Hunters' Rumours

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The Burrow, where players can take on Hunters' Rumours.

Hunters' Rumours are an assignment system, similar to Slayer tasks or Farming contracts, that are available through the Hunter Guild by first speaking to Guild Scribe Verity in the Burrow, the guild's underground pub. By speaking to one of the Guild Hunters in the Burrow, players are tasked to investigate a rumour involving a specific hunter creature. This is done by hunting the creature until a rare creature part is received, and then bringing it back to the Guild Hunter. When a player finds the rare part, a jingle is played and the player receives the message You find a rare piece of the creature! You should take it back to the Hunter Guild.

Completing Hunters' Rumours rewards the player with Hunter experience and a hunter's loot sack, the quality of which depends on the tier of the rumour assigned. Hunter's loot sacks typically contain various hunter meats, furs, and blessed bone shards, and may also reward unique items like the guild hunter outfit and huntsman's kit. Players will also gain the ability to cook various hunter meats upon completing a specific amount of rumours.

List of rumours

Players can choose four tiers of rumours, with each having their own unboostable Hunter level requirements:

Tier Level Guild Hunter
Novice Hunter 46 Huntmaster Gilman
Adept Hunter 57 Guild Hunter Cervus or Guild Hunter Ornus
Expert Hunter 72 Guild Hunter Aco or Guild Hunter Teco
Master Hunter 91 [1] Guild Hunter Wolf
  1. ^ Also requires completion of Quest points At First Light.

There are a few things to note:

  • Huntmaster Gilman (Novice) is able to give all rumours.
  • Guild Hunter Cervus and Ornus are both adept hunters, but have their own distinct list of rumours.
  • Guild Hunter Aco and Teco are both expert hunters, but have their own distinct list of rumours.
  • Pending tasks: Players who received a now removed task (notably Pyre foxes and Razorbacked kebbits) before the 15 May 2024 update can still get these tasks if they did not complete the rumour. Players will not receive these tasks after resetting tasks with Gilman or completing the task in question.
Level Hunter creature Locations Method Novice Adept (Cervus) Adept (Ornus) Expert (Aco) Expert (Teco) Master (Wolf)
Hunter 19 px Tropical wagtail Feldip Hunter area Yes No No No No No
Hunter 23 px Wild kebbit Piscatoris Hunter area Yes No No No No No
Hunter 25 px Sapphire glacialis Rellekka Hunter area
Farming Guild
Mons Gratia
Yes No No No No No
Hunter 29 [1] Canifis Hunter area
North-west of Slepe
Yes Yes No No No No
Hunter 31 px Spined larupia Feldip Hunter area Yes No Yes No No No
Hunter 33 px Barb-tailed kebbit Feldip Hunter area Yes No No No No No
Hunter 35 px Snowy knight Rellekka Hunter area
Farming Guild
Mons Gratia
Yes No Yes No No No
Hunter 37 px Prickly kebbit Piscatoris Hunter area Yes No No No No No
Hunter 39 [2] px Embertailed jerboa West of Hunter Guild
North-west of the Locus Oasis
Yes No Yes No No No
Hunter 41 px Horned graahk Karamja Hunter area Yes Yes No No No No
Hunter 43 px Spotted kebbit Piscatoris falconry area Yes Yes Yes No No No
Hunter 45 px Black warlock Feldip Hunter area
Farming Guild
Yes Yes No No No No
Hunter 47 Uzer Hunter area
Necropolis Hunter area
Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Hunter 49 px Razor-backed kebbit Piscatoris Hunter area Yes Yes No No No No
Hunter 51 px Sabre-toothed kebbit Rellekka Hunter area Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Hunter 53 [2] Piscatoris Hunter area
Kourend Woodland
Isle of Souls
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Hunter 53 px Sabre-toothed kyatt Rellekka Hunter area Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Hunter 57 px Dark kebbit Piscatoris falconry area Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Hunter 57 px Pyre fox Avium Savannah Yes Yes Yes No No No
Hunter 59 Ourania Hunter area Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hunter 63 [2] Red chinchompa hunting ground[3]
Gwenith Hunter area
Feldip Hunter area
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hunter 69 px Dashing kebbit Piscatoris falconry area Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Hunter 72 px Sunlight antelope Avium Savannah Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Hunter 75 [4] px Sunlight Moth Avium Savannah
Yes Yes No No Yes No
Hunter 79 Ralos' Rise Yes No No Yes No Yes
Hunter 80 [5] px Herbiboar Mushroom Forest on Fossil Island Yes No No No Yes Yes
Hunter 85 [4] px Moonlight moth The Burrow
Yes No No Yes No Yes
Hunter 91 px Moonlight antelope The Burrow Yes No No No No Yes
  1. ^ Also requires completion of Quest points Priest in Peril.
  2. ^ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Also requires completion of Quest points Eagles' Peak.
  3. ^ Requires completion of Hard Western Provinces Diary.
  4. ^ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Moths are not assigned until they can be caught barehanded.
  5. ^ Also requires completion of Quest points Bone Voyage and Herblore 31 Herblore.

