Barbarian Training/Quick guide

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Start pointMap icon Speak to Otto Godblessed in his grotto at the lake atop Baxtorian Falls. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3490" x="2504" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2504.5,3488.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2504,3488

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyExperienced
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionOtto Godblessed has been researching his history and training people in the ways of his ancestors, and now he's ready to teach you. From his hut on the banks of the lake at the top of Baxtorian Falls, you'll go Fishing with your bare hands, mix fish eggs into your potions, wield one-handed spears and, finally, go deep into the ancient cavern beneath the lake.
  • Completion of Tai Bwo Wannai Trio (not required to start)
  • Fishing 55 Fishing (boostable) (not required to start)
  • Firemaking 35 Firemaking (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Strength 35 Strength (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Agility 15 Agility (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Farming 15 Farming (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Crafting 11 Crafting (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Smithing 5 Smithing (not boostable) (not required to start)
  • Herblore 4 Herblore (not boostable) (not required to start)
Items required
Enemies to defeat



Heavy rod fishing

Items required: Fishing bait or feathers, a knife

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about heavy rod fishing.(Chat 2)
  • Search the barbarian bed to obtain a barbarian rod.
  • Catch a leaping fish at one of the nearby fishing spots.
  • Dissect the leaping fish with the knife to obtain roe. Keep the roe for later.
  • Talk to Otto again and tell him of your success.(Chat 2)

Barehanded fishing


Lighting fires with a bow

Items required: Any standard bow made with logs, one set of oak logs

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about firemaking.(Chat 3)
  • Use the logs on the bow. See the table for skill requirements.
  • Talk to Otto again and tell him of your success.(Chat 3)

Pyre ships

Items required: Any woodcutting axe, some logs, and a tinderbox or suitable bow

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about firemaking again.(Chat 3)
  • Kill mithril dragons until one of them drops a set of chewed bones (3/128 drop rate).
  • Construct a funeral pyre at one of the pyre sites using the logs. Light it on fire.


Bare-handed planting

Items required: Any seed (except grape seeds) that can be planted with a seed dibber (bring multiple in case you crush the first seed), 1 free Farming patch.

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about farming.(Chat 4)
  • Go to the farming patch and plant the seed you have.
  • Talk to Otto again and tell him of your success.(Chat 4)


Items required: A spade, any sapling, 1 free Farming patch.

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about farming again.(Chat 4)
  • Go to the farming patch and plant the sapling you have.
  • Talk to Otto again and tell him of your success.(Chat 4)


Items required: Two bronze bars, two logs, and a hammer

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about spears.(Chat 1)
  • Use one of the bronze bar and logs on the nearby barbarian anvil. Make only one bronze spear.
  • Ask Otto about spears again.(Chat 1)
  • Ask Otto about hastae. (Chat 1)
  • Use the other bronze bar and logs on the nearby barbarian anvil. Make a bronze hasta.
  • Ask Otto about hastae again. (Chat 1)


Items required: A normal attack potion (2 doses), roe, and a knife.

  • Talk to Otto Godblessed and ask him about herblore.(Chat 2)
  • Right-click "Use" the roe on the attack potion.
  • Talk to Otto again and tell him of your success.(Chat 2)