Ratcatchers/Quick guide
Start point | ![]() X/Y: 3150,3412 ","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink> |
Official difficulty | Intermediate |
Official length | Medium |
Description | Gertrude knows of some ratcatchers in Varrock, pay her a visit and she may tell you of their whereabouts. Perhaps they could show you and your cat a few pointers about rat catching. Enter the subterranean world of the rat catchers and discover more of your cat's true potential. |
Requirements |
Items required |
Recommended |
Enemies to defeat | None, but your cat will have to fight the King rat |
League notes |
Starting out
Item required: a cat
- Talk to Gertrude.
- Talk to Phingspet or Grimesquit in the Varrock Sewers.
- Catch 8 rats by having your cat chase nearby rats.
- Talk to the sisters again.
Jimmy Dazzler – The Mansion
Item required: a cat, 3 free inventory space
- Talk to Jimmy Dazzler in the house west of the Ardougne pub.
- Read the directions to arrive at the mansion.
- Guards will notice you by proximity and line of sight. Nab all 6 rats without being caught. (Being caught does not reset the rats)
- The garden
- Go west then north around to the back of the mansion. You will spawn here after being caught.
- Climb the trellis to the upper floor.
- Upstairs
- Catch 1 rat in the NW room.
- Sneak into the NE room.
- Wait in the NE room until either one of the guards is on the porch and the other at the end of the hallway or until both guards step out onto the balcony, then run to the SE room.
- Note: If the guards don't step out at the same time, try hopping worlds. Look for one with them in sync.
- Catch 2 rats in the SE room.
- Climb down the ladder.
- Downstairs
- The SE and NE room will have 3 rats combined, catch them.
- Climb back down the trellis to return to Ardougne OR use any teleport. (Your character will say "Good job puss, I think that just about wraps things up here." once you have caught all the rats.)
- Talk to Jimmy Dazzler.
Hooknosed Jack – The Warehouse
Items required: a cat, 8 fish (recommended), a catspeak amulet (not required if Dragon Slayer II is completed), 4 pieces of cheese, a bucket of milk, marrentill, and unicorn horn dust, along with either rat poison OR kwuarm, red spiders eggs and an empty vial to make rat poison
Warning! Your cat might die in this section if you choose not to bring any fish!
- Talk to Hooknosed Jack in South-east Varrock near the Varrock rat pits manhole. He will make you the rat poison.
- Run south to the abandoned building and climb up the ladder.
- Use your rat poison on your cheeses and use them on the 4 rat holes.
- Talk to Hooknosed Jack.
- Talk to the Apothecary south-west of Varrock Square. [ if Dragon Slayer II or A Tail of Two Cats is completed, or if One Small Favour is started but not yet completed.]
- Return and talk to Hooknosed Jack.
- Head back to the top of the abandoned building.
- Pick-up, and then use your cat on the corner hole in the wall.
- Use fish on the hole in the wall (not on your cat) to heal your cat as it fights.
- If you have access to raw karambwanji, they may be used to heal your cat and preserve inventory space during the quest.
- Talk to Hooknosed Jack.
Smokin' Joe
Items required: a cat, a catspeak amulet (not required if Dragon Slayer II is completed), a pot, weeds, and a tinderbox
You must have started The Giant Dwarf in order to get to Keldagrim.
- Head to Keldagrim (trapdoor in north-western part of Grand Exchange, or minigame teleport to Blast Furnace.)
- Talk to Smokin' Joe east of the Keldagrim mining shop in east Keldagrim.
- Use weeds on a pot and light it with your tinderbox.
- Drop your cat or kitten.
- Use the smouldering pot on the rat hole just east of Smokin' Joe.
- Try it again and accept your cat's help (don't forget to wear the catspeak amulet).
- Talk to Smokin' Joe.
The Face and Felkrash
Items required: a cat, a catspeak amulet (not required if Dragon Slayer II is completed)
Charming the rats
Items required: a snake charm, and 101 coins (51 coins with the Ring of charos(a).) Note: If you have more than 101 coins in your inventory Ali will ask for all of your money unless you have the Ring of charos(a)
- Head to Ali (or Badir) the Snake Charmer in Pollnivneach (just south of the pub).
- Put a coin in his pot and talk to him. must ask about charming
- If you already have a snake charm from The Feud, you will not receive another one.
- Return to the Port Sarim manhole. Don't go down.
- Remove items from your hand slots
- Click the Snake charm to open the interface.
- There are eight pages, select one note from each page and move to the next one: D, G, E, F#, for the fifth page, also select "raise one octave" from the top left corner "D", B, C#, A.
- Press play at the top to begin a cutscene.
Finishing up
- Return and talk to Felkrash in the rat pits.
- Congratulations, quest complete!

- 2
Quest points
4,500 Thieving experience
- A rat pole
- The ability to train overgrown cats into wily and lazy cats.
- The ability to name your wily or lazy cat (up to six letters long).
- Access to the Rat Pits.
- The ability to use the Grouping teleport to the rat pits in Port Sarim, Ardougne, Varrock, and Keldagrim.
NPCs |
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