Managing Miscellania

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Managing Miscellania is a repeatable reward/activity unlocked with the completion of the Throne of Miscellania quest. The activity involves assigning the citizens of the island of Miscellania (and additionally Etceteria after the completion of Royal Trouble) to collect a mixture of different resources available on the island/s. Resources may be collected as often as once per day, which results in the resources being deposited directly in the player's bank (meaning ultimate ironmen cannot gain resources from this activity).

The number of resources collected depends on both the player's popularity with the citizens as well as their daily wage, which is taken daily as a percentage of the coins the player has invested in the Miscellania coffers.

The player may manage citizen assignments, deposit or withdraw from the coffers, and collect gathered resources from Advisor Ghrim on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the Miscellania castle on the west side of the island. NPC Contact may be used to collect resources and change labour assignments, but it cannot be used to adjust the coffers.

The player may raise their popularity by performing various tasks on Miscellania (and later Etceteria after the completion of Royal Trouble). Your popularity will decrease daily by 2.5% (1% after Royal Trouble)

Because of the valuable resources obtained, managing Miscellania can result in profitable passive income. Keeping your popularity high and amount invested maxed out will allow for maximum profit.

Completion of Royal Trouble greatly improves the output gained from this activity, increasing the citizens available from 10 to 15, improving their productivity by 50%, and increasing the maximum rate of the daily wage from 50,000 to 75,000. Additionally, it allows you access to hardwood woodcutting and farming output.


Coffers and salary distribution

The coffers hold coins to distribute to all the subjects at a daily rate. Payment is deducted from the coffers and resources are collected at midnight UTC every day. The more the workers are paid, the higher the daily yield is. A maximum of 5,000,000 coins may be stored in the coffers initially, which increases to 7,500,000 coins after Royal Trouble has been completed.

The daily rate is 10% of the coffers current holdings up to 50,000, or 75,000 after Royal Trouble. To get the most out of the activity, it is therefore recommended to keep the coffers at a minimum of 500,000 after Throne of Miscellania or 750,000 after Royal Trouble. With full coffers, 90 withdrawals will be made before it goes below this recommended amount.

If there is money in the coffers and the player's membership ends, the workers still continue gathering resources and deducting money from the coffers accordingly. This is also true for when members get temporary bans. Therefore if players plan on renewing their membership later, it is recommended to fill the coffers with as much as players can spare in order to take advantage of the days without membership as well. Conversely, if players plan on not renewing their membership, it is strongly recommended to withdraw all money and resources from Miscellania, as it will become impossible to recover anything upon losing membership.

If a player teleports while on the "depositing to your bank" part of talking to Advisor Ghrim, after teleporting, the "subject distribution" interface will appear, and players are able to change distribution from their teleport point.

Expenditure of labour

The interface of Managing Miscellania.

Players initially have 10 subjects available to them, increasing to 15 after Royal Trouble has been completed.

In total, there are six forms of labour players can distribute to their subjects: collecting herbs, woodcutting, mining, fishing, hardwood woodcutting, and farming. The latter two become available only after Royal Trouble is completed, as they are located in Etceteria. Each form of labour can be assigned a maximum of 10 workers. Unused labour will be shown in the idle bar at the lower left of the interface. Coins will be used up at the same rate regardless of how much labour you leave idle, making it inadvisable to leave any workers idle.

Completing Royal Trouble increases each subject's productivity by 50%. For example, a player with 10 subjects on maple woodcutting with 100% approval rating will get 595 maple logs and 5 bird nests per day, and 892 maple logs and 8 bird nests per day after Royal Trouble has been completed.

Which resources will be collected is determined at the time when players collect their resources. The player can redistribute labour prior to collection to retroactively apply new parameters throughout the entire period. This does not work for the payment or favour, however.

Approval rating

Advisor Ghrim talking about your approval ratings in the kingdom.

The approval rating, ranging from 25% to 100%, reflects the feelings of the subjects towards the player, and influences their daily yield. The approval rating automatically falls by 2.5% every day, or by 1% after Royal Trouble. Players can check their approval rating by talking to Advisor Ghrim, speaking to any of the citizens, or viewing the completed quest details for Throne of Miscellania or Royal Trouble.

Players can increase their approval rating by helping the subjects of their kingdom with various skilling tasks. The approval rating will only increase if the subject recognises the player's work by saying "Thanks!". Once the approval rating reaches 100%, the subjects will prevent the player from performing any more tasks. No resources are gained from the activities, though full experience is gained. Raking weeds is an exception, as no experience is gained and the weeds are received.

Killing the subjects and stealing from market stalls on Miscellania are the only actions a player can take to lower approval rating. Committing these two acts on Etceteria does not lower the approval rating, even after completing Royal Trouble.