Drop rates

The rate of rare creature parts are dependent on the type of hunting method used. To prevent players from being excessively unlucky while investigating rumours, a "pity threshold" exists for them in which the player is guaranteed to receive a "pity drop" after hunting a set amount of creatures; this threshold is slightly lower if wearing the guild hunter outfit. Additionally, if the player's inventory is full, the rare creature part will be dropped on the ground; however, if the part is received as a pity drop, it will be destroyed, requiring players to free up enough space to receive it on their next catch. This is an intentional mechanic to prevent abusing the pity drop system.

Having a rare part in your inventory prevents you from obtaining another, even if it is a different type of rare part. However, if you are hunting for your next rumour (with an extra rare part in your inventory) your successful hunts will still count toward the "pity threshold", i.e. once the threshold is hit, you will receive the rare part as long as you destroy the rare part from your previous rumour. This means that hunting while in possession of an excess rare part isn't a complete waste, although it is still not ideal. As such, if you are not paying attention and end up getting duplicate rare parts (say, at butterflies with an inventory of jars) on the ground, keeping one (picking one up after starting your next rumour) is not helpful unless you get the same rumour back to back.

Hunting method Drop rate Pity threshold
(without outfit)
Pity threshold
(with outfit)
1/20 40 38
1/50 100 94
1/75 150 142
1/15 30 28
1/10 20 18
1/25 50 46
1/15 30 28
1/15 30 28
1/7 14 12


Upon completing a rumour, the player will gain Hunter experience calculated with the formula , where:

  • is the player's Hunter level after completing a rumour
  • The value of is dependent on the tier of rumour completed:
    • 50 when turning in a Novice or Adept rumour
    • 55 when turning in an Expert rumour
    • 60 when turning in a Master rumour

In addition to experience, players will also receive hunters' loot sacks that correspond to the tier of the rumour completed.

Tier Level Reward GP Value XP
Novice Hunter 46 Hunters' loot sack (basic) 0 Hunter 2,550–5,200
Adept Hunter 57 Hunters' loot sack (adept) 0 Hunter 3,100–5,200
Expert Hunter 72 Hunters' loot sack (expert) 0 Hunter 4,235–5,720
Master Hunter 91 Hunters' loot sack (master) 0 Hunter 5,760–6,240

Lastly, completing certain milestone numbers of rumours will give additional rewards, unlock new features, and additional lore.

Rumours completed Unlock
10 A basic quetzal whistle blueprint from Soar Leader Pitri, to craft a basic quetzal whistle.
25 The ability to cook raw graahk, raw kyatt, and raw pyre foxes.
50 The ability to cook raw dashing kebbit, raw sunlight antelope, and raw moonlight antelope.
50 A tattered request note from Guildmaster Apatura.
100 A torn enhanced quetzal whistle blueprint from any hunters' loot sack, to craft an enhanced quetzal whistle. Only received if the player has not yet obtained a regular enhanced blueprint.
100 A guild history excerpt from Guildmaster Apatura.
150 A special chest key from Guildmaster Apatura.
250 A torn perfected quetzal whistle blueprint from any hunters' loot sack, to craft a perfected quetzal whistle. Only received if the player has not yet obtained a regular perfected blueprint.


Managing your active rumour

Each guild hunter can offer the player an assignment from their list of rumours. They will provide the player with an assignment even if the player has already received an assignment from another hunter. Each hunter will remember which rumour they assigned to the player, so receiving an assignment from another hunter will not reset or erase the assignment they provided.

However, only one rumour can be actively pursued at a time. The active rumour will be whichever one was most recently accepted by the player. The player can speak freely to the other guild hunters to switch their active rumour to one offered by them.

For example: The player may get an assignment from Ornus, then immediately turn to Cervus to receive an assignment from her as well. Cervus' assignment will now be the active rumour. However, if the player prefers the assignment that was given by Ornus, they can speak to Ornus again to make his assignment active.

