The Path of Glouphrie

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The Path of Glouphrie (#158)
Released 13 September 2023 (Update)
Also called PoG
Members Yes
Quest series Gnome, #3
Lead developer(s) Mods Chihiro and Tytn (original), Mod Ed (Old School)

The Path of Glouphrie is the sequel to The Eyes of Glouphrie in the gnome quest series, and the second quest to be backported into Old School RuneScape. During the quest, the investigation of Glouphrie's plans continues with an attempt to access the hidden city of Arposandra.


Start pointMap icon Speak to King Bolren in the Tree Gnome Village. <maplink mapID="-1" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3173" x="2540" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2540.5,3171.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2540,3171

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyExperienced
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionKing Bolren has a new pet. Unfortunately, it's another watcher, like the ones unmasked in the Tree Gnome Stronghold during The Eyes of Glouphrie. Has Glouphrie been watching the Tree Gnome Village, too? If you investigate further you'll find out more about Glouphrie, the history of the gnomes (and their unusual monarchy) and maybe you'll get within a hair's breadth of the lost city of Arposandra...
Items required
Enemies to defeat
Ironman concerns


League notes

Kandarin Kandarin — location requirement


The King's Little Dumpling

Items needed: None
Items recommended: 10-14 free inventory spaces to make room for crystalline disks.

Make your way to the Tree Gnome Village; the quickest way to reach it is by spirit tree. Once there, talk to King Bolren and you'll notice that he has acquired another cute creature, who he's affectionally named "Dumpling". Recognising it as one of Glouphrie's evil creatures in disguise, you will attempt to warn him about its true nature; as usual, however, Bolren will refuse to believe you without sufficient evidence.

Bolren will mention Yewnock, the son of Oaknock the Engineer, who used to visit the village and brought some unusual objects with him. The objects will remind you of Oaknock's machine, and Bolren will recommend you look underground for a local gnome who might know something about an anti-illusion machine.

Path of push box puzzle
The path for the monoliths puzzle.

Head down to the Tree Gnome Village Dungeon by squeezing through the loose railing to the south-west and then running east to the dungeon ladder. In the western area of the cave, speak to Golrie and ask him about a device; if you have not freed him, you will need a key to unlock the room he is in, which can be found in the eastern storeroom (inside the crate that looks different than the others).

Golrie will tell you that his grandfather, Bolrie, used to travel the world collecting elven artefacts and bringing them back to the village, often stashing them in the storeroom nearby. He will tell you that the storeroom is found in the eastern area of the cave, past the tunnel entrance, and that the storeroom's gated strongroom will require a key to enter.

Head to the storeroom by entering the tunnel in the easternmost part of the dungeon, and you will find multiple monoliths in your way. Push the first monolith north, then search the nearby chest for some familiar discs. Next, you will see another four monoliths; push the south-west one north, then the north-west one east. Search the wood chest for more discs, and the silver chest for a chest key and Yewnock's notes. You do not need to read the notes, but they will give further lore.

Push the small monolith south and the north-west monolith west to access the gold chest, which contains the strongroom key Golrie mentioned earlier, as well as a crystal chime seed. Next, inspect the nearby singing bowl to create the crystal chime, which is needed later in the quest.

Yewnock's Legacy

Push the south-east monolith west, then use the strongroom key on the gate to the west to enter a room with a lectern and Yewnock's machine. The lectern contains a diary belonging to King Bolrie, who formerly ruled the village; all three chapters will trigger cutscenes, which must be watched to move to the next step in the quest.

The cutscenes will show an advisor to King Bolrie, who is tired of the aging King Healthorg's inaction against the army of General Khazard. The advisor suggests to Bolrie that he should campaign to replace the king of the Tree Gnome Stronghold; his opponent Argenthorg, the crown prince, will be "revealed" to care more about humans than gnomes, giving the election to Bolrie. However, sensing foul play, Argenthorg will call upon Yewnock (son of Oaknock the Engineer) to activate an anti-illusion machine and expose the advisor as Glouphrie the Untrusted. Having been tricked, Bolrie is forced to stand down as a candidate to the throne and leave the Tree Gnome Stronghold, as well as abdicate the throne of the Tree Gnome Village.

