Crux Eqal

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The Crux Eqal are a group of Guthixians whose duty is to ensure the balance of the world from the chaos of imbalance. The group is first encountered during the events of While Guthix Sleeps. The group appears to be made up, at least in part, from druids residing in Taverley.


While Guthix Sleeps

During the events of While Guthix Sleeps Thaerisk states that the groups had been monitoring the activities of the Mahjarrat for some time. Thaerisk discusses how Lucien from the quest Temple of Ikov had obtained and allied the Staff of Armadyl to himself. The Crux Eqal fears that Lucien may be able to ascend to Godhood in a similar manner that Zamorak did when they possessed the staff. While telling the player this information Lucien sends assassins to disrupt the activities of the Crux Eqal.

When defeated Theaerisk informs the player that the Assassins have been attacking them for some time. Thaerisk discloses that the Crux Eqal has formed an alliance with the Guardians of Armadyl, and that they had "reached out" to the White Knights to form an alliance also.