Quest Speedrunning

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Quest Speedrunning is a members-only game mode released on 12 October 2022. The game mode takes place on separate worlds and gives players a different save profile, similarly to Leagues. From there, players are able to choose a quest that they want to speedrun and will be given the relevant levels and items to start them.

The game mode was originally scheduled for release on 28 September, but it was pushed back to review player feedback from the Quest Speedrunning beta and updating the game engine to accommodate the launch.

Official worlds

The interface that appears upon logging into a Speedrunning World for the first time.

The following worlds are classified as servers for Quest Speedrunning:


Players speedrunning the quest Ernest the Chicken.

Speedrunning worlds have the same mechanics as regular worlds during a speedrun, with a few exceptions:

  • The tutorial is skipped, meaning the player will start immediately in Lumbridge.
  • All accounts are treated as ironmen, so trading with other players and the Grand Exchange are disabled.
  • PvP is disabled.
  • No access to Castle Wars, Emir's Arena, Falador Party Room, Fight Pits, Last Man Standing, Rat Pits, Soul Wars, or Trouble Brewing.
  • Teleport cooldowns (e.g. Home Teleport) are paused on logout.
  • Shops have a static stock and items will never sell out. Items can still be sold to shops, but will be instantly deleted.
  • Items picked up from the floor are player-specific, so waiting for item spawns will not be an issue.
  • Dropped items act as normal, but are deleted once the speedrun ends.
  • Fires lit by players always burn out after one minute, and ashes only appear to the player who lit the fire as well.
  • Fired ammunition, such as arrows, only appears to the player themselves.
  • Death works as normal.

If the player is not on a speedrun, extra exceptions apply:

  • Experience gain is disabled.
  • Deaths are safe and any items dropped on death are deleted. If the player dies, they will respawn in Lumbridge with the items they had.

List of quests

The main interface for Quest Speedrunning.

15 quests are available for players to perform a speedrun on. Below lists the quests available and the time the player needs to beat in order to unlock the corresponding Speedrun Trophy.

Not all quests will have the items readily provided to the player, in order to encourage strategising for the optimal routes to acquire the necessary items, while providing them with suitable items such as coins, food, and energy potions. For example, players speedrunning Cook's Assistant will not be provided the pot of flour, bucket of milk, and egg.

Quest Difficulty Length Bronze time Silver time Gold time Platinum time Diamond time
X Marks the Spot Novice Very Short 0:03:15 0:02:30 0:02:00 0:01:45 0:01:40
Cook's Assistant Novice Very Short 0:03:30 0:02:45 0:02:15 0:02:00 0:01:45
Vampyre Slayer Intermediate Very Short 0:06:15 0:04:45 0:03:45 0:03:15 0:02:50
Ernest the Chicken Novice Very Short 0:05:45 0:05:00 0:04:30 0:04:15 0:03:45
Black Knights' Fortress Intermediate Very Short 0:08:30 0:07:00 0:06:00 0:05:30 0:05:00
Demon Slayer Novice Short 0:16:00 0:12:15 0:09:45 0:08:30 0:07:30
Prince Ali Rescue Novice Short 0:17:00 0:14:00 0:12:00 0:11:00 0:09:30
Below Ice Mountain Novice Short 0:19:00 0:16:00 0:14:00 0:13:00 0:11:00
Temple of the Eye Intermediate Short 0:19:00 0:17:30 0:16:30 0:16:00 0:13:30
Dragon Slayer I Experienced Medium 0:37:00 0:28:00 0:22:00 0:19:00 0:16:00
A Taste of Hope Experienced Medium 0:44:00 0:35:00 0:29:00 0:26:00 0:21:00
Beneath Cursed Sands Master Medium 0:45:00 0:36:00 0:30:00 0:27:00 0:22:00
A Kingdom Divided Experienced Long 1:23:00 1:08:00 0:58:00 0:53:00 0:45:00
Sins of The Father Master Long 1:18:00 1:06:00 0:58:00 0:54:00 0:45:00
Dragon Slayer II Grandmaster Very Long 2:20:00 1:50:00 1:30:00 1:20:00 1:00:00



A player completes their speedrun for the quest Dragon Slayer II.