Below is the value of each shape:
Colour Value
Circle Triangle Square Pentagon
Red 1 3 4 5
Orange 2 6 8 10
Yellow 3 9 12 15
Green 4 12 16 20
Blue 5 15 20 25
Indigo 6 18 24 30
Violet 7 21 28 35

The Machine

Yewnock's machine is similar to Oaknock's Machine in that players must solve a disc-based puzzle. This time, instead of being given a number you are given the value of the disc(s) to match. In the machine interface, the value of the discs inserted on the left need to add up to the same total value of the one(s) on the right. Use the table to calculate the total value of the disc(s) to match, and then solve as before. You will need to match two different values; first, a single shape that adds up to the value of the two displayed at the top, and second, two shapes that add up to the value of the single shape shown on the bottom.

Operating Yewnock's machine.
Operating Yewnock's exchanger.

Yewnock's exchanger, located directly next to Yewnock's machine, can be used by first inserting higher valued discs in exchange for multiple lower valued ones, or by combining two smaller discs into a bigger disc. The total value of the input and output will be the same. To operate the machine, click the desired disc in the inventory and then click the disc slot on the machine interface. Note that the exchange has three tiers; exchanging a disc in the second slot will exchange for two shapes, and so on.

Any items left on the ground will disappear following the cutscene.

Once the machine puzzle is successfully solved, a brief cutscene will play where Dumpling is revealed to be an evil creature. Head back up to the village and kill the evil creature, then talk to King Bolren. He will tell you of a gnome explorer named Longramble, who went in search of the lost city, Arposandra. Though no one knows of his current whereabouts, King Bolren suggests asking Aluft Gianne jnr. at the Grand Tree for help.

Use the spirit tree and travel to the Grand Tree. Bank all unnecessary items (you may safely drop the shapes) and stock up on food and armour. If you're going to trade a tangled toad's legs for the mint cake (optional, but highly recommended as the tangled toad's legs is worth 952 and a mint cake is worth 179,066), be sure to bring it along.

Arbor Incomitata

Items needed: A crossbow and mith grapple, crystal chime, combat equipment
The player grapples toward Longramble's coordinates.
Incomitatus is healed to perfect health.

Make your way to the Grand Tree, and climb up the ladder once. In the north-west corner, speak to Gianne jnr. to learn about Longramble's whereabouts. He will tell you that gnomes have been trying to deliver a dish of tangled toads' legs to him, but have not been able to reach him. He tells you the coordinates of the delivery is at 2 degrees 7 minutes south and 3 degrees 7 minutes west.

These coordinates will point toward the Galarpos Mountains, just east of the Poison Waste. The quickest way to travel there is by using the fairy ring code BKP and then running north-west; An alternative way to get there is by teleporting to Castle Wars via ring of dueling, then heading south-west alongside the river. Equip a crossbow and mith grapple, and cross to the mountain side via the tree in the middle of the river.

Speak to Longramble, who believes Arposandra is close to the Poison Waste. If you brought a tangled toad's legs, he will automatically take it. After going through the dialogue, head further north, and you will feel a strange voice calling to you; this is the spirit tree nearby calling you, who tells you to call it Incomitatus. The tree's connection to the Anima Mundi, the life force of the world, has been lost due to the toxic waste nearby corrupting its roots, and thus it has fallen ill.

You will mention that how Incomitatus speaks to you through the mind is reminiscent of Hazelmere's, and will unintentionally contact him through Incomitatus as the conduit. He will sense that it is unwell, and conclude that the poison seeping into the soil is a byproduct of powerful magic having separated the Anima Mundi from its source. Hazelmere will suggest that healing the tree requires a spiritual cleansing by way of elven magic; he will then notice that you have a set of chimes that can purify it, and ask that you use it on the tree. This will heal Incomitatus, and connects it with the rest of the spirit trees. From this point forward, players can use the tree as a teleport option.

The Warped Depths

Head west of the spirit tree, and then run south and enter the sewer entrance. You do not need to fight the Warped Tortoise at the entrance. Note that if you have not yet healed the spirit tree, warped tree roots will block your path after the second warped tortoise.

