The Path of Glouphrie/Quick guide

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Start pointMap icon Speak to King Bolren in the Tree Gnome Village. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3173" x="2540" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2540.5,3171.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2540,3171

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyExperienced
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionKing Bolren has a new pet. Unfortunately, it's another watcher, like the ones unmasked in the Tree Gnome Stronghold during The Eyes of Glouphrie. Has Glouphrie been watching the Tree Gnome Village, too? If you investigate further you'll find out more about Glouphrie, the history of the gnomes (and their unusual monarchy) and maybe you'll get within a hair's breadth of the lost city of Arposandra...
Items required
Enemies to defeat
Ironman concerns


League notes

Kandarin Kandarin — location requirement


Bolren's Little Dumpling

Items needed: None
Items recommended: 10-14 free inventory spaces to make room for crystalline disks.
Below is the value of each shape:
Colour Value
Circle Triangle Square Pentagon
Red 1 3 4 5
Orange 2 6 8 10
Yellow 3 9 12 15
Green 4 12 16 20
Blue 5 15 20 25
Indigo 6 18 24 30
Violet 7 21 28 35
Path for the monolith puzzle
  • Talk to King Bolren in the Tree Gnome Village. (Chat 1)
  • Squeeze through the loose railing to the south-west, and then run east to the ladder down to the Tree Gnome Village dungeon.
  • Run west and talk to Golrie about anti-illusion devices. (Chat 1)
  • Search the distinct crate in the eastern area of the dungeon. (only required if Golrie is trapped behind the gate).
  • Unlock the gate and speak to Golrie again.
  • Enter the storeroom via the tunnel in the eastern area of the dungeon.
  • Push the monolith north.
  • Search the nearby chest for some discs.
  • Push the south-west monolith north.
  • Push the north-west monolith east.
  • Search the two chests by the northern tunnel.
  • Push the small monolith south.
  • Push the north-west monolith west.
  • Search the chest for the strongroom key and crystal chime seed.
  • Click on the singing bowl to create the crystal chime from the seed. You may have to instead select the 'Sing-crystal' on the singing bowl to complete this step.
  • Push the south-east monolith west.
  • Enter the strongroom to the west.
  • Click the book on the lectern and watch each cutscene by selecting the chapter headers. (NOTE: DROPPED ITEMS WILL DISAPPEAR AFTER THE CUTSCENE)
  • Operate Yewnock's machine.
  • Referencing the table to the right, insert discs on the left side of the machine to equal the values on the right side. Use Yewnock's exchanger to obtain shapes of lesser values. (NOTE: PICK UP ANY ITEMS YOU'VE DROPPED PRIOR TO CONFIRMING THE DISCS IN YEWNOCK'S MACHINE). If you are having trouble, see the full guide here.
  • Return to King Bolren and kill the evil creature.
  • Talk to him again.

The Warped Depths

Items needed: A crossbow and mith grapple, crystal chime, combat equipment
  • Use the Spirit Tree to travel to the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
  • Make your way to the Grand Tree and climb up the ladder once.
  • Talk to Gianne jnr. in the north-west corner. (Chat 2)
  • Make your way to the Galarpos Mountains just east of the Poison Waste. The quickest way to travel there is by using the fairy ring code BKP and then running north-west. Alternatively, teleporting to Castle Wars via ring of dueling, then heading south-west alongside the river is also fairly quick.
  • Use a crossbow and mith grapple on the tree in the middle of the river to cross into the mountains.
  • Talk to Longramble.
  • Talk to the dying spirit tree.
  • Use the crystal chime on the tree. Note: Keep the Crystal chime in your inventory after this, as it needs to be in your inventory to damage the dungeon monsters.
  • Talk to the tree.
  • Go west into the Poison Waste Dungeon entrance by entering the sewer and climbing up the ladder.
  • Travel through the dungeon until you reach a room with a pit in the centre that is connected to three other rooms.
    • The Warped Tortoises scattered throughout the dungeon are not aggressive, but the Warped Terrorbirds are. Wearing Earmuffs or a Slayer helm will reduce damage taken from their Ranged attacks. The damage can be fully negated if ear protection is combined with the Protect from Missiles prayer.
  • Enter the east room and kill the three blue Warped Terrorbirds.
    • The Terrorbirds can attack with both Ranged and Melee and will swap to whichever combat style the player is not currently praying against. It is possible to use the pillars in the room as safespots. If fighting in melee range, it is recommended to use Protect from Melee as their melee max hit is much higher than their ranged max hit.
  • Peek through the hatch door on the east side of the room for a long cutscene, and finish the final dialogue with Hazelmere to complete the quest.