Typically, a hunter will not offer the player a new assignment until the player completes the rumour they already offered. However, there are two options to bypass this: a complete reset and an individual reset.

Complete reset

Should a player find all of the rumours currently assigned to be undesirable, they can speak to Huntmaster Gilman to have all assignments reset. To do this, the player must have an assignment on offer from Gilman that is not currently active. When the player attempts to switch their active rumour to the one offered by Gilman, a prompt will appear asking players whether they wish to do his "old" rumour or a "brand new one". Selecting a "brand new one" will reset all other stored rumours. Players must then complete Gilman's new rumour before being able to receive any new rumours from the other hunters.

Individual reset

Players may also reroll a single rumour assignment without resetting all assignments across the entire guild. For players setting up a block list, please note that the rerolled rumour can not be stored as a "block", so this method has limited usefulness for that purpose.

After receiving the undesirable rumour, players can reroll the assignment by switching their active rumour to another guild hunter, completing that one, then before receiving any new assignments, speaking to the original hunter again. The original hunter will now assign a new rumour. If the player switches their active rumour to another hunter before completing this new rumour, the hunter will revert to offering the original assignment.

For example: A player speaks to Ornus and receives a Pyre Fox rumour. The player then speaks to Cervus, accepts her assignment and completes it. Before receiving another assignment from Cervus, the player speaks to Ornus again. Now, Ornus will offer a new assignment that is not Pyre Foxes. If the player completes this new rumour, Ornus will once again offer a new assignment. However, if the player does not complete it and instead switches their active rumour away from Ornus, Ornus will revert to offering Pyre Foxes.

Toggling back-to-back rumours

Players may toggle on and off the ability for hunters to assign the same rumour back-to-back by speaking to Guild Scribe Verity downstairs in the Hunters' Guild behind the bar. By default, back-to-back rumours are disabled.

Players can use this to their advantage by toggling back-to-back rumours on after a desirable rumour assignment and then off again after an undesirable one. This will increase rumour completion and experience rates.

Skipping quests

Completion of the quest Eagles' Peak is required in order to receive box trapping assignments such as embertailed jerboas, red chinchompas and grey chinchompas. This means that players who have not completed Eagles' Peak effectively block these rumours without needing to use up any guild hunter blocks.

Completion of the quest Bone Voyage is required in order to receive Herbiboar assignments. As with Eagles' Peak, this means that players who have not completed Bone Voyage effectively block Herbiboars without needing to use guild hunter blocks.

Eagles' Peak is a prerequisite for the quest At First Light, which is required in order to access Master rumours, so players using this method will not be able to do Master rumours or to use Guild Hunter Wolf for an additional block. Despite losing access to Master rumours, this method still provides the best experience rates at all levels.

Bone Voyage is not required for At First Light, so players who skip the quest will still be able to use Master rumours and leverage Guild Hunter Wolf as a block.

Players who skip Eagles' Peak but not Bone Voyage should use Aco's block list from the recommended block lists below and use the extra block space to block either tecu salamanders or moonlight moths depending on preference. Players who skip Bone Voyage but not Eagles' Peak should use Teco's block list. Players who skipped both should use Teco's block list and use the extra block space to block sunlight moths.

Blocking rumours

Guild hunters will not assign a rumour already assigned by another guild hunter, which essentially "blocks" the rumour from being assigned by any other guild hunter. This allows players to build a block list of rumours by completing rumours for other guild hunters until an undesirable rumour is assigned, then leaving that assignment unfinished in order to prevent all other hunters from assigning it.

Each guild hunter has a unique pool of possible rumour assignments, so for a block to be effective, the blocked rumour must be one that can be assigned by both the guild hunter used for the block and the hunter that the player uses for new assignments. This means constructing a specific block list requires some planning. Refer to the list of rumours to see where each guild hunter's rumour pool overlaps or use the recommended block lists.

For example: A player who uses Guild Hunter Teco (Expert) for their new rumour assignments may wish to block Sabre-toothed kyatts from Teco's rumour pool. Referring to the list of rumours, we see that this rumour is also assigned by guild hunters Aco, Ornus and Gilman. The player can then complete rumours from any of these three hunters until one of them assigns Sabre-toothed Kyatts. Then the player can switch their active rumour back to Guild Hunter Teco and now Sabre-toothed kyatts will be blocked. Blocks will be saved until you ask for a new assignment from the hunter you stored a block on, or you reset all rumours with Huntmaster Gilman.

