Spined larupia

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Spined larupia
Released21 November 2006 (Update)
LocationFeldip Hunter area
League regionKandarin Kandarin
ExamineIf you tried to ride that, you'd just impale yourself!
Advanced data
NPC ID2908

The spined larupia is a creature that players can capture with the Hunter skill at level 31 or above, granting 180 Hunter experience. Spined larupias may be assigned as a hunters' rumour task by Huntmaster Gilman or Guild Hunter Ornus.

Although spined larupias are Combat level 40, they are non-attackable. They can however attack players once provoked with a teasing stick or hunter's spear, dealing up to 5 melee damage.

Trapping one of these is a task from the medium Western Provinces Diary.


Location Levels Members Spawns Map League region
Feldip Hunter area (AKS)40Members5<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="2898" x="2558" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2544.5,2910.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"0","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"
MonsterSpined larupia

X/Y: 2544,2910

MonsterSpined larupia

X/Y: 2550,2904

MonsterSpined larupia

X/Y: 2556,2895

MonsterSpined larupia

X/Y: 2563,2888

MonsterSpined larupia

X/Y: 2573,2883

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Kandarin Kandarin

Hunter info

Spined larupia
Level requiredHunter 31
Hunter XP180 xp
RetaliationYes (maximum 5 Hitpoints)
TrapSpiked pit
Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Big bones.png: Spined larupia drops Big bones with rarity Always in quantity 1Big bones1Always3360
Raw larupia.png: Spined larupia drops Raw larupia with rarity Always in quantity 1Raw larupia1Always2921
Larupia fur.png: Spined larupia drops Larupia fur with rarity Common in quantity 1Larupia fur1Common[d 1]37648
Tatty larupia fur.png: Spined larupia drops Tatty larupia fur with rarity Common in quantity 1Tatty larupia fur1Common39736
Larupia ear.png: Spined larupia drops Larupia ear with rarity 1/15 in quantity 1Larupia ear11/15[d 2][d 3]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ The chance of receiving an undamaged fur scales with Hunter level.[1]
  2. ^ Only dropped if investigating a Hunter's Rumour
  3. ^ Guaranteed after 30 catches, or 28 while wearing the guild hunter outfit

Hunting technique

The hunting technique is the same as for other pitfall trapping. Players must bring a teasing stick, a knife and any type of logs (except for redwood logs) to the hunting spot location. By clicking on a pit, the player will create a spiked pit. After this, the player should tease a spined larupia, lure it towards the set up trap, and jump over the trap. If successful, the creature will attempt to walk over the trap, and fall into the pit. Finally, the player needs to dismantle the trap in order to get rewarded with the loot and Hunter experience.

It is advised to bring an axe to the hunter area, since the player could cut jungle trees for an unlimited supply of logs while hunting these creatures.


Larupia fur and tatty larupia fur can be used to make spined larupia armour. 4 larupia fur, not tatty larupia fur, along with a needle and thread can be used to create the small fur pouch.


  • The spined larupia is a large type of feline-like animal. It somewhat resembles a cougar with spines on its back.

See also


  1. ^