SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: Chronozon the blood demon.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 173Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 4987, 6354Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 9 April 2002Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Attack level: 173Combat level: 170Poisonous: NoIs variant of: ChronozonMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: SlashMonster attribute: demonLight range defence bonus: 0Immune to poison: Not immuneSlash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 60Image: File:Chronozon.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: -90Max hit: 18Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Magic level: 1Name: ChronozonStrength bonus: 0Size: 3Strength level: 172Heavy range defence bonus: 0Is members only: true
SMW Subobject for HardMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: Chronozon the blood demon.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 173Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 6292Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 5 September 2013Version anchor: HardRanged level: 1Attack level: 346Combat level: 297Poisonous: NoIs variant of: ChronozonMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: SlashMonster attribute: demonLight range defence bonus: 0Immune to poison: Not immuneSlash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 120Image: File:Chronozon.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: -90Max hit: 35Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Magic level: 1Name: Chronozon (hard)Strength bonus: 0Size: 3Strength level: 344Heavy range defence bonus: 0Is members only: true
Chronozon is a blood demon that must be defeated towards the end of the Family Crestquest. It is found in the Wilderness area of the Edgeville Dungeon, by the Earth obelisk. Chronozon must be hit with all four elemental blast spells in order to be killed, or otherwise it will return to full health when it is nearly dead. Players should note that Chronozon has to be hit (i.e. do actual damage: if the spell splashes, it will not count). It will not drop the crest part unless the player has completed most of the quest. He can be fought in the Nightmare Zone after the quest is complete.
It is recommended to bring any method of curing poison before encountering Chronozon, because players will have to pass an area filled with poison spiders that may attack you before you reach Chronozon. Chronozon is unique in that it has to be hit with each of the 4 elemental blast spells, Wind Blast, Water Blast, Earth Blast and Fire Blast. A message will appear in the chatbox, saying "Chronozon weakens" to confirm that the spell has been made effective. Once all 4 elemental spells have been cast on Chronozon, players may do as they wish to defeat him. Since he only uses Melee, continuing to mage him or ranging him is an easy way to finish him off, as there is a safespot in the area. However, Melee can also be used.
Once defeated, it will instantly drop the Crest part onto the floor.
When the quest was first released, Chronozon was located in the Lava Maze Dungeon. Due to player complaints about being killed, he was moved to Edgeville Dungeon the next day.
After player has defeated Chronozon the first time, they do not need to cast death spells on him to kill him again.