Failed to find products with those materials - ensure they are spelled correctly. (ERR: no results from SMW)
[[{{#explode:29 March 2018| |0}} {{#explode:29 March 2018| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 March 2018| |2}}]] (update)
The item was recoloured to distinguish it from regular Gold bars.
Gallery (historical)
RuneScape 2 Beta
29 March 2004 – 29 March 2018
29 March 2018 – present
The P in 'perfect' gold bar is not capitalised because all items in Old School RuneScape use ucfirst capitalisation, wherein the first character of a string is capitalised, but the rest is not.
If the 'perfect' gold bar is offered to Dondakan the Dwarf during the Between a Rock... quest to make cannonballs from he states: "Perfect gold? That's much too valuable to be used to make cannonballs!"