Curse of the Empty Lord

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Curse of the Empty Lord
Released 26 July 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Mahjarrat, #8
Developer(s) James B

Curse of the Empty Lord is a miniquest following the events of Desert Treasure I, allowing the player to obtain a set of ghostly robes.


Start pointTalk to the mysterious ghost (Valdez) near Glarial's Tomb. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3447" x="2554" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2554.5,3445.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2554,3445

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyExperienced
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionFollow the sad tale of woe from one cursed soul to the next and learn more of Zamorak's betrayal of Zaros.
Items required
Enemies to defeat None
Ironman concerns
  • You may need to visit Entrana
  • You will need to go into the Wilderness. To make this somewhat safer you can also do this in F2P worlds.
League notes

Unlocking Desert Desert will auto-complete the miniquest
Unlocking Fremennik Fremennik will auto-complete the miniquest but will not auto-complete Desert Treasure I


Warning: This miniquest will take you into dangerous parts of the Wilderness. Beware of player killers and that you cannot teleport after level 20 Wilderness unless you use a piece of dragonstone teleport jewellery (such as an Amulet of glory), Slayer ring or Royal seed pod, with which you may teleport until level 30. As long as the Ring of visibility is already equipped, it is possible to complete the dialogue of ghosts in free-to-play regions of the wilderness on a free-to-play world, potentially reducing the risk from player killers.

Note: It is possible to receive multiple pieces of the Ghostly set by talking to any ghost after they tell their story. You can get any of the pieces you have already gotten from any of the ghosts you have already spoken to.

Valdez the Explorer

Wearing your ring of visibility and your ghostspeak amulet or Morytania legs 2/3/4, go to Glarial's Tomb (not the waterfall cave) north-west of the Fishing Guild. The ghost is standing outside the tomb entrance. Note he will not appear as a dot on the minimap and his transparency makes him a bit tough to spot.

When you speak to him, he will introduce himself and relate his part of the story. He will then give you a Ghostly robe (top) and request you to find another ghost named Rennard, along with a hint on how to find him. Pay attention to the hint given, as it indicates the sequence necessary to complete the quest:

  • If he mentions pirates and a shipwreck, Sequence 1 must be followed for the entirety of the quest.
  • If he mentions the thief being north-east of there, Sequence 2 must be followed for the entirety of the quest.
  • If he mentions the thief being south-east of there, Sequence 3 must be followed for the entirety of the quest.

You must visit the ghosts in the correct order with a ring of visibility and ghostspeak amulet (or Morytania legs) to speak to them. Additionally, all of the Mysterious ghosts in this quest appear at all three of their possible locations, but the player will not be able to progress further in the quest until the ghost is spoken to at the correct location.

Sequence 1

Items recommended: Burning Amulet (teleport to Lava Maze), Necklace of passage (teleport to Wizards' Tower)

Sequence 2

Items recommended: Burning amulet (teleport to Bandit Camp and Chaos Temple), Explorer Ring (Teleport to Port Sarim docks, Mini-game Teleport to Rat Pits or glory to Draynor Village works as well), Combat bracelet, Skull sceptre, Amulet of glory, Varrock teleport (To get to Edgeville Monastery), Slayer ring, Salve graveyard teleport, Kharyrll Teleport, Ectophial, Fairy ring CKS (Slayer tower 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US]), Ring of dueling (Ferox Enclave then run to Graveyard of Shadows)

Sequence 3

Items recommended: A Shantay pass, Falador teleport tabs or runes, Amulet of glory for teleporting to Al Kharid and Edgeville, Burning amulet for teleporting to the Lava Maze, 200 coins for a carpet ride, slash weapon for Lava Maze

Note: Open the Muddy chest in the Lava Maze to complete a task in the medium Wilderness diary (requires Muddy key).


Upon completion, you can talk to Historian Minas on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the Varrock Museum to receive 10 kudos and an experience lamp worth 10,000 experience in any skill above 50.

A male player wearing the ghostly robes.

Required for completing

Completion of Curse of the Empty Lord is required for the following:


This article on a miniquest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the miniquest.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:14 July 2016| |0}} {{#explode:14 July 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 July 2016| |2}}]]

The miniquest was renamed from 'The Curse of Zaros' to 'Curse of the Empty Lord'.

[[{{#explode:9 April 2015| |0}} {{#explode:9 April 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 April 2015| |2}}]]

Gravingas & the Ghosts from the Curse of Zaros miniquest now recognise the Morytania legs built-in ghostspeak function.


  • If any of the ghosts are spoken to without a ghostspeak amulet, the player may say "All your base are belong to us", as well as some other quotes. These are references to famous translation errors in the game Zero Wing.
  • When speaking to Rennard, the player says "I ain't scared of no ghost," a reference to "I ain't afraid of no ghost" from the Ghostbusters theme song.
  • While talking to Dhalak, he will ask the player if they are the "mighty sorcerer that binds him". If you are level 99 Magic, your character will respond by bragging about said skill mastery.
  • If you lose any piece of the ghostly robes after the quest, the first mysterious ghost at Glarial's tomb will provide a replacement.
  • The ghosts located in the Wilderness also appear in free-to-play worlds, as long as the player has the ring of visibility and ghostspeak amulet equipped; the player can still talk to them and receive pieces of the ghostly robes, but it will be labelled as a members object.
  • Players can speak to the three different ghosts of Rennard from the three sequences. If they talk to the wrong one, short and funny dialogues will occur with the ghost.