Ketla the Unworthy

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RegularShadow Clone
Ketla the Unworthy
Released26 July 2023 (Update)
Combat level236
ExamineA vengeful spirit corrupted by dark magic.
Combat info
Max hit18
Attack styleRanged
Attack speed3 ticks (1.8 seconds)
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+200No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
Freeze100% resistance
Advanced data
Monster ID12329

Ketla the Unworthy is the wighted variant of Ketla, summoned by Sliske as part of the final battle in Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire. She will use ranged attacks, and will periodically summon four or five clones of herself to attack alongside her. She follows a simple attack rotation: two auto-attacks, shadow clones, two auto-attacks, one or two charged shots, repeat.

Ketla's shadow clones have a max hit of 7 through Protect from Missiles. As such, it is suggested to have armour with high ranged defence in order to preserve supplies for the next two fights. Shortly after summoning shadow clones, a skull will appear above her (similar to a player casting Vengeance), indicating the oncoming charged shot. Quickly move behind a shadow clone, and the shot will hit them instead.

This can happen up to two times per batch of shadow clones summoned, so keep at least two of them alive to survive her charged shots, otherwise the player will take up to 40 damage. They each have one hitpoint, so a fast attack weapon such as darts will dispose of them quickly.

Ketla is unaffected by life leech effects, meaning that items like the amulet of blood fury will not provide any healing during this fight.[1]

The player fights Ketla the Unworthy.

Prayer info

Ketla the Unworthy
Level requiredPrayer 40
Prayer XP40 xp
TypeSpectral creature
Required toolEctoplasmator


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