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RegularGreat blue
Released5 November 2015 (Update)
LocationFishing training
League regionN/A
OptionsTalk-to, Metamorphosis, Pick-up
ExamineA long-legged bird that likes to fish.
Advanced data
NPC ID6715,6722

RegularGreat blue
Released5 November 2015 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineSmells a little fishy.
Value1 coin
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0.015 kg
Advanced data
Item ID13320

The heron is a members-only skilling pet that can be obtained while training Fishing. The chances of getting it are dependent on the player's Fishing level, and the time it takes to gather a resource.

A heron can be turned into a great blue heron by feeding it 3,000 spirit flakes. The recolouring can be reversed by feeding the great blue heron any raw fish, while one spirit flake can be used to turn it back to blue.

When a player receives the pet, it will automatically try to appear as their follower. At the same time, a message in the chatbox will state You have a funny feeling like you're being followed. However, if a player receives a pet while having a follower out (for example, a cat), it will be placed into their inventory. When this occurs, the message in the chatbox will instead state You feel something weird sneaking into your backpack. This message also occurs if there is one last inventory space while the player already has a pet following them, in which case the pet will appear in the inventory instead and the resource dropped to the ground.[1]

On death, if a player loses their pet (as a follower or in your inventory) it will wander around for 30 seconds before disappearing completely. It can then be reclaimed from Probita in East Ardougne for a reclaim token, which costs 1,000,000 coins.

Drop rate

Shown below are the base chances of receiving a heron.[2]

A player's actual chances of receiving it is 1 in B - (Lvl * 25), where B is the base chance and Lvl is the player's Fishing level. The only exception is Fishing Trawler, which offers a 1/5000 chance to obtain a heron following a successful trip at minimum, scaling up to a 1/2,500 chance with full contribution.[3] With minnows and karambwanji, the pet chance is rolled once each time fish are obtained (i.e. when experience is given), regardless of the number that were fished.

The fastest method on average to receive the heron is through 2-tick fishing, specifically tuna and swordfish. If not using tick manipulation, karambwans are the fastest alternative.

To find the pet chance for a method at a given level, refer to the skill pet chance calculator.

Fish Base chance
Shrimps/Anchovies 435,165
Karambwanji 443,697
Sardines/Herring 528,000
Big net fishing 382,609
Trout/Salmon 461,808
Pike 305,792
Rainbow fish 137,739
Tuna/Swordfish 257,770
Lobster 116,129
Aerial fishing 636,833[4]
Cave eels 257,770[5]
Monkfish 138,583
Karambwan 170,874
Leaping trout 426,954
Leaping salmon
Leaping sturgeon
Sharks 82,243
Infernal eels 160,000[6]
Anglerfish 78,649
Minnow 977,778[7][8]
Dark crabs 149,434
Sacred eels 99,000
Fishing Trawler minigame 5,000[a][9]
Guppies 257,770[10][11]

Note: The Heron cannot be obtained from Harpoonfish at the Tempoross activity

  1. ^ Requires successful mini-game completion. Scales up to 1/2500 with a full contribution meter.


This article has an associated transcript page.
Click here for the transcript.


  • The heron's dialogue is a quote from the 2003 film Finding Nemo, in which Nigel, a pelican, attempts to save Dory and Marlin from seagulls by transporting them away in his mouth.
  • The heron's dialogue is similar to a quote from Terminator 2: Judgement Day when Sarah Connor is fleeing the T1000 in the mental hospital. "Come with me if you want to live!"
  • The great blue heron's dialogue makes multiple references:
    • If offered burnt fish, the player will state that it is valuable, referring to other players who collect piles of burnt food.
      • The heron's reply calling the player a dancing donkey is a combination of a reference to celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and the Dancing Donkey Inn.
    • If offered a cooked fish, the heron will demand that the player uncook it; when the player states that they cannot, the heron in turn remarks about a cat who mastered uncooking, referring to Evil Bob and ScapeRune.
    • If offered eel sushi, the heron will talk about "bird culture", a reference to the popular cartoon Rick and Morty.
      • Same wise, the quote "How could a member of my own house say something so horrible?" is a reference to the popular cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender.


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  7. ^ Old School RuneScape. "DMM Rework/Torag's Hammers/Shackle - OSRS Q&A" (in 00:26:33). YouTube video. 6 July 2017.
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