A map of the Poison Waste Dungeon.

Once inside, you will need to run a considerable distance to the end of the dungeon; refer to the table below. It is recommended to wear a set of earmuffs and activate the Protect from Missiles prayer while traversing the dungeon, as this will negate almost all damage taken. Without ear protection, the Warped Terrorbirds inside will be able to hit through prayers with their ranged attacks.

There is a caged hallway at the half-way point where players are safe if they close the gate behind them. Players can also do so in the hallway just before entering the final area.

The level 121 Warped Tortoises in the dungeon are not aggressive, but the level 96 Warped Terrorbirds are, and they use frequent, highly accurate ranged attacks as well as a fairly accurate melee attack. Earmuffs or a slayer helmet will reduce the maximum hit of the ranged attacks, but the attacks will remain accurate, so Protect from Missiles is recommended. Run past them, and avoid stepping on the tar on the ground, as it will turn off run energy and force you to walk, signaled by the game message You accidently step in some sticky tar![sic].

Head to the end of the dungeon, in a room with a pit in the centre that is connected to three other rooms. To reach the room from the entrance:

Dungeon directions
Enter the sewer entrance.
Climb up the ladder.
Run all the way east.
Climb down the ladder.
Run north and climb up the ladder.
Run all the way west.
Enter the north room. Close the gates and rest here if needed.
Climb down the ladder in the northern side of the room.
Run slightly east and climb up the ladder.
Run north to the room with the pit.
Enter the east room and fight the terrorbirds.
Using a pillar to minimise the amount of terrorbirds attacking.

The east room contains three Warped Terrorbirds that must be slain. The terrorbirds use both melee and ranged, and will path towards the player. NOTE: You must be carrying the Crystal chime that you sang earlier to harm the birds. Lower-leveled players can use the pillars around the room to stop the other terrorbirds from attacking. Standing at the door until the three terrorbirds approach you will allow you to engage only one at a time. They may also be poisoned, envenomed, and flinched by trapping them behind the pillars. They are weakest to crush attacks, and their ranged defence is the strongest defensive stat, but their melee and magic defence is fairly low, and they can be quickly eliminated with any attack style.

After killing the Warped Terrorbirds, head towards the heavy door on the eastern side of the room to begin a cutscene showing two intelligent terrorbirds, Terrorbird Guard 21 and 72, talking to each other. They will lament the boringness of the job, until they notice you and panic, pressing an alarm button that releases tar from the grills. You will try to run but become stuck in the tar, and toxic gases will begin to seep into the room, causing you to become hazy.

As you are about to blackout, Hazelmere will appear in the nick of time, managing to save you using a special seed pod that teleports both of you out to safety. Arriving at Hazelmere's island, he will impart upon you his vision of the future, a vision that heavily involves you and signifies much to come.

Note : If there is not enough space in the inventory during completion, you can talk to Hazelmere again to receive the missing rewards. Destroyed lamps can be reclaimed from Hazelmere at any time.

Congratulations, quest complete!



This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Required for completing

Completion of The Path of Glouphrie is required for the following:

Music unlocked

Name Unlock details Music track
Storeroom Shuffle Unlocked upon entering the Tree Gnome Village Dungeon storeroom File:Storeroom Shuffle.ogg
Bolrie's Diary Unlocked upon viewing a cutscene from King Bolrie's diary File:Bolrie's Diary.ogg
The Longramble Scramble Unlocked upon entering the Galarpos Mountains File:The Longramble Scramble.ogg
Healin' Feelin' Unlocked upon healing Incomitatus File:Healin' Feelin'.ogg
Waste Defaced Unlocked upon entering the Poison Waste Dungeon File:Waste Defaced.ogg
Terrorbird Tussle Unlocked upon fighting the Warped Terrorbirds File:Terrorbird Tussle.ogg


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:25 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:25 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 September 2024| |2}}]]

Some dialogue that was cut out from the original RuneScape 2 quest has been restored, in addition to some minor grammatical changes.


