A crate found in the tower of a church is your next location.
Climb the ladder and search the crates on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] in the church in East Ardougne.
Belladonna, my dear. If only I had gloves, then I could hold you at last.
Talk to the Tool leprechaun at the Belladonna farming patch at Draynor Manor.
Dig at a waterfall by the pines in the serpent's shadow.
Dig in the flax field at Quetzacalli Gorge.
Dig between some ominous stones in Falador.
Three standing stones inside a walled area. East of Falador's northern gate.
Dig by the Giant's Den entrance, looking out over Lake Molch.
Southeast of Lake Molch. Just south of the Shayzien rowboat, outside the dungeon entrance.
Dig in the centre of a great kingdom of 5 cities.
Dig in front of the large statue in the centre of Great Kourend.
Dig near some giant mushrooms, behind the Grand Tree.
Dig near the red mushrooms northwest of the Grand Tree's doors.
Dig outside the bank on Aldarin.
Dig west of the Aldarin bank.
Dig under Ithoi's cabin.
Dig under Ithoi the Navigator's cabin. Players who have not started The Corsair Curse quest may reach the location using a Charter Ship, via the Agility shortcut to the north (requires 10 ), or by Spirit Tree to Feldip Hills and running east.
Dig where only the skilled, the wealthy, or the brave can choose not to visit again.
Dig at the Lumbridge spawn (teleport area).
I'd like to hear some music. Come and see me on the bridge in Falador Park, and play: <some music>
Thanks, Cecilia
Speak to Cecilia on the bridge in Falador Park.
I wonder how many bronze swords he has handed out.
Talk to Vannaka in Edgeville Dungeon.
I would make a chemistry joke, but I'm afraid I wouldn't get a reaction.
Talk to the Chemist west of Rimmington's house portal.
I wouldn't wear this jean on my legs.
Talk to Father Jean in the Hosidius church.
Look in the ground floor crates of houses in Falador.
The house east of Falador east bank.
Monk's residence in the far west. See robe storage device.
Search the drawers in the south tent of the monk's camp found west of the Hosidius mine.
One of the sailors in Port Sarim is your next destination.
Speak to Captain Tobias on the docks of Port Sarim.
Salty peter.
Talk to Konoo who is digging saltpetre in Hosidius, east of the Woodcutting Guild.
Search a bookcase in Lumbridge swamp.
Located in Father Urhney's house.
Search a bookcase in the Wizards tower.
The bookcase located on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US].
Search a wardrobe in Draynor.
Search the north wardrobe in Aggie's house.
Search the chest in Fred the Farmer's bedroom.
Search the chest by Fred the Farmer's bed in his house northwest of Lumbridge
Search chests found in the upstairs of shops in Port Sarim.
Search the east chest on the 2nd floor of Wydin's Food Store.
Search for a crate in a building in Hemenster.
House north of the Fishing Contest quest area, west of Grandpa Jack.
Search for a crate in Varrock Castle.
Search the crate in the corner of the kitchen in Varrock Castle.
Search for a crate on the ground floor of a house in Seers' Village.
Search the crate in Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight's house, south of the pub in Seers' Village.
Search the bookcase in the monastery.
Search the southeastern bookcase at Edgeville Monastery.
Search the food barrel at the top of the Hunter Guild.
Search the filled food pot at the top of the tree within the Hunter Guild, accessed from climbing the rope inside.
Search the eastern bookcase in Father Urhney's house.
Father Urhney's house is on the west side of Lumbridge Swamp.
Search the boxes in a shop in Taverley.
Search the box in Gaius' Two Handed Shop, south of Taverley's house portal.
Search the boxes in one of the tents in Al Kharid.
Search the crates in the tent east of the Silk trader.
Search the boxes in the goblin house near Lumbridge.
Goblin house on the eastern side of the river.
Search the boxes in the house near the south entrance to Varrock.
The first house on the left when entering the city from the southern entrance.
Search the boxes just outside the Armour shop in East Ardougne.
Outside Zenesha's Plate Mail Body Shop.
Search the boxes of Falador's general store.
Falador General Store
Search the boxes next to a chest that needs a crystal key.
Crystal chest
Search the bucket in the Port Sarim jail.
Talk to Shantay at the Shantay Pass, ask what this place is, and identify yourself as an outlaw. After you're jailed, refuse to pay the 5gp fine twice and you'll be sent to the Port Sarim Jail.
Search the bush at the digsite centre.
