Dharok's platelegs (Last Man Standing)

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Dharok's platelegs
Released11 July 2019 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineDharok the Wretched's plate leg armour.
Value500 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight9.071 kg
Advanced data
Item ID23633

Dharok's platelegs from Last Man Standing is a minigame-exclusive variant of the normal Dharok's platelegs. It can be obtained (along with the rest of the set) from opening the chests with a bloody key or bloodier key, or looting the crates that spawn at random locations on the map. It can be looted from other players as it always drops on death.

As it is part of Dharok's barrows set, if Dharok's platelegs is worn along with all of the other pieces of equipment in Dharok's barrows set, the player gains a special effect. Attacks do more damage as the player's hitpoints decrease, up to 98.9% bonus damage with 1 hitpoint remaining with 99 max.

In the minigame, the set is highly valued as it can deliver devastating damage to unsuspecting opponents not using Protect from Melee. However, it requires players to stay at low health, making it risky to use effectively. It also makes players vulnerable to magical attacks, since the full set is required for the effect and it provides negative magical defence.

For more details on the mechanics and strategies for this equipment, see the set page.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerLegs slot table