SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: Doesn't look friendly.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 20Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 7895, 7903Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 9 November 2017Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Attack level: 30Combat level: 36Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Sand SnakeMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Hitpoints: 60Image: File:Sand Snake.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 3Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 1Name: Sand SnakeStrength bonus: 0Size: 3Strength level: 20Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for HardMagic defence bonus: 0Examine: Doesn't look friendly.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 20Heavy range defence bonus: 0NPC ID: 7894Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 9 November 2017Version anchor: HardRanged level: 1Attack level: 180Combat level: 154Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Sand SnakeMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: ImmuneLight range defence bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Hitpoints: 180Image: File:Sand Snake.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 15Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 0Magic level: 1Name: Sand Snake (hard)Strength bonus: 0Size: 3Strength level: 140Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
The Sand Snake is the monster protecting the chest containing the Royal accord of twill at the end of the Crabclaw Caves during The Depths of Despair. The dwarf multicannon cannot be used against the sand snake. It can be killed using only Ring of recoils without having to deal direct damage.
It can be fought in the Nightmare Zone after the quest is complete.
The player fights the Sand Snake.
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