a 1/50 chance to receive a Petal garland, a cosmetic necklace.

Pheasant Control

A group of pheasants begin nesting.

The Freaky Forester and some Pheasant Nests will appear. Players must retrieve a pheasant egg from an unoccupied nest and give it to the Freaky Forester. If the player is too slow in delivering the egg, the pheasant will notice the player stealing the egg and stun them for several seconds. In addition, players may only carry one pheasant egg at a time.

Every egg the player delivers will grant Thieving and some Woodcutting experience and anima-infused bark, with bonus Woodcutting experience and bark at the end of the event, based on the player's activity. Additionally, there is a 1/2 chance to receive some pheasant tail feathers, which can be made into a pheasant costume using a needle and thread.

Additionally, there is a chance to receive a golden pheasant egg whilst stealing eggs from the nests. The rate of receiving the golden pheasant egg scales between 1/2,700 to 1/1,350 from level 1 to 99 Woodcutting, respectively. The golden pheasant egg can be used on a beaver pet to enable it to transform into a pheasant pet.


The Forestry Shop interface.

Players can spend their anima-infused bark on various items in the Forestry Shop, which is run by the Friendly Forester.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:6 March 2024| |0}} {{#explode:6 March 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 March 2024| |2}}]]
  • Unique drops from forestry events are now received in the inventory, provided that there is space.
  • The dryad event is no longer blocked by wandering NPCs in tight-spaced areas.
[[{{#explode:14 February 2024| |0}} {{#explode:14 February 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 February 2024| |2}}]]
  • Players who are not present when an event spawns will now only receive 1 Woodcutting experience, and are no longer eligible for any rewards, even if they were on the same world.
  • The chance of a forestry event spawning has been adjusted, increasing the time between them. To compensate, the chance of unique rewards has been increased.
  • Event-triggering items have been removed. Any remaining items prior to this update were converted to coins based on its Grand Exchange price.
  • A small grove of arctic pine trees have been added to south-west of Rellekka.
[[{{#explode:1 November 2023| |0}} {{#explode:1 November 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:1 November 2023| |2}}]]
  • A bug in which forestry events were spawning more frequently than intended has been fixed.
  • Beehive events can now reward sturdy beehive parts.
  • NPCs that spawn as part of the Poacher event will no longer spawn indoors.
[[{{#explode:25 October 2023| |0}} {{#explode:25 October 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 October 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
[[{{#explode:12 July 2023| |0}} {{#explode:12 July 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:12 July 2023| |2}}]]
  • Box traps, fires, and flowers from mithril seeds are now removed if on a tile where forestry events can spawn. The dwarf multicannon will also now automatically decay as well if placed there.
  • Random events no longer occur in range of forestry events.
  • The magical tree root now changes locations more frequently during the Rising Roots event.
  • The Flowering Bush event has been changed:
    • Flowering bushes now come in several colours to make matching a pair easier, with their names being changed to include it to assist colourblind players.
    • Players who had their bee on a stick consumed upon the event spawning will receive significantly more anima-infused bark per bush tended to, as well as when the final event reward is given.
    • The difficulty of the event (and thus the length) now scales based on the number of players who have a bee on a stick and cutting the tree, rather than solely the latter.
[[{{#explode:5 July 2023| |0}} {{#explode:5 July 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 July 2023| |2}}]]
  • All players participating in Forestry events will now receive the final XP drop and other rewards.
  • Forestry items have been added to the collection log.
  • The forestry Kit can now be obtained for free from the Forestry Shop.
  • The only items that can now be sold back to the Forestry Shop are the Funky-Shaped Log and the Log Basket.
  • Struggling Sapling event:
    • Reduced the overall experience per event by 30%.
    • The final experience gained now scales based on how long the player was participating in the event.
    • The 100% Mulch combination now gives roughly 2x the XP of the 70% Mulch combination.
  • Leprechaun event:
  • Rising Roots event:
    • An issue where this event was spawning even if players chopping did not have a forestry kit has been fixed.
  • Added the Forestry Kit to the Woodcutting skill guide.
  • Updated the messaging displayed when players do not have the required resources to craft Forestry items.
  • Three more official worlds were designated for the activity — worlds 388, 398, and 434.
[[{{#explode:29 June 2023| |0}} {{#explode:29 June 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 June 2023| |2}}]]
  • Players will no longer receive the final drop of experience at the end of the Flowering Tree and Struggling Sapling events if they are not logged into the world when it starts.
  • Players who are not logged into the world when the Rising Roots event starts will now receive reduced rewards.
  • The duration of the Flowering Tree event was reduced by approximately 1 minute.
  • The duration of the Woodcutting Leprechaun event was reduced by approximately over 1 minute.




  1. "Gielinor Gazette - April 2022". RuneScape News. Jagex. 29 April 2022. Archived from the original.
  2. "Winter Summit Summary". RuneScape News. Jagex. 10 December 2022. Archived from the original.
  3. "Forestry: The Way of the Forester - Overview". RuneScape News. Jagex. 8 February 2023. Archived from the original.
  4. "An Update On Forestry". RuneScape News. Jagex. 27 February 2023. Archived from the original.
  5. "Forestry Open Beta". RuneScape News. Jagex. 5 June 2023. Archived from the original.
  6. "Forestry - Next Steps". RuneScape News. Jagex. 9 June 2023. Archived from the original.
  7. "Forestry: The Way of the Forester - Part One". RuneScape News. Jagex. 28 June 2023. Archived from the original.
  8. "Forestry: Part One - Feedback Changes". RuneScape News. Jagex. 5 July 2023. Archived from the original.
  9. "Forestry: Part One - Further Changes". RuneScape News. Jagex. 12 July 2023. Archived from the original.
  10. "Forestry: Part Two - Community Consultation". RuneScape News. Jagex. 31 July 2023. Archived from the original.
  11. "Forestry: Part Two - Axe Overview". RuneScape News. Jagex. 22 September 2023. Archived from the original.
  12. "Forestry: Part Two". RuneScape News. Jagex. 25 October 2023. Archived from the original.
  13. "Forestry Tweaks, Security & More". RuneScape News. Jagex. 1 November 2023. Archived from the original.
  14. "Wrapping Up Forestry - Changes & Tweaks". RuneScape News. Jagex. 21 November 2023. Archived from the original.


  1. ^ Known during conception in the Gielinor Gazette - April 2022 as Woodcutting: Way of the Forester
  2. ^ "Forestry Q&A Summary 09/06/23". RuneScape News. Jagex. 13 June 2023. Archived from the original. "The group boost doesn't apply in the Woodcutting Guild and Redwoods are only in the Woodcutting Guild. Farming trees aren't affected, by the way."
  3. ^