Completing the medium and elite tiers of the Fremennik Diary will add 10 or 15% chance to increase approval respectively. This will only have an impact on favour gaining tasks that have a percentage chance to offer approval (see the calculations table below)

Approval rating calculations

The approval system is on a point system from 0 to 127, shown to the player as a percentage. The table below outlines the actions that influence approval rating.

Action Requirement Rating Change
Rating drops every day automatically by 2.5%, or 1% after completion of Royal Trouble. None -1% or -2.5% per day
Kill one of the civilians.
(Skraelings in Etceteria do not decrease rating)
None -6
Steal from a stall in the marketplace.
(The stalls in Etceteria do not decrease rating)
None -4
Rake the weeds from the herb and flax plots just outside the palace walls, south of the city gates.[a][b] Farming 10 +1 per weed
Mine coal on the north shore of Miscellania, just north of the gates. It is possible to find gems and give these to Miner Magnus. Mining 30 +1 per coal
+2 per gem
Chop maple trees in the grove in the centre of Miscellania. Woodcutting 45 50% chance to earn +1 per maple log
Fish tuna, lobsters, or swordfish off the docks of Miscellania. The type of fish does not affect the amount of rating gained. Fishing 40 50% chance to earn +1 per fish
Buy flowers from the Flower Girl for 15 coins None 50% chance to earn +1 per purchase
Etceteria (requires Royal Trouble)
Cut teak trees. Woodcutting 35 +1 per teak log
Cut mahogany trees. Woodcutting 50 +1 per mahogany log
Weed a weedy patch. Farming 10 +1 per weed
Compost a barren patch. Farming 10 +1 per compost
Water a dry patch. Farming 10 +1 per water
  1. ^ If you world hop after the weeds have grown to the first stage, they will reset to fully grown.
  2. ^ These plots are not affected by Auto-weed.

Money making

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An example of a reward user interface.

The resources gathered may either gain or lose profits depending on current Grand Exchange rates. Players with an Ironman account should use their own discretion to determine which resources will be most valuable to them. Resources will be directly deposited into the player's bank, assuming there is sufficient room to do so, within the last tab the player viewed. If players receive seeds that are present in the seed vault, they will automatically be transferred to the vault rather than the player's bank.

There is a maximum limit on resources collected, which is reached at approximately eight months depending on favour and coffers upkeep. Players are informed of this by the citizens when gaining favour.

Please refer to the reward calculator for more specific reward amounts and profit calculations.

Task Gathered item(s) Max amount gathered daily (Royal Trouble completed, 10 workers assigned and at least 750,000 coins in the coffer) Secondary loot
Herbs Choice between:
  • 61 herbs
  • 1250 flax
Herb seeds (rare, but 3-4 times more common when the "flax" option is picked)
Fishing Choice between: 440 tuna and 132 swordfish (raw and cooked are the same amount) Uncut gems, caskets, Fremennik gloves and boots, key halves and easy clue scrolls
Mining Coal 546 coal Uncut gems (one for the first 100 coal, and another for each 200 coal thereafter, rounded down)[1]
Wood Maple logs 892 logs Bird nests (one for every 100 logs received, rounded down)
Hardwood Choice between:
  • 301 teak
  • 223 mahogany
  • 121 teak and 121 mahogany
Bird nests (one for every 350 logs received, rounded down)
File:Snape grass seed.png Farm Various seeds of any type, except anima and Hespori seeds 481 seeds


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:6 September 2023| |0}} {{#explode:6 September 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 September 2023| |2}}]]

Resource collections and coffer deductions from Miscellania will now occur at midnight every day, instead of at whichever time players initially completed the quest.

[[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |0}} {{#explode:30 November 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |2}}]]

Experience is no longer drastically reduced when gaining approval via gathering of resources.

[[{{#explode:5 October 2022| |0}} {{#explode:5 October 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 October 2022| |2}}]]

You can now find your kingdom statistics (including approval rating and coffer value) at the bottom of the Throne of Miscellania and Royal Trouble Quest Journals.

[[{{#explode:7 January 2016| |0}} {{#explode:7 January 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 January 2016| |2}}]]

Miscellania approval rating should no longer be set to 25% inappropriately.

[[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:5 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You now have an improved rate of gaining approval on Miscellania if you have completed the Fremennik Medium Diary.

[[{{#explode:23 May 2013| |0}} {{#explode:23 May 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:23 May 2013| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The money in your Miscellania coffers is now protected by your Bank PIN.

[[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |0}} {{#explode:22 February 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |2}}]]

This content was included when the Old School RuneScape servers officially launched.


  • The expressions on the chatheads of Miscellanian citizens will vary depending on your approval rating. If you have a very low approval rating, they will look annoyed with you, but as your approval rating rises, they will change to a friendlier expression.


  1. ^