Strange bush (Blue)Strange bush (Green)Strange bush (Lilac)Strange bush (Orange)Strange bush (Pink)Strange bush (Red)Strange bush (White)Strange bush (Yellow)? (edit)? (edit)File:Strange bush (Blue).pngFile:Strange bush (Green).pngFile:Strange bush (Lilac).pngFile:Strange bush (Orange).pngFile:Strange bush (Pink).pngFile:Strange bush (Red).pngFile:Strange bush (White).pngFile:Strange bush (Yellow).png12 July2023 (Update)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)YesPlant? (edit)Forestry eventsN/ANo? (edit)? (edit)Tend-toA strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.N/ADEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULTNPC? (edit)1215212150121441213312135121421214812146? (edit)1215212150121441213312135121421214812146Versions: 8
SMW Subobject for LilacNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12144Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Lilac).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for WhiteNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12148Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (White).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for BlueNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12152Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Blue).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for GreenNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12150Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Green).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for RedNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12142Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Red).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for YellowNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12146Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Yellow).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for OrangeNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12133Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Orange).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
SMW Subobject for PinkNPC location: Forestry eventsIs members only: trueIs variant of: Strange bushLeague Region: NoNPC ID: 12135Release date: 12 July 2023Image: File:Strange bush (Pink).pngUses infobox: NPCExamine: A strange, fruit producting[sic] bush.
Once the player pollinates the pair of bushes enough times, they will grow into strange bushes and disappear. Upon the end of the event, will reward players with seeds and several strange fruit.
Flowering bushes appear around the area.
The coloured strange bushes replaced the original variant of strange bushes, which only had one colour, making identifying the correct pair of flowering bushes difficult to call out for other players.