Kyatt hunter gear

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Kyatt hunter gear
Quest No
Tradeable Yes
Equipable Yes
Store price 1,400 coins, with 3 Kyatt furs

Kyatt hunter gear is a set of hunter gear made at the Fancy Clothes Store in Varrock or Pellem's Fur Store in the Hunter Guild, with either tattered or normal kyatt furs if a player has Hunter level 52. The gear also requires 52 Hunter to equip.

Individual pieces reduce damage received from Hunter creatures by 20%, giving a total of 60% reduced damage while the full set is worn. Contrary to popular belief, these do not improve catch rates of any hunter creatures.[1]

To make kyatt tops or legs, bring either one tattered or normal kyatt fur plus 200 coins each to the Fancy-dress shop owner in Varrock or Pellem in the Hunter Guild. Kyatt hats require one normal kyatt fur plus 1,000 coins to be made. Kyatt furs are obtained by hunting a sabre-toothed kyatt in the Polar Hunter area, requiring at least 55 Hunter to trap. The set may be stored in a costume room's armour case.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:15 May 2024| |0}} {{#explode:15 May 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 May 2024| |2}}]]

The previous change now applies when wearing at least one piece of the outfit.

[[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |0}} {{#explode:24 April 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |2}}]]

The outfit's set effect is now included when viewing the Set Bonus tab in the Equipment Stats interface.


  1. ^