Magic butterfly net

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Magic butterfly net
Released11 June 2007 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWield, Check totals, Destroy
Worn optionsCheck Totals
DestroyYou will have to trade Elnock to get a new magic butterfly net.
ExamineFor catching butterflies.
Value1,000 coins
High alch600 coins
Low alch400 coins
Weight0.226 kg
Advanced data
Item ID11259

A magic butterfly net is an item used in the Hunter skill. It is wielded to capture implings, and butterflies or moths throughout Gielinor and Puro-Puro, and bats in the Chambers of Xeric. A player must have a Hunter level of 17 in order to wield a magic butterfly net. Catching an impling without an impling jar will automatically loot it, and catching a butterfly or moth without a butterfly jar will automatically release it. A jar is required to keep them for later use.

The magic butterfly net can perform the same actions as an ordinary butterfly net, however the magic butterfly net increases the player's chances of capturing butterflies, implings, moths, and bats[1] by about 7.8% (20/256).[2]

Players can right-click this net to open the Impling Tracker, which tracks how many implings they've caught both in Puro-Puro and the surface world.

A magic butterfly net can be obtained by trading Elnock Inquisitor the following impling jars:

Warning: This item is always lost on death, unless stored in the Huntsman's kit. Should this happen, the player will need to obtain another.

Combat stats

 Attack bonusesFile:Magic butterfly net equipped.png
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerWeapon slot table
Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleAttack speedRangeExperienceLevel boost
LungeStabControlled4 ticks (2.4s)1 tileAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
SwipeSlashControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
PoundCrushControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
BlockStabDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence


Elnock's exchange

Ticks1 (0.6s)
ToolsNoneFacilitiesElnock Inquisitor
Gourmet impling jar314,706
Earth impling jar24,358
Essence impling jar13,408
Total cost22,472
Magic butterfly net1N/A


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:15 October 2015| |0}} {{#explode:15 October 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 October 2015| |2}}]]

The "Check totals" option was added, which opens the Impling Tracker.


  1. ^
  2. ^