Dragon hunter lance

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Dragon hunter lance
Released10 January 2019 (Update)
Also calledDhl
Quest itemNo
League regionAsgarnia&Kandarin&Kourend
OptionsWield, Drop
ExamineA lance that is exceptionally good at killing dragons and their ilk.
Value300,000 coins
High alch180,000 coins
Low alch120,000 coins
Weight3 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange67,554,587 coins (info)
Buy limit8
Daily volume872
Advanced data
Item ID22978

The dragon hunter lance is a one-handed dragonbane weapon created by using a hydra claw on a Zamorakian hasta. Equipping the lance requires level 78 Attack. Additionally, it requires completion of the Firemaking (not the pyre step), Fishing and Smithing sections of the Barbarian Training miniquest. In addition, the Smithing section requires completion of the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest. As it is created from a Zamorakian hasta, it will act as a Zamorak item within the God Wars Dungeon.

The lance increases both accuracy and damage by 20% when fighting dragons and other draconic creatures, such as wyverns and the Great Olm (excluding Elvarg and revenant dragons). This stacks multiplicatively with both Void Knight equipment and the Slayer helm (i).[1] When compared to the Zamorakian hasta, it loses its prayer and defensive bonus, some strength bonus, and special attack.

When attempting to create the dragon hunter lance, a warning will appear in the chatbox stating that the process cannot be reversed, and a confirmation will appear afterwards asking if players would like to proceed with the alchemical combination. Should the player confirm, the chatbox will state: You successfully combine the Hydra claw and the Zamorakian hasta to create the Dragon hunter lance.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerWeapon slot table
Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleAttack speedRangeExperienceLevel boost
LungeStabControlled4 ticks (2.4s)1 tileAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
SwipeSlashControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
PoundCrushControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
BlockStabDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence


Ticks4 (2.4s)
Hydra's claw165,769,598
Zamorakian hasta13,333,026
Total cost69,102,624
Dragon hunter lance167,554,587

Used in recommended equipment

Lua error in Module:Used_in_recommended_equipment at line 69: SMW query failed.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:11 May 2022| |0}} {{#explode:11 May 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 May 2022| |2}}]]

The dragon hunter lance now requires level 78 Attack to wield instead of level 70 Attack.

[[{{#explode:17 October 2019| |0}} {{#explode:17 October 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 October 2019| |2}}]]

The grammar in the warning message about making the dragon hunter lance has been corrected.

[[{{#explode:17 January 2019| |0}} {{#explode:17 January 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 January 2019| |2}}]]

Item value decreased from 1,000,000 to 300,000 coins.


  1. ^