Ancient Wizard

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Ancient Wizard
Released6 July 2016 (Update)
Combat level98
ExamineHe may be old, but you made him mad.
Combat info
XP bonus+0.0%
Max hit18
Attack styleMagic
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
VenomNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID7307

Ancient Wizards appear when doing master clue scrolls after the player digs for a clue directed by the strange device or coordinates in multicombat areas. Each wizard uses a different attack style and can hit fairly high, requiring players to be prepared for a three-on-one fight.


The wizards are much more threatening than their combat levels suggest, as most of their combat levels are due to their offensive stat levels. The goal should be to kill them as quickly as possible, especially if there are no obstacles to get two of three wizards stuck behind. A super combat potion, bossing food such as sharks or tuna potatoes, a strong special attack weapon such as a dragon dagger or granite maul, and food for combo eating such as karambwan and/or pineapple pizza are highly advisable.

Ancient Wizards have low Defence, so melee or Ranged is advised. Magic is not advised as they are resistant due to their high Magic level. It is worth noting the melee-using wizard has a significantly higher maximum hit than the rest of the wizards, so activating Protect from Melee is highly recommended while under attack by this wizard. Armour such as dragonhide armour is recommended.

If available, the player should make use of nearby obstacles to limit the number of wizards able to attack the player at once. The other wizards cannot be used to safespot the melee wizard, he will simply walk through them. It is advised to kill the wizards in this order: Melee (if he cannot be safespotted), Ranged, and finally Magic, using the equivalent protection Prayer matching the style of the target wizard each time.

A form of antipoison is recommended as the melee-using wizard is capable of poisoning the player through Protect from Melee.

For Ancient Wizards fought in the Wilderness, bring items you are prepared to lose.

A cannon set up in the area before digging at the coordinates is recommended for lower level players as it makes defeating all three wizards much easier.

Ancient wizards ambush the player.


Drop rates estimated based on 202,394 samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Bones.png: Ancient Wizard drops Bones with rarity Always in quantity 1Bones1Always1130


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Fire battlestaff.png: Ancient Wizard drops Fire battlestaff with rarity 1/50 in quantity 1Fire battlestaff11/508,9839,300
Staff of fire.png: Ancient Wizard drops Staff of fire with rarity 1/50 in quantity 1Staff of fire11/501,346900

Runes and ammunition

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Air rune.png: Ancient Wizard drops Air rune with rarity 5/50 in quantity 5-24Air rune5–245/5025–12010–48
Fire rune.png: Ancient Wizard drops Fire rune with rarity 5/50 in quantity 5-24Fire rune5–245/5025–12010–48
Death rune.png: Ancient Wizard drops Death rune with rarity 5/50 in quantity 5-24Death rune5–245/50800–3,840540–2,592
Runite bolts.png: Ancient Wizard drops Runite bolts with rarity 5/50 in quantity 1-5Runite bolts1–55/5042–210180–900


There is a 5/50 chance of rolling the herb drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy guam leaf.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 1/40 in quantity 1Grimy guam leaf11/403267
Grimy marrentill.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy marrentill with rarity 1/53.3 in quantity 1Grimy marrentill11/53.33988
Grimy tarromin.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy tarromin with rarity 1/71.1 in quantity 1Grimy tarromin11/71.13799
Grimy harralander.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy harralander with rarity 1/91.4 in quantity 1Grimy harralander11/91.46769
Grimy ranarr weed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy ranarr weed with rarity 1/116.4 in quantity 1Grimy ranarr weed11/116.46,70918
Grimy irit leaf.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy irit leaf with rarity 1/160 in quantity 1Grimy irit leaf11/1601,47210
Grimy avantoe.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy avantoe with rarity 1/213.3 in quantity 1Grimy avantoe11/213.33,26310
Grimy kwuarm.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 1/256 in quantity 1Grimy kwuarm11/2563,57412
Grimy cadantine.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 1/320 in quantity 1Grimy cadantine11/3202,98713
Grimy lantadyme.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 1/426.7 in quantity 1Grimy lantadyme11/426.71,86113
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 1/426.7 in quantity 1Grimy dwarf weed11/426.72,03614


There is a 3/50 chance of rolling the allotment seed drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Potato seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Potato seed with rarity 1/33.3 in quantity 1-4Potato seed1–41/33.31–41–4
Onion seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Onion seed with rarity 1/66.7 in quantity 1-3Onion seed1–31/66.71–31–3
Cabbage seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Cabbage seed with rarity 1/133.3 in quantity 1-3Cabbage seed1–31/133.32–61–3
Tomato seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Tomato seed with rarity 1/266.7 in quantity 1-2Tomato seed1–21/266.73–62–4
Sweetcorn seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Sweetcorn seed with rarity 1/533.3 in quantity 1-2Sweetcorn seed1–21/533.33–64–8
Strawberry seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Strawberry seed with rarity 1/1,066.7 in quantity 1Strawberry seed11/1,066.7710
Watermelon seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Watermelon seed with rarity 1/2,133.3 in quantity 1Watermelon seed11/2,133.33433
Snape grass seed.png: Ancient Wizard drops Snape grass seed with rarity 1/2,133.3 in quantity 1-3Snape grass seed1–31/2,133.37,566–22,69856–168


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_100.png: Ancient Wizard drops Coins with rarity 10/50 in quantity 50-249Coins50–24910/5050–24950–249
Prayer potion(4).png: Ancient Wizard drops Prayer potion(4) with rarity 2/50 in quantity 1Prayer potion(4)12/5010,061114
Pure essence.png: Ancient Wizard drops Pure essence with rarity 7/50 in quantity 25 (noted)Pure essence25 (noted)7/502550
Runite crossbow (u).png: Ancient Wizard drops Runite crossbow (u) with rarity 1/50 in quantity 1Runite crossbow (u)11/509,5529,700


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Looting bag.png: Ancient Wizard drops Looting bag with rarity 1/3 in quantity 1Looting bag11/3[d 1]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ Looting bags are only dropped by those found in the Wilderness.


  • The poison inflicted by the melee-using Ancient Wizard who uses a poisoned dragon dagger starts at 8, which is more than a dragon dagger (p++) available to players, which starts at 6.