The Eyes of Glouphrie

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The Eyes of Glouphrie (#109)
Released 15 August 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Gnome, #2
Lead developer(s) Chihiro Y

The Eyes of Glouphrie is a quest revolving around yet another plot against the Grand Tree gnomes, this time not by Glough, but a much more feared figure from gnomish history.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Brimstail in his cave south-west side of the Tree Gnome Stronghold, directly west of the bank near the Stronghold Slayer Cave. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="9819" x="2406" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2406.5,9817.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2406,9817

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionAfter you foiled a plan to destroy the Grand Tree things have been quiet in the gnome world. Brimstail has found a strange machine, though, built by Oaknock the Engineer during the Gnomes' Golden Age. What does the weird device do? Why on Gielinor was it built? If you agree to help this bookworm gnome get this confusing device working, you will learn a little about gnome magicks, gnome history, and you will start to uncover a new threat (or is it an old one?) to gnome security - a threat that is a lot harder to see ...
Items required
Enemies to defeat 6 x Evil creature that each have 1 HP
Ironman concerns

For mud runes, either Runecraft 13 Runecraft to create them, Hunter 42 Hunter to catch essence implings, or Magic 33 Magic to earn points at the Mage Training Arena

Magic glue can be made before starting the quest by grinding the mud rune with the pestle and mortar and using it on a bucket of sap, saving inventory space.
League notes

Unlocking Kandarin Kandarin will auto-complete the quest


Starting out

<mapframe align="right" text="Brimstail's cave entrance." plane="0" width="250" y="3419" x="2402" height="250" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 2402,3419



Head south-west from the Spirit Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold until you see a dungeon entrance marker near the edge of a small lake. Enter the cave, and speak to Brimstail. Ask him about the cute creature wandering around, and then agree to let him tell you about his research. He will offer to tell you some history - agree and say that you love a bit of history (the second option does not work to skip the dialogue). You will then be given the option to start the quest.

Brimstail will ask you to go into the next room and look at it carefully. First, Inspect the singing bowl set in the centre of the cave and surrounded by a black circular pothole. Next, Inspect the machine panel next to Oaknock's exchanger. Then, Unlock Oaknock's Machine. After completing these three actions, in that order, talk to Brimstail again.

Talk to Brimstail again, and he will tell you to go and talk to Hazelmere. Fully finish the dialogue or Hazelmere will not be understood later on. Hazelmere is located on the island chain east of Yanille, there is also a fairy ring directly beside his hut code CLS. You can also use the Watchtower Teleport spell and run east. Another way to reach him is by using the Nightmare Zone minigame teleport and running south-east.


Speak to Hazelmere, located east of Yanille. There's a long conversation, and he will get inside your mind where you can now talk to him. This requires 46 Magic and cannot be boosted. A long cutscene will follow showing the battle between the gnomes and goblins, with King Healthorg, Oaknock, Glouphrie and Hazelmere fighting alongside. Glouphrie uses his magic to scare away the goblins, and later uses his magic to cover up Argento's death. Oaknock then builds a machine that reverses Glouphrie's magic, revealing that Argento is actually dead to the King. The King, unable to trust Glouphrie, banishes him from the Stronghold, which Glouphrie isn't happy about. Hazelmere will then give you a violet pentagon for the machine.


Someone sneaks in during the conversation with Brimstail...

Go back and speak to Brimstail where you will see a shorter cutscene in which an invisible gnome will sabotage the machine you examined earlier.

You'll need to repair this

Crush your mud rune with the pestle and mortar, and then use it on the bucket of sap to create magic glue. Repair the machine using your maple logs, oak logs and the glue. You will need to have a hammer and a saw in your inventory.

If you did not bring a bucket of sap ahead of time, there is a tree just north of Brimstail's cave, between two Oak trees, that you can extract sap from. Use a knife on it with a bucket in your inventory to extract the sap.

Now, you will have to unlock and restart the machine. For this, you will need more crystal discs—talk to Brimstail to get some from him. You can talk to him multiple times to get more shapes. If you can no longer get discs from Brimstail, drop the discs and talk to him again to get more discs. Alternatively, you can exchange the discs at the exchanger next to the machine.

To work this machine, you have to fit crystal discs to the numbers shown. The numbers will be different for everybody; therefore, you have to solve this mostly yourself. This is how it works:

To the west side is a chart showing the values of each colour.