Screenshot from the original Path of Glouphrie quest that was featured in the February 2022 Gielinor Gazette, which discussed porting the quest into Old School.

The Path of Glouphrie was originally released in RuneScape on 3 September 2007, 24 days after the August 2007 Archive of RuneScape that Old School was built off of. Like other content from the immediate post-backup era (such as the God Wars Dungeon and Land of the Goblins), it was present in the archive's files but had not yet been added to the live game.[1]

Jagex first discussed potentially backporting the quest in the February 2022 edition of the Gielinor Gazette. During the April 2023 Game Jam, it was revealed that Mod Ed was working on finishing the quest,[2] and it was later announced during the 2023 Summer Summit that the quest would be released sometime in September if it passed the poll.

Differences from original version

Although identical in premise and concept to the original quest, there are many differences in the Old School version:

There are differences in the story and dialogue compared to the original version of the quest.

  • Bolren's initial dialogue originally included significantly more information about Yewnock.
  • Golrie originally joked about his 'pet' hobgoblins when speaking to him if Roving Elves had been started.
  • Speaking to Golrie again after learning about the storeroom from him would originally cause him to talk about how useful items are always found in chests, and how once he explored a temple where the keys to locked doors were always in chests in the rooms he needed them, as a reference to The Legend of Zelda series.
The representation of King Healthorg's death.
  • Bolrie's diary is almost completely different from the original version:
    • In chapter 1, Bolrie was not originally depicted as a king, and did not wear a crown. His advisor originally spoke about how General Khazard now leads the humans, how they would spell disaster for the gnomes, and how Healthorg and Argenthorg would do nothing to stop them. The advisor advised Bolrie to pre-emptively attack Khazard to win the hearts of all gnomes, and that he would surely be crowned king of the Tree Gnome Stronghold if he did, at which point Bolrie imagined himself wearing a crown.
    • In chapter 2, Healthorg's death was symbolically depicted as him turning into a stone statue. Models for this still exist in the game cache.
    • In chapter 3, the conversation between Bolrie and Argenthorg was longer, with the additional dialogue depicting Argenthorg as more spoiled and childish. After being exposed, Glouphrie originally had a conversation with Bolrie where he spoke about his motivation to protect gnomes from humanity, and his intentions to found Arposandra. As the cutscene ended, Bolrie originally spoke about pleading with Yewnock to build an anti-illusion machine under the Tree Gnome Village to protect his family, explaining why it's there, which is otherwise unexplained.
  • As it was originally mentioned in Bolrie's diary, the player character mentioned Arposandra to King Bolren, rather than vice-versa.
  • When talking about how to heal Incomitatus, Hazelmere originally explained that elven magic would be required to heal him because Seren is the divine aspect of the Anima Mundi that the elves revere.
  • When mind melding with Incomitatus, there was text explaining how his sickness feels. After being healed, Incomitatus had significantly more dialogue thanking the player and explaining what to do next.
  • The final cutscene in the sewers originally had more monologue from the player, as well as more graphical effects.
    • After the gas jets are activated, clouds of gas would remain in the room for the rest of the cutscene, instead of disappearing immediately as in the Old School version.
    • Players would start being attacked by magic projectiles after the gas was activated, visibly lowering their health. The models and animations for the magic projectiles still exist in the game cache.
  • Hazelmere originally mentioned that the seed pod he used to rescue the player was Argento's last gift to him.
  • Hazelmere did not originally start speaking to the player at the end of the quest, continuing to speak in their mind.

Many NPCs have slightly different names compared to the original:

Original Old School version
Small monolith Small Monolith
Bolrie King Bolrie
Spirit advisor Advisor
Prince Argenthorg Argenthorg
Yewnock the engineer Yewnock the Engineer
Warped tortoise Warped Tortoise
Warped terrorbird Warped Terrorbird
Guard no. 21 Terrorbird Guard 21
Guard no. 72 Terrorbird Guard 72

Various changes were made to Warped Tortoises and Warped Terrorbirds:

