Stat restoration
Stat restoration is the process of returning the player's skills back to their normal levels. Temporary skill drain can occur from the environments, like the Ice Path, negative effects of boosts, using certain items, when attacked by other players in PvP, or from monsters.
Death is a special stat restore that resets all temporary skill boosts as well.
In some cases, when a stat is lowered below a required level, players are no longer allowed to use things relating to that skill, for example lowering Agility below the required level of a shortcut will stop the player from being able to use the shortcut, or lowering Slayer below the required level to attack a Slayer monster. However, some things are unaffected; a lowered Slayer level does not stop you from receiving tasks from Slayer masters requiring a Slayer level.
Full restore
- Death - Restores all temporary skill boosts and lowered skills excluding duration based potions effects like dragonfire protection and poison protection
- Entering Clan Wars - Fully restores Hitpoints, Prayer points, lowered or boosted skills, run energy, and special attack
- Entering Nightmare Zone - Fully restores Hitpoints, Prayer points, lowered or boosted skills, run energy, and special attack
- Entering The Gauntlet - Fully restores Hitpoints, Prayer points, lowered or boosted skills, run energy, and special attack
- Entering Last Man Standing - Fully restores Hitpoints, Prayer points, lowered or boosted skills, run energy, and special attack
- Restoration pool - Restores special attack
- Revitalisation pool - Restore special attack, and run energy
- Rejuvenation pool - Restores special attack, run energy, and Prayer points
- Fancy rejuvenation pool - Restores special attack, run energy, Prayer points, and any reduced stats (excluding Hitpoints)
- Ornate rejuvenation pool - Restores Hitpoints, special attack, run energy, Prayer points, any reduced stats, cure disease and poison
- Pool of Refreshment - Restores Hitpoints, Prayer points, run energy and resets all boosted or reduced stats. Does not restore special attack
Partial restore
- Natural restoration every minute - Every minute 1 Hitpoint and 1 of each drained stat is restored unless they are at the player's current level. Prayer is not affected
- Rapid Heal - Doubles the natural restore rate of Hitpoints from 1 to 2 per minute. Does not stack with the Hitpoints cape perk, but does stack with the regen bracelet for 4 Hitpoints per minute
- Hitpoints cape - Doubles the natural restore rate of Hitpoints from 1 to 2 per minute. Does not stack with the Rapid Heal prayer, but does stack with the regen bracelet for 4 Hitpoints per minute
- Regen bracelet - Doubles the natural restore rate of Hitpoints from 1 to 2 per minute. Stacks with Rapid Heal or the Hitpoints cape perk, but not both, for 4 Hitpoints per minute
- Rapid Restore - Doubles the restoration rate of all stats except for Prayer and Hitpoints
- Boosts - Every boost has varying effects, some drain other stats
- Stat Restore Pot Share - Shares potions from the caster's inventory with players in a 5x5 area
- Potions - Every potion has varying effects, some drain other stats
- Restore potion - restores Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic
- Menaphite remedy - restores Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic every 15 seconds
- Super restore - restores all skills except Hitpoints
- Prayer potion - restores only Prayer
- Revitalisation potion, Chambers of Xeric exclusive - restores all skills except Hitpoints
- Revitalisation (-), Chambers of Xeric exclusive - restores all skills except Hitpoints, less than the normal potion
- Revitalisation (+), Chambers of Xeric exclusive - restores all skills except Hitpoints, more than the normal potion
- Capturing a Sunlight Moth without an empty Butterfly jar, or using a Jarred Sunlight Moth/Sunlight moth mix restores all reduced stats (excluding prayer), and heals 8 Hitpoints. This can additionally affect up to three adjacent players
- The act of capturing a Sunlight Moth restores 5% run energy, even when placed into a jar
- Dream - Causes the caster to fall asleep and triples the restore rate of Hitpoints from 1 to 3 per minute. Dream stacks additively with other regenerative effects: Rapid Heal and regen bracelet
- Leaving a player-owned house after losing Hitpoints
- Abidor Crank - Heals the player for 15 Hitpoints and boosts Defence. This will also overheal the player temporarily if +15 will go above their current Hitpoints level
- Altars - Fully restore Prayer
- Edgeville Monastery altar, Nature Grotto - Fully restores Prayer and adds a +2 temporary boost over the player's current Prayer level
- God Wars Dungeon altars - Fully restores Prayer and adds a temporary boost over the player's current Prayer level corresponding with the number of equipment pieces affiliated with the god who the altar is dedicated to
- Ancient mace - Uses 100% of Special attack bar and restores Prayer equal to the damage dealt. Allows boosting of Prayer
- Rogues' Den - Restores Prayer, Hitpoints, Agility, and Thieving back to full after entering and failing
Natural restoration
Every minute, equivalent to 100 ticks, Hitpoints along with any boosted or drained stat is restored by 1 closer to its current level, however these can be at different times depending when they occurred. If the player consumed a boost or overhealed, the skill will lose one point, and if the player lowered their skill it would be restored by one.
The amount of Hitpoints restored can be doubled by equipping a Hitpoints cape or turning on the Rapid Heal prayer. These do not stack with each other, however they do stack with a regen bracelet which will double the restoration rate again.
The Dream Lunar spell stacks additively, plus 3 per minute.