These items are somewhat useful for beginning hunters, but have very limited uses for experienced hunters due to the role of them in the skill.
Using this spell was once a very good way of cheaply gaining Magic experience. However, their decline in value has rendered this method of training less efficient than more common methods of Magic training, such as alchemy.
Unopened kits are bankable.
The kit is untradeable, the output price is calculated as the sum of the prices of the contents.
[[{{#explode:25 June 2015| |0}} {{#explode:25 June 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 June 2015| |2}}]] (update | poll)
Hunter kits created with the Lunar spell 'Hunter Kit' now contain impling jars.
While the spell Hunter Kit can be cast on Entrana, attempting to open the resulting kit will instead state Some forms of Hunter gear are not appreciated by the monks. Namely these are the Teasing stick, Butterfly net, and Noose wand.
These items can be brought if put into a Huntsman's kit before going to Entrana.