Be careful to avoid accidentally resetting all assignments using Huntmaster Gilman as described above in the "complete reset" paragraph. This may be useful at the start of constructing a block list, but if done accidentally, it can erase all of your progress. Also, keep in mind the mechanic described above in the "individual reset" paragraph. Tasks received using this mechanic do not work as a block, so it may cause some confusion if you are not aware of it.

Recommended block lists

From level 57 - 72 Hunter, players should complete Adept rumours. The block list below eliminates deadfall rumours, which are the slowest rumours at the Adept level. To build your block list, you should start with Huntmaster Gilman (Novice) since he has the largest pool of available rumours. Once Gilman assigns either of the rumours from the table below, switch to Ornus and complete assignments from him until he assigns the other rumour. Then switch to Cervus and your block list will be complete.

Adept Rumour Block List
Gilman (Novice) Cervus (Adept) Ornus (Adept)
 Pyre Fox Used for active rumours  Pyre Fox
 Sabre-toothed kebbit Used for active rumours  Sabre-toothed kebbit


The table below lists the items that are useful in all or nearly all tasks:

Item Notes
Increases catch rate and rare creature part chance.[1]
Saves run energy
Used to return to the Hunter Guild
Used to return to the Hunter Guild and check current task
Stores various tools
Used to store meats and furs obtained while hunting
Automatically crushes bones to help with inventory management
  1. ^ The full outfit increases catch rate by 2.5% and rare creature part chance by 5%.
  2. ^ Players should prioritize the Guild hunter outfit over weight-reducing gear.

The following table lists the items that are required or recommended to complete each task, sorted by hunting method. Refer to the list of rumours if you are unsure which method a specific rumour uses.

Equipment by Hunter Method
Method Required Equipment Useful Equipment
Box traps Multiple box traps depending on Hunter level Items for tick manipulation

Ranged weapon to kill strays

and Moths

Butterfly net or
Magic butterfly net[1]
Butterfly jars to keep the butterflies or moths.
Deadfalls Knife
Any logs
Any axe to cut additional logs

Log basket to store extra logs
Kandarin headgear for extra logs when cutting trees


500 every time or
500,000 for a one-time permanent access fee

Net trap

Multiple ropes and small fishing nets
depending on Hunter level
Spiked pit Knife
Any logs
Teasing stick or Hunter's spear
Any axe to cut additional logs

Log basket to store extra logs
Kandarin headgear for extra logs when cutting trees
Tinderbox to cook food if damage is a concern
Chisel to turn antelope antlers into stackable bolts

Bird snare

Multiple bird snares depending on Hunter level Items for tick manipulation
N/A Magic secateurs to harvest additional herbs

Herb sack to store harvested herbs

Noose wand Ring of pursuit to speed up tracking

Chisel to turn spikes into stackable bolts

  1. ^ A net is not required if a player's Hunter level is 10 or more above the creature's level requirement.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:15 May 2024| |0}} {{#explode:15 May 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 May 2024| |2}}]]

The possible list of rumours have been adjusted; any of the rumours listed will remain until the player completes it or has it cleared via Gilman.

[[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |0}} {{#explode:24 April 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 April 2024| |2}}]]

Kebbity Tufts from Hunter rumours can now only be handed in if they were obtained from the same kebbit that you've been assigned.

[[{{#explode:7 April 2024| |0}} {{#explode:7 April 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 April 2024| |2}}]]

Rare creature parts that are received as a pity drop are no longer forcefully dropped on the ground, instead being automatically discarded until the player frees up space, in order to prevent abuse of the pity drop rate system.

[[{{#explode:3 April 2024| |0}} {{#explode:3 April 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 April 2024| |2}}]]
  • Toggling back-to-back rumours via Guild Scribe Verity now works correctly; previously, back-to-back rumours were enabled regardless of how the setting was configured.
  • Guild Hunter Teco (Expert) and Guild Hunter Wolf (Master) will no longer assign pyre foxes.
  • A pity rate for rare creature parts has been added, guaranteeing one after a set amount of creatures hunted, to prevent unlucky players from investigating a rumour for too long.
[[{{#explode:27 March 2024| |0}} {{#explode:27 March 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:27 March 2024| |2}}]]
  • The loot tracker from the New Official Client now distinguishes between different tiers of loot sacks.
  • A "Rumour-Settings" option has been added to Guild Scribe Verity to toggle whether players would prefer being able to receive the same rumour back-to-back.
  • The red chinchompa rumour now correctly asks players to bring back fur rather than claws.