White lilies are flowers harvested from the white lily plants, grown from white lily seeds planted in a flower patch, requiring 58 Farming. Harvesting the plant yields one white lily. As long as the fully-grown plant is not harvested, it protects all neighbouring allotments from disease. The plant does not protect herb patches.
After harvesting, it can be turned into supercompost in a compost bin. Unlike other flowers, white lilies cannot be used to create imp repellent.
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According to the book Gielinor's flora - flowers, white lilies are sweet-smelling, symbolising chastity and virtue. As such, it has become a symbol among followers of Saradomin, with some even believing that Saradomin himself created the lily to improve the crops of his most cherished followers.
Gielinor's flora - flowers also describes how white lilies are fatal if ingested by cats. While this is true in real life, it has no bearing in gameplay as they cannot be fed to cats.