Below is the value of each shape:
Colour Value
Circle Triangle Square Pentagon
Red 1 3 4 5
Orange 2 6 8 10
Yellow 3 9 12 15
Green 4 12 16 20
Blue 5 15 20 25
Indigo 6 18 24 30
Violet 7 21 28 35

The crystal is equal to:

  • Red: 1
  • Orange: 2
  • Yellow: 3
  • Green: 4
  • Blue: 5
  • Indigo: 6
  • Violet: 7

This value is multiplied by the number of sides each crystal has:

  • Circle has 1 side.
  • Triangle has 3 sides.
  • Square has 4 sides.
  • Pentagon has 5 sides.
  • Example 1: a 4 can be a red square or a green circle (1 * 4)
  • Example 2: a 7 can only be a violet circle (7 * 1)
  • Example 3: a 12 can be a green triangle or a yellow square (4 * 3)

Some of the colours can be easily mixed up, since they are very similar (e.g. blue, indigo and violet). Hover them with your mouse to be sure.

The yellow circle can never be obtained. If the puzzle requires a value of three, you must use the red triangle instead. Brimstail cannot directly give you any circles, or red colored shapes. If you need the lower value shapes the exchanger must be used.

There is a token exchanger on the right-hand side, which allows you to insert various tokens and change them for others of the same value. You cannot exchange more than 35 points worth at a time, but you may exchange a single token for many other lower valued tokens if its value is high enough. You will always receive the same value back, in different tokens. For example, if you need an indigo pentagon (30), and have a violet pentagon (35). Put the violet pentagon into the exchanger, and keep declining the transaction until the machine offers you an indigo pentagon (30) and a red pentagon (5).

Token exchanger

To unlock the machine, you have to create a single disc worth the number of points shown on Oaknock's machine. The numbers are different for everyone. As a general strategy, try and get the smaller numbers and it's easier. Any violet pentagons or similar if not needed may be exchanged for ones of a lower value using the Oaknock's exchanger.

Once unlocked, you need to restart the machine. For this, you will need to fit six separate tokens to three different numbers (1 for the first number, 2 for the second and 3 for the third). Be patient—it can take a while to get all the tokens that you need. You may speak to Brimstail to get more tokens which may make getting the ones you want easier; it is possible to solve the puzzle by continuously asking for and dropping coins until you get the ones you need.

Successfully restarting the machine
Successfully restarting the machine

An example of a completed machine. Note that all the slots need to be filled. In this example, using two violet triangles turned the light green, but still did not work. If this happens, you can just use the exchanger to turn it into two pieces, since the total points stay the same.


Once you have unlocked the machine, speak to Brimstail again. The once cute creatures are revealed to be evil creatures. After the cut-scene, talk to Brimstail and he will tell you to speak to King Narnode.

Brimstail, shocked by Izzie's true appearance!

There are six creatures in total, and they have 1 Hitpoint each.

  • 1 - One by Brimstail (he may kill it for you).
  • 2 - One by King Narnode. (You may need to range or mage this one, as it can get stuck behind the trapdoor.)
  • 3 - One at the top of the Grand Tree, by the prison. (Do not climb down the ladders immediately after killing the creature—it will not count as a kill.)
  • 4 - One by the giant tortoises in the pen north-west of the Grand Tree (north of the toad swamp).
  • 5 - One by the Gnome Stronghold Spirit Tree.
  • 6 - One by the entrance to the Gnome Stronghold. Go south from the Grand Tree, down the ramp and keep walking to the main entrance of the Stronghold.

Note: If Brimstail kills the evil creature, or if you mess up a creature kill count at any time, the last Evil Creature will spawn at the entrance to Gnome Stronghold.

Talk to King Narnode, and he will reward you.

Congratulations, quest complete!


Required for completing

Completion of The Eyes of Glouphrie is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:25 November 2020| |0}} {{#explode:25 November 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 November 2020| |2}}]]
  • The hand displayed when operating Oaknock's machines in The Eyes of Glouphrie now matches the player character's skin tone.
  • Certain shapes can now be obtained from Oaknock's machine.
[[{{#explode:4 April 2013| |0}} {{#explode:4 April 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 April 2013| |2}}]]

A problem with Oaknock's machine has been fixed.


The goblin army seen during the quest from the western side of the Burthorpe Games Room.
  • The area where the cutscene from the quest takes place in can be seen from the western side of the Burthorpe Games Room by using an oculus orb. As the gnome and goblin armies are not classified as NPCs by the game, they can be seen as well.
  • The goblin army seen in the aforementioned cutscene bears the standard of the Thorobshuun tribe.
  • "Anima Mundi" is Latin for "the soul of the world".
  • If you have started Monkey Madness I, you'll mention Karam's camouflage when talking to Brimstail after the machine has been sabotaged.
  • If, by misunderstanding, you grind up pure essence and add it to the sap instead of mud runes, you will end up with a bucket of weird gloop.
  • The sequel to this quest, The Path of Glouphrie, originally existed in the archive, and was ported to the main game on 13th September 2023.
  • The name of the quest refers to the spies Glouphrie sent to the stronghold that the adventurer helps defeat.
  • Examining Oaknock during one of the cutscene provides the statement "Can he build it? Yes he can!" which is a reference to the animated children's show Bob the Builder.