SMW Subobject for 1Magic defence bonus: 10Examine: An axe-wielding mercenary who works for the highest bidder.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 75Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 110Defence level: 110Heavy range defence bonus: 30NPC ID: 13535Crush defence bonus: 80Release date: 10 July 2024Version anchor: 1Ranged level: 1Attack level: 150Combat level: 131Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Mercenary axemanMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 70Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: Not immuneLight range defence bonus: 90Attack speed: 5Hitpoints: 110Image: File:Mercenary axeman (1).pngStandard range defence bonus: 70Experience bonus: 10Max hit: 22Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 80Magic level: 40Name: Mercenary axemanStrength bonus: 25Size: 1Strength level: 150Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
SMW Subobject for 2Magic defence bonus: 10Examine: An axe-wielding mercenary who works for the highest bidder.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 75Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 110Defence level: 110Heavy range defence bonus: 30NPC ID: 13536Crush defence bonus: 80Release date: 10 July 2024Version anchor: 2Ranged level: 1Attack level: 150Combat level: 131Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Mercenary axemanMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 70Attack style: CrushImmune to poison: Not immuneLight range defence bonus: 90Attack speed: 5Hitpoints: 110Image: File:Mercenary axeman (2).pngStandard range defence bonus: 70Experience bonus: 10Max hit: 22Range attack bonus: 0Slash defence bonus: 80Magic level: 40Name: Mercenary axemanStrength bonus: 25Size: 1Strength level: 150Uses infobox: MonsterIs members only: true
The mercenary axemen are Lucien's hired hands, two of whom attack Idria during While Guthix Sleeps. They attack only with melee, and are weak to Magic.
NPCs | |
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| Movario's base |
Black Knight Catacombs |
Ancient Guthixian Temple | |
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