Death Charge

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Death Charge
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Released 16 June 2021 (Update)
Members Yes
Level Magic 80
Spellbook Arceuus
Type Utility
Experience 90
Runes 1Blood 1Death 1Soul
Cooldown 100 ticks
Quest A Kingdom Divided
Description Restores some of your special attack energy when you defeat a foe
Sound effect
File:Death Charge.ogg

Death Charge is a spell within the Arceuus spellbook that requires level 80 Magic and the completion of A Kingdom Divided to be cast.


Spell cost
1 1 1 547


Casting Death Charge will restore 15% of the player's special attack energy after they dealt the killing blow to any monster within one minute after casting the spell. However, the special attack energy is restored only once per cast. Death Charge can only be cast once every 60 seconds.

Killing a monster while the player's special attack bar is already at 100% will trigger the active effect of the spell without actually restoring any special attack energy.

The restoration effect of Death Charge will not trigger if the player has been involved in PvP combat in the last ten ticks.[1] The player must also be within 16 tiles of the slain creature in order for Death Charge to activate.[2] In a multicombat scenario, the restoration effect is triggered for the player who dealt the last hit.

Not all monsters (or other attackable targets) can trigger the effect however. These monsters (or attackable targets) will not trigger the effect:


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:4 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:4 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 September 2024| |2}}]]

Death Charge now restores special attack energy when fighting Araxxor.

[[{{#explode:30 June 2021| |0}} {{#explode:30 June 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 June 2021| |2}}]]

Death Charge now restores special attack energy when fighting the Grotesque Guardians.


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  2. ^