Trailblazer League (2020)/Areas/Karamja

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The Karamja Area covers the entire island of Karamja along with the island of Crandor and the Realm of the Fisher King. Underground areas and instanced areas with an entrance in Karamja are also included. When purchasing a Player Owned House from an Estate Agent your house will be placed in Brimhaven so that Construction can be trained from level 1.

Overview of area

Notable settlements

Notable combat-related activities

Notable non-combat activities

Notable shops

Slayer tasks added

Unlocking Karamja will add the following tasks to your slayer list:


The following quests and achievement diary tasks are automatically completed after unlocking the area.


Achievement diary tasks

Automatically completed diary tasks upon area unlock
Karamja Diary
Easy Tasks
Medium Tasks
Hard Tasks
Elite Tasks

Notable drops

These items are highlighted as key drops from the area which are affected by the boosted drop rate granted by passive relics at tier 3 and tier 5.

Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Obsidian helmet, platebody, and legsTzHaar-Ket1/2,0001/1,0001/666
TzHaar weaponryTzHaar-Ket and TzHaar-Xil1/5121/2561/170
Draconic visageSteel and Iron dragons1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon platelegs and
Dragon plateskirt
Steel dragon1/5121/2561/170
Dragon platelegs and
Dragon plateskirt
Iron dragon1/1,0241/5121/341