Trailblazer League (2020)/Tasks/Kandarin

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Each task in this tier awards 10 league points upon completion.

With 15 tasks available, there are a total of 150 league points that can be earned from easy tasks.


Each task in this tier awards 50 league points upon completion.

With 26 tasks available, there are a total of 1,300 league points that can be earned from medium tasks.

  1. ^ Stronghold Slayer Cave requires a bloodveld slayer task, which is available only by unlocking Morytania.
  2. ^ The task's description may not be accurate and may be exploited. The bloodveld doesn't need to be located or defeated in Kandarin; defeating a bloodveld anywhere while the player is in Kandarin will count for the task.


Each task in this tier awards 100 league points upon completion.

With 16 tasks available, there are a total of 1,600 league points that can be earned from hard tasks.


Each task in this tier awards 250 league points upon completion.

With 20 tasks available, there are a total of 5,000 league points that can be earned from elite tasks.


Each task in this tier awards 500 league points upon completion.

With 4 tasks available, there are a total of 2,000 league points that can be earned from master tasks.