The bush is on the east side of the west pathway towards the Digsite from the Exam Centre.
Search the chest in Barbarian Village.
The chest located in the house with a .
Search the chest in the Duke of Lumbridge's bedroom.
The Duke's room is on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] in Lumbridge Castle.
Search the chest in the left-hand tower of Camelot Castle.
Located on the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] of the western tower of Camelot.
Search the chests in the Dwarven Mine.
The chest is on the western wall, where Hura's Crossbow Shop is, in the Dwarven Mine.
Search the chests upstairs in Al Kharid Palace.
The chest is located in the north-east corner on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US].
Search the Coffin in Edgeville.
Search the coffin located by the Wilderness teleport lever.
Search the crate in the left-hand tower of Lumbridge Castle.
Located on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the southern tower at the Lumbridge Castle entrance.
Search the crate in the Toad and Chicken pub.
The Toad and Chicken pub is located in Burthorpe.
Search the crate near a cart in Port Khazard.
Search by the southern Khazard General Store in Port Khazard.
Search the crates in a bank in Varrock.
Search in the basement of the West Varrock bank.
Search the crates in a house in Yanille that has a piano.
The house is located north-west of the bank.
Search the crates in Canifis.
Search inside the shop, Rufus' Meat Emporium.
Search the crates in Draynor Manor.
Top floor of the manor.
Search the crates in East Ardougne's general store.
Located south of the Ardougne church.
Search the crates in Falador General store.
The Falador General Store can be found by the northern entrance to the city.
Search the crates in Horvik's armoury.
Horvik's in Varrock.
Search the crates in the Barbarian Village helmet shop.
Peksa's Helmet Shop in Barbarian Village.
Search the crates in the Dwarven mine.
Search the east of the Ice Mountain ladder entrance in the Drogo's Mining Emporium.
Search the crates in the fruit store just east of the Hosidius town centre.
Search the crates in house containing fruit stalls.
Search the crates in the guard house of the northern gate of East Ardougne.
The guard house is north-east of the Handelmort Mansion.
Search the crates in the most north-western house in Al Kharid.
The house southeast of the gnome glider and the gem stall.
Search the crates in the outhouse of the long building in Taverley.
Located in the small building attached by a fence to the main building. Climb over the stile.
Search the crates in the Port Sarim Fishing shop.
Search the crates, by the door, in Gerrant's Fishy Business in Port Sarim.
Search the crate in Rommiks crafting shop in Rimmington.
The crates in Rommik's Crafty Supplies in Rimmington.
Search the crates in the shed just north of East Ardougne.
The crates in the shed north of the northern Ardougne bank.
Search the crates near a cart in Varrock.
South-east of Varrock Palace, south of the tree farming patch.
Search the single crate in Horvik's smithy in Varrock.
Horvik's Smithy is found north-east of Varrock Square.
Search the drawers above Varrock's shops.
Located upstairs in Thessalia's Fine Clothes shop in Varrock.
Search the drawers found upstairs in East Ardougne's houses.
Upstairs of the pub north of the Ardougne Castle.
Search the drawers in a house in Draynor Village.
The drawer is located in the northernmost house in Draynor Village.
Search the drawers in Catherby's Archery shop.
Hickton's Archery Emporium in Catherby.
Search the drawers in Falador's chain mail shop.
Wayne's Chains - Chainmail Specialist store at the southern Falador walls.
Search the drawers in one of Gertrude's bedrooms.
Kanel's bedroom (south-eastern room), outside of west Varrock.
Search the drawers in the ground floor of a shop in Yanille.
Search the drawers in Yanille's hunting shop.
Search the drawers in the house next to the Port Sarim mage shop.
House east of Betty's. Contains a cooking sink.
Search the drawers in the upstairs of a house in Catherby.
Perdu's house in Catherby.
Search the drawers of houses in Burthorpe.
Inside Hild's house in the north-east corner of Burthorpe.
Search the drawers on the ground floor of a building facing Ardougne's Market.
Inside Noella's house north of the market.
Search the drawers upstairs in Falador's shield shop.
The 2nd floor of Cassie's Shield Shop near Falador's north gates.
Search the drawers upstairs in the bank to the East of Varrock.
East Varrock bank.
Search the drawers downstairs of houses in the eastern part of Falador.
House is located east of the eastern Falador bank and south of the fountain. The house is indicated by the icon on the minimap.
Search the open crate found in the Hosidius kitchens.
