Template:Rune pouch/Rune enums

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Allowed runes in a rune pouch
Enum Rune Item ID
1 Air rune 556
2 Water rune 555
3 Earth rune 557
4 Fire rune 554
5 Mind rune 558
6 Chaos rune 562
7 Death rune 560
8 Blood rune 565
9 Cosmic rune 564
10 Nature rune 561
11 Law rune 563
12 Body rune 559
13 Soul rune 566
14 Astral rune 9075
15 Mist rune 4695
16 Mud rune 4698
17 Dust rune 4696
18 Lava rune 4699
19 Steam rune 4694
20 Smoke rune 4697
21 Wrath rune 21880
Template documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:Rune pouch/Rune enums/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]

When runes are placed to rune pouch in three slots, each of the slot tracks an enum of the rune type in a varbit instead of using the item ID directly. This table is meant to demonstrate which runes are allowed to be placed into the rune pouch, what their enums and item IDs are.

Notably, runes found in Nightmare Zone (with different item IDs) are not allowed to be placed into the rune pouch. Thus, they should not be listed in this table.

See also

External links