Players will be able to claim the trophies they have earned whilst speedrunning as an in-game item in the main game. In order to unlock them, the player must achieve that trophy time on each available quest, then claim it from Eliza in Varrock Square.

For example, to earn the bronze speedrun trophy, the player must beat the bronze time for each quest.

Trophy Requirement
Beat the bronze time for all available quests.
Beat the silver time for all available quests.
Beat the gold time for all available quests.
Beat the platinum time for all available quests.
Beat the diamond time for all available quests.

Reward shop

Eliza in Varrock Square, running the reward shop.

Upon completion of a quest speedrun, the player is awarded with Speedrun Points, with the amount dependent on the trophy earned. These can only be earned once, for a total of 320 points per quest; in addition, diamond speedrun times do not offer additional points.

  • Bronze: 10 points
  • Silver: 30 points
  • Gold: 80 points
  • Platinum: 200 points

Speedrun Points can be spent on untradeable rewards at the Speedrunning Reward Shop, ran by Eliza in the centre of Varrock, just north of the Varrock General Store on main game worlds. There are a total of 4,800 Speedrun Points to earn across all available speedrun quests.

Reward Cost Description
Adventurer's outfit (tier 1) 200 A cosmetic set of clothing representing Quest Speedrunning.
Adventurer's outfit (tier 2) 600 A cosmetic set of clothing representing Quest Speedrunning.
Adventurer's outfit (tier 3) 1,800 A cosmetic set of clothing representing Quest Speedrunning. Can be used on the graceful outfit to change its appearance.
Speedy teleport scroll 600 A scroll that can be used to unlock a speedrunning themed Home Teleport animation.
Giant stopwatch 1,200 A large, two-handed stopwatch that overrides the players idle, walk, and run animations.

Concept art


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:3 May 2023| |0}} {{#explode:3 May 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 May 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
[[{{#explode:22 March 2023| |0}} {{#explode:22 March 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 March 2023| |2}}]]
  • Ashes and hunter traps can no longer be obtained by lighting a fire or placing a hunter trap before starting a speedrun.
  • Dragon Slayer II and Black Knights' Fortress are now available to speedrun.
  • A tier above platinum speedrun times, diamond, has been added, in addition to the diamond speedrun trophy. These do not offer additional points.
[[{{#explode:22 February 2023| |0}} {{#explode:22 February 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 February 2023| |2}}]]

Dragon Slayer II has entered into Open Beta.

[[{{#explode:8 February 2023| |0}} {{#explode:8 February 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 February 2023| |2}}]]
[[{{#explode:18 January 2023| |0}} {{#explode:18 January 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 January 2023| |2}}]]
[[{{#explode:13 December 2022| |0}} {{#explode:13 December 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:13 December 2022| |2}}]]

Made changes to the trophy times for A Taste of Hope and Temple of the Eye.

[[{{#explode:7 December 2022| |0}} {{#explode:7 December 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 December 2022| |2}}]]
[[{{#explode:26 October 2022| |0}} {{#explode:26 October 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 October 2022| |2}}]]
  • Fixed a bug which allowed players to skip obtaining Silverlight for Demon Slayer
  • Fixed a bug allowing people to skip obtaining some required items for Ernest the Chicken
[[{{#explode:19 October 2022| |0}} {{#explode:19 October 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 October 2022| |2}}]]
  • Various speedrun times were increased for Ernest the Chicken, Demon Slayer, and Dragon Slayer I; these are not retroactive and must be attempted again to earn the respective trophy.
  • An option to restart a speedrun has been added; pressing "Abandon Speedrun" will now prompt the player to abandon or reset the speedrun.
  • Most trapdoors and manholes should no longer close automatically.
  • Ironman downgrade messages are also no longer given on Speedrunning Worlds.