  • Warped creatures had their stats and drop tables rebalanced, alongside dropping the Old School-exclusive warped sceptre.
  • Warped terrorbirds originally had different defensive stats based on their appearance.
  • Warped terrorbirds and warped tortoises were separate Slayer tasks that were automatically unlocked upon completion. In Old School RuneScape, both creatures share a single warped creature task, similar to spiritual creatures, and must be unlocked via the Slayer Rewards shop. They also have their own superior variants.
  • The crystal chime originally had to be used on the warped creatures to begin fighting them, rather than just attacking them with the item present. Additionally, they would change their appearance and examine text after the chime was used on them. Standard warped terrorbirds now use the appearance they had after having the crystal chime used on them, while the boss versions fought at the of the quest look like the pre-chime version.
  • The crystal chime was originally made from the same crystal saw seed, which meant players could not have both it and the crystal saw, requiring a visit to the singing bowl in Brimstail's cave to switch. In Old School, the chime is made from a separate item.
  • Some of the warped creatures are in different locations. For example, there was not originally a warped tortoise right at the entrance, instead it was found upstairs next to the other tortoise.

The rewards have been slightly updated:

  • The original only awarded one quest point; two are awarded in Old School.
  • Rather than rewarding experience directly after completion of the quest, players are rewarded with four magic lamps instead, allowing players to claim the experience at their discretion.
  • Originally, travelling via spirit trees required the player to first travel to either the Gnome Stronghold or Tree Gnome Village spirit trees before they could choose the destination they wanted to go. Completing the quest rewarded the ability to choose a destination from any spirit tree, but Old School had already implemented this in an update on 1 May 2014. Additionally, a new animation would play when using spirit trees after unlocking this ability during the quest. This is not present in Old School RuneScape, but can be found within the game cache.

Other miscellaneous changes:

  • The position of monoliths in the storeroom is now saved between visits, instead of resetting every time like in the original version.
  • The room with Yewnock's machine is now instanced like the rest of the storeroom.
  • Watching the cutscenes in Bolrie's diary is now required, rather than optional.
  • Two unlisted music tracks were present in the original version, but not the Old School RuneScape version.
  • Walking close to the sewer exit would originally automatically take you outside the dungeon, instead of needing to select "Exit".
  • The Poison Waste Dungeon did not originally contain any gas jets outside of the ones that appear in the cutscene at the end of the quest. As a result, their ability to damage players is exclusive to Old School.



  • Developers: Mod Chihiro (Project Lead), Mod Tytn
  • Graphics: Kavi M, Matthew M, Mod Paul B, Matthew S
  • Quality Assurance: Nick C
  • QuestHelp: Kevin D, Mod Maylea
  • Audio: Mod Dan A

Old School RuneScape

  • Developer(s): Mod Ed


  • The Path of Glouphrie was ported from the original game with significant changes, as it was already nearly complete in the August 2007 Archive of RuneScape. It is the second quest to receive this treatment, after Land of the Goblins.
    • A bug present in the archived version also had to be fixed before The Path of Glouphrie could be released, which enabled players to claim the experience reward for this quest an indefinite number of times.[3] By returning to a certain area in the Poison Waste Dungeon, the variable keeping track of the player's quest progression would revert to an earlier state, allowing one to trigger the final cutscene once more, and receive the associated rewards at the end.[4]
  • The campaign posters in the cutscene from Bolrie's diary are written in Ancient Gnomish, translated as "[Bolrie/Argenthorg] for king!"
  • Bolrie's campaign poster appears to reference the Lord Kitchener Wants You recruitment poster for the British Army.
  • If you examine Yewnock, it will say, "Can he copy it? Yes he can!" This is a reference to Oaknock's examine text, which is a reference to the children's TV show, Bob the Builder.
  • Longramble mentions searching for the edge of the world in a conversation; this is a reference to the old myth of the world being flat.
  • Gianne Jr. mentions that he couldn't find the coordinates of the delivery to Longramble the explorer on Doogle Maps (since his maps are written on dried doogle leaves). This is a reference to Google Maps.
  • When speaking with Longramble for the first time, your character says: "Mr Longramble, I presume?" This mirrors a famous quote supposedly said by explorer Henry Morton Stanley when he found the missionary Dr David Livingstone in modern Tanzania after he had lost contact with the outside world.


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