Trailblazer League (2020)/Areas/The Fremennik Provinces

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The Fremennik Provinces Area covers the entire Fremennik Province including the Fremennik islands, Lunar Isle, and Weiss. Underground areas and instanced areas with an entrance in the area are also included. Magical barriers prevent access to Kandarin via the bridge south of Rellekka.

Overview of area

Notable settlements

Restricted travel

The following travel options are restricted unless the appropriate area is unlocked:

  • The log shortcut leading to the Fremennik Province north of Sinclair Manor
  • The rubble separating the Fremennik Province and the Death Plateau
  • The cave entrance in the tunnel leading to Keldagrim that leads to the bottom of Trollweiss mountain
  • The basalt rock agility shortcut leading from the Lighthouse to the Barbarian Outpost

Notable combat-related activities

Notable non-combat activities

Notable shops

Slayer tasks added

Unlocking the Fremennik Province will add the following tasks to your slayer list:


The following quests and achievement diary tasks are automatically completed after unlocking the area.


Achievement diary tasks

Automatically completed diary tasks upon area unlock
Fremennik Diary
Easy Tasks
  • Enter the Troll Stronghold
Medium Tasks
  • Mine some gold at the Arzinian Mine
  • Travel to the Snowy Hunter Area via Eagle
Hard Tasks
  • Teleport to Trollheim
Elite Tasks
  • Kill each of the God Wars Dungeon Generals
  • Slay a spiritual mage within the God Wars Dungeon

Notable drops

These items are highlighted as key drops from the area which are affected by the boosted drop rate granted by passive relics at tier 3 and tier 5.

Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Skeletal VisageVorkath1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Draconic VisageVorkath1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragonbone NecklaceVorkath1/1,0001/5001/333
Draconic visageRune Dragon1/8,0001/4,0001/2,666
Draconic visageAdamant Dragon1/9,0001/4,5001/3,000
Dragon platelegs and
Dragon plateskirt
Rune dragon1/1271/631/42
Dragon platelegs and
Dragon plateskirt
Adamant dragon1/1101/551/36
Dragon limbsRune dragon1/8001/4001/266
Dragon limbsAdamant dragon1/1,0001/5001/333
Dragon metal sliceAdamant dragon1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragon metal lumpRune dragon1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Basilisk JawBasilisk Knight[d 1]1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragon AxeDagannoth Kings[d 2]1/1281/641/42
Seers RingDagannoth Prime1/1281/641/42
Berserker RingDagannoth Rex1/1281/641/42
Warrior RingDagannoth Rex1/1281/641/42
Archers RingDagannoth Supreme1/1281/641/42
Mud BattlestaffDagannoth Prime1/1281/641/42
SeercullDagannoth Supreme1/1281/641/42
Leaf-bladed swordKurask1/3841/1921/128
Leaf-bladed swordTuroth1/5001/2501/166
Leaf-bladed battleaxeKurask and King Kurask1/1,0261/5131/342
  1. ^ Base rarity is 1/1,000 when on a basilisk Slayer task
  2. ^ From Dagannoth Prime, Dagannoth Rex or Dagannoth Supreme