The Hosidius Kitchen is east of the mess in Hosidius.
Search the tents in the Imperial Guard camp in Burthorpe for some boxes.
Search in the tents in north-west corner of the camp.
Search the wheelbarrow in Rimmington mine.
The Rimmington mining site is located north of Rimmington.
Search through chests found in the upstairs of houses in eastern Falador.
The house is located south-west of the Falador Party Room. There are two chests in the room; search the northern chest.
Search through some drawers in the upstairs of a house in Rimmington.
On the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the house north of Hetty the Witch's house in Rimmington.
Search through some drawers found in Taverley's houses.
The south-eastern most house, south of Jatix's Herblore Shop.
Search upstairs in the houses of Seers' Village for some drawers.
Located in the house with the spinning wheel. South of the Seers' Village bank.
Someone watching the fights in the Emir's Arena is your next destination.
Talk to Jeed, found on the upper floors, at the Emir's Arena.
Speak to Arhein in Catherby.
Arhein is just south of the Catherby bank.
Speak to Doric, who lives north of Falador.
Doric is found north of Falador and east of the Taverley gate.
Speak to Ellis in Al Kharid.
Ellis is the tanner just north of the Al Kharid bank.
Speak to Gaius in Taverley.
Gaius is found in his shop in the north-west corner in Taverley, just south of Taverley's house portal.
Speak to Hans to solve the clue.
Hans can be found at Lumbridge Castle.
Speak to Jatix in Taverley.
Jatix is found in the middle of Taverley.
Speak to Ned in Draynor Village.
Ned is found north or the Draynor bank.
Speak to Rusty north of Falador.
Rusty can be found north-east of Falador on the way to the Mind Altar.
Speak to Sarah at Falador farm.
Talk to Sarah at Falador farm, north of Port Sarim.
Speak to Sir Kay in Camelot Castle.
Sir Kay can be found in the courtyard at Camelot Castle.
Speak to the bartender of the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.
Talk to the bartender in Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.
Speak to the Lady of the Lake.
Talk to the Lady of the Lake in Taverley.
Speak to the staff of Sinclair mansion.
Speak to Louisa, on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US], found at the Sinclair Mansion.
Strength potions with red spiders' eggs? He is quite a herbalist.
Talk to Apothecary in South-western Varrock. (The) Apothecary is just north-west of the Varrock Swordshop.
Surrounded by white walls and gems.
Talk to Herquin, the gem store owner in Falador.
Talk to Ali the Leaflet Dropper north of the Al Kharid mine.
Ali the Leaflet Dropper can be found roaming north of the Al Kharid mine.
Talk to Ambassador Spanfipple in the White Knights Castle.
Ambassador Spanfipple can be found roaming on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the White Knights' Castle.
Talk to a party-goer in Falador.
Lucy is the bartender on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the Party Room.
Talk to Cassie in Falador.
Cassie is found just south-east of the northern Falador gate.
Talk to Charles at Port Piscarilius.
Charles is found by Veos' ship in Port Piscarilius.
Talk to the cook in the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.
The Blue Moon Inn can be found by the southern entrance to Varrock.
Talk to Ermin.
Ermin can be found on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the tree house south-east of the Gnome Agility Course.
Talk to the barber in the Falador barber shop.
The Hairdresser can be found in the barber shop, north of the west Falador bank.
Talk to the bartender of the Rusty Anchor in Port Sarim.
The Bartender can be found in the Rusty Anchor Inn, which is located in the northern part of Port Sarim.
Talk to the Doomsayer.
The Doomsayer can be found just north of Lumbridge Castle entrance.
Talk to Morgan in his house at Draynor Village.
Morgan can be found in the house with the map icon.
Talk to the mother of a basement dwelling son.
Evil Dave's mother, Doris, is located in the house west of Edgeville bank.
Talk to the Squire in the White Knights' castle in Falador.
The Squire is located in the courtyard of the White Knights' Castle.
Talk to Turael in Burthorpe.
Turael is located in the small house east of The Toad and Chicken inn.
Talk to Wayne at Wayne's Chains in Falador.
Wayne's shop is found directly south of the White Knights' Castle.
Talk to Zeke in Al Kharid.
Zeke is the owner of the scimitar shop in Al Kharid.
Thanks, Grandma!
Tynan can be found in the north-east corner of Port Piscarilius.
The hand ain't listening.
Talk to The Face located by the manhole just north of the Port Sarim fishing shop.