Trailblazer axe (Trailblazer League 2020)

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Trailblazer axe
Released28 October 2020 (Update)
Removal6 January 2021 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWield, Destroy
DestroyYou can get this item back by talking to the Leagues Tutor in Lumbridge.
ExamineA very powerful axe in the colours of the Trailblazer League.
Value10 coins
High alch6 coins
Low alch4 coins
Weight0.907 kg
Advanced data
Item IDhist25110

The Trailblazer axe was an item obtained in the Trailblazer League upon unlocking the Infernal Gathering relic. As the relic gives the player the Trailblazer axe, as well as the pickaxe and harpoon, it must be unlocked in a bank.

With no requirement to use and equip, the Trailblazer axe functions as a crystal axe with similar effects to an infernal axe, in which any logs chopped are burned (without creating a fire), granting Firemaking experience regardless of level requirements. The axe also inherits the crystal axe's special attack. If used with the Endless Harvest relic, the burning effect will take precedent and two sets of logs will be burnt (granting Firemaking experience for both) instead of banked. The Trailblazer axe is destroyed upon death. If players lose the axe, they can reclaim it from the Leagues Tutor in Lumbridge.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerWeapon slot table
Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleAttack speedRangeExperienceLevel boost
ChopSlashAccurate5 ticks (3.0s)1 tileAttack Hitpoints+3 Attack
HackSlashAggressiveStrength Hitpoints+3 Strength
SmashCrushAggressiveStrength Hitpoints+3 Strength
BlockSlashDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence