Temporary skill boost/Magic

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Boost Level
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1 Visible Players may use the cape to change to any spellbook that they already have unlocked up to five times per day.
1 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 1
Smithing Smithing 1
Magic Magic 1
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Oldak ±2 Visible Requires completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun.
2 or 3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 1
Magic Magic 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.02)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Available to free players.
File:Magic essence.png 3 Visible Used during the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest.
File:Magic essence mix.png 3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 6 per dose.

Requires Barbarian training.

Mature Wizard's mind bomb 3 or 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 2
Magic Magic 3 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.02)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
File:Magic potion.png 4 Visible Allows for the use of higher level magical spells.
File:Magic mix.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 6 per dose.

Requires Barbarian training.

File:Divine magic potion.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints - 10
Acts as a magic potion.
Passive stat draining for Magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
File:Battlemage potion.png 4 Visible Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Acts as a magic and super defence potion in one dose.
File:Divine battlemage potion.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints - 10
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Acts as a battlemage potion.
Passive stat draining for Magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 20
Attack Attack 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Defence Defence 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Strength Strength 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Ranged Ranged 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
±0-5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 11
Depending on type of stew, any skill except Hitpoints can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 levels randomly.
File:Ancient brew.png 2-6 Visible Magic Magic 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.05)
Prayer Prayer 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1) with the ability to restore up to 5% over the player's base Prayer level.
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
File:Forgotten brew.png 3-10 Visible Magic Magic 3 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.08)
Prayer Prayer 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1) with the ability to restore up to 5% over the player's base Prayer level.
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
1-10 Visible Magic Magic 1 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Only usable once every 7 minutes.
4-13 Visible Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Passive stat draining for magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
Only usable once every 5 minutes.
File:Kodai (-).png 4-13 Visible Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Overload (-).png 4-13 Visible Acts as an elder (-), twisted (-), and kodai (-) potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Defence Defence 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Strength Strength 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Ranged Ranged 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Kodai potion.png 5-17 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric
File:Overload (Chambers of Xeric).png 5-17 Visible Acts as an elder, twisted, and kodai potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Strength Strength 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Ranged Ranged 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Potion of power.png 5-19 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Only usable within the Soul Wars minigame.
File:Super magic potion.png 5-19 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Only usable within the Nightmare Zone.
File:Overload (Nightmare Zone).png 5-19 Visible Acts as a super combat, super ranging, and super magic potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Strength Strength 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Ranged Ranged 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Nightmare Zone.
File:Kodai (+).png 6-21 Visible Magic Magic 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Overload (+).png 6-21 Visible Acts as an elder (+), twisted (+), and kodai (+) potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Defence Defence 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Strength Strength 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Ranged Ranged 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Magic Magic 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
11-26 Visible Attack Attack 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Defence Defence 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Strength Strength 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Ranged Ranged 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Magic Magic 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Restores run energy by 25%.
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 8 minutes.
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut.