Guildmaster Jane

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Guildmaster Jane
Released10 January 2019 (Update)
LocationFarming Guild
League regionKourend Kourend
OptionsTalk-to, Contract
ExamineHead of the Farming Guild.
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Advanced data
NPC ID8586,8587

Guildmaster Jane is the guildmaster and founder of the Farming Guild. She welcomes players to the guild, and explains the features in all three of the guild's wings. She is in charge of giving the player Farming contracts, as well as rewarding players for successfully completing a contract.

She is also able to exchange a player's spirit seed, seedling, or sapling for 1 tier 5 seed pack worth an average of Lua error: . (or Lua error: . if including the chance of the pack containing another spirit seed).

Farming contracts

Farming contracts are given by Guildmaster Jane, who instructs the player to grow a specific crop within the Farming Guild. Completing a contract awards players with a seed pack, which can be opened for some amount of seeds. Boosts may be used to accept a contract you are below the required level for. All entries on the table for which the player meets the requirements are given equal weighting when Jane decides what contract to give out.[1]


For types of crop with health checking, the contract is completed when the player checks the health. For other types, the contract is completed when the player takes the last item from the patch. Should the player get a contract for a crop where they have already checked the health, they will need to plant a new seed and wait for it to grow. If the player is assigned a crop that has already been planted but not checked or harvested (including partially-harvested crops of the second type), it will still count as a contract completion.


Players can cancel a contract by asking Guildmaster Jane, "Do you have anything easier?", at which point she will switch the contract to one of a lower level. Easy contracts cannot be cancelled. Players can also view how many contracts they have completed by speaking to Guildmaster Jane.


If you grow certain time-consuming crops beforehand and do not check health/harvest them, you can get credit for a contract completion immediately after completing a previous one; sometimes you can repeat this for multiple contracts in succession.

For example, if you complete a snapdragon contract and then immediately get a redwood contract, instead of having to wait a few days for the redwood to grow or skip the contract and thus a poorer seed pack, you can instantly complete it by just checking the redwood's health and then move on to the next contract. Simply ensuring all of your patches are pre-grown and replacing them as you complete contracts will greatly improve the amount of contracts you can do in a given amount of time.


Contract difficulty vs. seed pack tiers

The table below shows the proportion of seed pack tiers to contract difficulty. For example, there are 31 unique easy contracts, 11 of those will reward a tier 1 seed pack, 12 will reward a tier 2 seed pack and 8 will reward a tier 3 seed pack. A full breakdown of each contract can be seen in the next section.

Tier 1 2 3 4 5 Totals
Easy 11 12 8 N/A N/A 31
Medium N/A 4 10 8 N/A 22
Hard N/A N/A 3 8 7 18
Totals 11 16 21 16 7 71

By contract tasks

These tables show the tier of seed packs awarded for completion of each type of contract. For the possible contents of the seed packs and the estimated reward values, see the seed packs page.

Easy contract tasks (45 Farming)
Task Unlock Level Seed Protection Growth time[n 1] Patch Type Tier
45 File:Potato seed.png
White lily
Compost x2
40 mins (4×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Marigold seed.png
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 1
45 File:Onion seed.png
White lily
Potatoes(10) ×1
40 mins (4×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Cabbage seed.png
White lily
File:Onions.pngOnions(10) ×1
40 mins (4×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Redberry seed.png
File:Cabbages.pngCabbages(10) ×4 1 hr 40 mins (5×20 mins) Bush 2
45 File:Rosemary seed.png
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 1
45 File:Tomato seed.png
White lily
File:Cabbages.pngCabbages(10) ×2
40 mins (4×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Sweetcorn seed.png
White lily
Jute fibre x10
60 mins (6×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Cadavaberry seed.png
File:Tomatoes.pngTomatoes(5) x3 2 hrs (6×20 mins) Bush 2
45 File:Nasturtium seed.png
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 1
45 File:Woad seed.png
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 1
45 File:Limpwurt seed.png
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 1
45 File:Strawberry seed.png
White lily
File:Apples.pngApples(5) x1
60 mins (6×10 mins) Allotment 1
45 File:Dwellberry seed.png
File:Strawberries.pngStrawberries(5) x3 2 hrs 20 mins (7×20 mins) Bush 2
48 File:Jangerberry seed.png
Watermelon x6 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 2
55 File:Cactus seed.png
Cadava berries ×6 9 hrs 20 mins (7×80 mins) Cactus 3
65 File:Guam seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Marrentill seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
Oak tree
File:Tomatoes.pngTomatoes(5) x1 3 hrs 20 mins (5×40 mins) Tree 3
65 File:Tarromin seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Harralander seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Willow seed.png
Willow tree
File:Apples.pngApples(5) x1 4 hrs 40 mins (7×40 mins) Tree 3
65 File:Ranarr seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Toadflax seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Irit seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
65 File:Maple seed.png
Maple tree
Oranges(5) x1 5 hrs 20 mins (8×40 mins) Tree 3
65 File:Avantoe seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 2
85 File:Apple tree seed.png
Apple tree
Sweetcorn ×9 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 3
85 File:Banana tree seed.png
Banana tree
File:Apples.pngApples(5) x4 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 3
85 File:Orange tree seed.png
Orange tree
File:Strawberries.pngStrawberries(5) x3 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 3
85 File:Curry tree seed.png
Curry tree
File:Bananas.pngBananas(5) x5 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 3
  1. ^ N×X mins means the crop will grow a little for each X minutes. This happens N times until it is fully grown.
Medium contract tasks (65 Farming)
Task Unlock Level Seed Protection Growth time[n 1] Patch Type Tier
65 File:Strawberry seed.png
White lily
60 mins (6×10 mins) Allotment 2
65 File:Irit seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
65 File:Maple seed.png
Maple tree
Oranges(5) 5 hrs 20 mins (8×40 mins) Tree 4
65 File:Watermelon seed.png
Curry leaf ×10
White lily
1 hr 20 mins (8×10 mins) Allotment 3
65 File:Jangerberry seed.png
Watermelon ×6 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 3
65 File:Avantoe seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
65 File:Cactus seed.png
Cadava berries ×6 9 hrs 20 mins (7×80 mins) Cactus 4
65 File:Kwuarm seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
65 File:White lily seed.png
White lily
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 2
65 File:Whiteberry seed.png
Mushroom ×8 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 3
65 File:Yew seed.png
Yew tree
Cactus spine ×10 6 hrs 40 mins (10×40 mins) Tree 4
65 File:Snape grass seed.png
Snape grass
Jangerberries ×5
White lily
1 hr 10 mins (7×10 mins) Allotment 2
65 File:Snapdragon seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
65 File:Potato cactus seed.png
Potato cactus
Snape grass ×8 1 hr 10 mins (7×10 mins) Cactus 2
67 File:Cadantine seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
70 File:Poison ivy seed.png
Poison ivy
Immune to disease 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 3
73 File:Lantadyme seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 3
75 File:Magic seed.png
Magic tree
Coconut ×25 8 hrs (12×40 mins) Tree 4
85 File:Curry tree seed.png
Curry tree
File:Bananas.pngBananas(5) x5 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 4
85 File:Pineapple seed.png
Pineapple plant
Watermelon ×10 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 4
85 File:Papaya tree seed.png
Papaya tree
Pineapple x10 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 4
85 File:Palm tree seed.png
Palm tree
Papaya fruit ×15 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 4
  1. ^ N×X mins means the crop will grow a little for each X minutes. This happens N times until it is fully grown.
Hard contract tasks (85 Farming)
Task Unlock Level Seed Protection Growth time[n 1] Patch Type Tier
85 File:Maple seed.png
Maple tree
Oranges(5) 5 hrs 20 mins (8×40 mins) Tree 5
85 File:Watermelon seed.png
Curry leaf ×10
White lily
1 hr 20 mins (8×10 mins) Allotment 4
85 File:White lily seed.png
White lily
N/A 20 mins (4×5 mins) Flower 3
85 File:Whiteberry seed.png
Mushroom ×8 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 4
85 File:Yew seed.png
Yew tree
Cactus spine ×10 6 hrs 40 mins (10×40 mins) Tree 5
85 File:Snape grass seed.png
Snape grass
Jangerberries x5
White lily
1 hr 10 mins (7×10 mins) Allotment 3
85 File:Snapdragon seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 4
85 File:Potato cactus seed.png
Potato cactus
Snape grass x8 1 hr 10 mins (7×10 mins) Cactus 3
85 File:Cadantine seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 4
85 File:Palm tree seed.png
Palm tree
Papaya fruit ×15 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 5
85 File:Poison ivy seed.png
Poison ivy
Immune to disease 2 hrs 40 mins (8×20 mins) Bush 4
85 File:Lantadyme seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 4
85 File:Magic seed.png
Magic tree
Coconut ×25 8 hrs (12×40 mins) Tree 5
85 File:Dwarf weed seed.png
Dwarf weed
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 4
85 File:Dragonfruit tree seed.png
Dragonfruit tree
Coconut ×15 16 hrs (6×160 mins) Fruit Tree 5
85 File:Celastrus seed.png
Celastrus tree
Potato cactus ×8 13 hrs 20 mins (5×160 mins) Special 5
85 File:Torstol seed.png
N/A 1 hr 20 mins (4×20 mins) Herb 4
90 File:Redwood tree seed.png
Redwood tree
Dragonfruit ×6 4 days 10 hrs 40 mins (10×640 mins) Redwood 5
  1. ^ N×X mins means the crop will grow a little for each X minutes. This happens N times until it is fully grown.


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